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Expert in organic products and insect control since 2002


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What is the housefly ?

The housefly, scientifically known as "Musca domestica", is a small insect common in homes throughout the world. Small in size (generally between 6 and 9 millimetres long), its body is covered in short hairs and its colour varies between grey and black. It has large translucent wings, enabling it to move quickly through the air.i worth exploring.

The life cycle of the housefly consists of four stages : egg, larva, pupa and adult. The eggs are laid in decomposing organic matter, such as food waste and excrement. The larvae, commonly known as maggots, emerge from the eggs and actively feed on the surrounding organic matter. Once fully developed, the larvae transform into pupae, where they undergo a transformation to become adult flies. This cycle can vary in length depending on environmental conditions, but can take place in just a few days.

Houseflies are mainly attracted to decomposing food, human and animal waste and organic matter. It also feeds on liquids, using its proboscis to suck up liquid substances, enabling it to absorb sweet liquids such as leftover fruit juice or soda.


How to control houseflies ?

The presence of houseflies in an environment can pose a risk to human health. They can carry bacteria, viruses and other pathogens on their legs and bodies after coming into contact with faecal matter or decomposing waste. By landing on food surfaces, they can contaminate food and cause food-borne illnesses such as diarrhoea, salmonellosis and enteritis.

As well as posing a health risk, they can also cause major disruption to your day-to-day comfort. In the summer months and if you're in the countryside, it can quickly become unbearable. There are several ways of controlling and preventing housefly infestations. These include keeping food preparation areas clean, disposing of waste quickly and using mosquito nets or fine mesh windows to prevent them from entering buildings. At Penn'Ty Bio, you'll find fly traps, repellent diffusers, fly swatters, insecticide-impregnated granules, natural aerosols and more. A whole range of products for natural, toxic chemical-free pest control in your home.


Why use natural insecticides ?

Getting rid of flies is one thing, but wouldn't it be even better if you could also protect your health and the environment? Did you know that some particles of conventional insecticides remain in your treated rooms for several months? Fumigants are the worst because the particles fall back onto all the objects, textiles and surfaces in the room. Unless you wash each item thoroughly, you'll inevitably end up with chemical substances. Opting for natural insecticides will not only get rid of the flies, but also, thanks to the composition of our products and their low persistence, enable you to continue living in a healthy environment.

Read all our advice and discover all our products for natural fly control : Fly file

10 window edge fly strips

10 window edge fly swatters

Delivery expected from 07/30/2024

These fly trap strips are placed on the edge of your windows. The attractive stripes attract them and they stick to the sticky surface of the trap. Without chemical insecticide, discreet and very effective.

In stock (25 Items)


case-a-cocher.jpgEffective capture of houseflies and midges
case-a-cocher.jpg100% ecological trapping
case-a-cocher.jpgVery easy to install

Ecological fly trapping

Lutter naturellement contre la mouche domestique

As soon as the temperature rises, flies arrive in large numbers. A plague that is difficult to contain and inevitably disrupts your daily life. And a real ordeal when the weather turns stormy. Sometimes waves of dozens of flies enter your home.

We know that flies usually arrive from outside. They often enter your home through the windows and linger there. They like direct sunlight. It is therefore very common to see them on your window frames. An ideal place to trap them!

La Droguerie Écologique fly strips are extremely easy to use. Simply place them on your windowsill. The attractive stripes on the strips will attract the flies. The sticky part of the trap will do the rest. The flies will land on it and stick to the sticky surface.

The big advantage of these strips is that they do not contain any chemical insecticides or toxic products. In addition, they are completely harmless to humans and pets.

Depending on the time of year, the tape should be replaced regularly every 2 to 3 weeks (unless the fly strip is saturated in the meantime).

Advantages of these fly strips

+ Very easy to apply, particularly effective and economical

+ The brightness of the strip and the fly pictures attract flying insects to the glued surface

+ No chemical insecticides or toxic products

+ Works on houseflies and midges

+ Completely harmless to humans and animals 

Application area of the fly strips

Private homes, offices, restaurant kitchens, equestrian centres, waiting rooms, stables, cheese production rooms, etc. 

Setting up the trap

Mise en place des bandes attrape-mouche bord de fenêtre


Pack of 10 sticky strips/traps 1.5 cm x 20 cm.

Learn more about the housefly ?

To find out more about the housefly, please consult our thematic dossier on this subject. 

Learn more about the brand La Droguerie Écologique

En savoir plus sur la marque La Droguerie Ecologique

Made in France or Western Europe, the products of the ecological drugstore are designed from natural, mineral or vegetable raw materials and with a maximum of organic ingredients. La droguerie écologique® is a brand of ecodis, a French company that is a pioneer in the design and distribution of ecoproducts to specialist shops.

By offering around 2000 products to its French and European customers, ecodis pursues one of its main objectives: to innovate in order to make ecological products accessible to as many people as possible. 

Specialising in the manufacture of easy-to-use everyday products, the brand stands out for its cultivation of a spirit of creativity to enable its consumers to personalise accessories and cleaning products.

ECOCERT, FSC and AB certified, each product has been designed to have a minimum impact on the environment and nature.


Specific references

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Très facile à installer. Attention à bien le positionner sur le bord de la fenêtre. L'efficacité est au rendez-vous dès que le soleil donne dessus

Penntybio .

Réponse de Penn'Ty Bio

Bonjour Chatron Anne,
Merci pour votre partage d'expérience. Nous sommes désolés que ce produit ne corresponde pas à vos attentes. Voulez-vous nous envoyer un mail afin que nous comprenions ce qui ne fonctionne pas ? Car d'habitude, nous avons des retours très positifs sur ce produit.
Penn'Ty Bio

chatron anne


ne tient pas collé et aucune éfficacité


anti mouches

Très bien et sans utiliser d'insecticide



Beaucoup de mouches cette année. N'a pas tout révolutionné mais m'a permis de bien limiter et surtout d'éviter de les écraser systématiquement.



Fait le travail. Le positionnement près de la lumière directe reste important



Bandes mises sur le rebord des fenêtre dans un chalet neuf en rondins. Les mouches ont dû pondre lors de la construction, grosses mouches noires, et comme c'est une résidence secondaire, les bandes sont vraiment adaptées.

Penntybio .

Réponse de Penn'Ty Bio

Bonjour Bourderioux,
Merci de nous faire part de votre expérience et désolés que ce produit n'est apparemment pas convenu. Pouvez-vous nous en dire plus par mail afin que nous comprenions ce qui ne fonctionne pas ?
Penn'Ty bio



très déçue produit nul totalement inefficace NUL TOTALEMENT NUL


saletés de mouches

Bande collante efficace. Le nombre de mouches cette année ... hallucinant !


Très bien

recrudescence de mouche sur septembre cette année. J'ai testé cet attrape mouche et il a très bien fonctionné. L'astuce, le placer sur un bord de fenêtre exposé au soleil. ça attire encore plus les mouches dessus ! Je recommande



Le meilleur attrape mouche que j’utilise depuis des années
Sait ce faire discret
Très pratique


Très bien

Pas encore mises au bord des fenêtres car c'est l'hiver actuellement. On verra au printemps.

Nicole C


Mieux que tous ls produits anti mouches


10 bandes attrape-mouches bord de fenêtre

très efficace, ce qu'il y a de mieux !

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10 window edge fly swatters

These fly trap strips are placed on the edge of your windows. The attractive stripes attract them and they stick to the sticky surface of the trap. Without chemical insecticide, discreet and very effective.

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