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What are fruit flies ?

Fruit flies, also known as drosophila or midges, are small flying creatures found in our kitchens and orchards. Behind their innocent appearance, these little creatures play a crucial role in the ecosystem and in scientific research.

These tiny insects, which belong to the Drosophilidae family, are often attracted to ripe and decaying fruit. Their ability to quickly locate these food sources makes them frequent guests in our kitchens and dustbins. Although they are sometimes considered an inconvenience, they do not generally pose a serious threat to human health.

Fruit flies play an important ecological role by acting as dispersal agents for many plant species. When they feed on decaying fruit, they also ingest fungal spores and seeds, which are then dispersed into their environment as the flies move to new food sources. This contributes to the propagation of plants and the diversity of flora in nature.


How can I get rid of fruit flies ?

There are simple, effective ways to get rid of fruit flies in the home and keep your kitchen clean and welcoming.

1 - Hygiene : The first step in eliminating fruit flies is to keep your kitchen clean. Regularly clean worktops, sinks and areas where fruit is stored. Fruit flies are attracted to food scraps and waste, so it's essential to keep these areas spotless.

2 - Proper fruit storage : Store ripe or over-ripe fruit in the fridge, as this is often where fruit flies lay their eggs. This will help prevent them from developing and reduce their presence in your kitchen.

3 - Eliminate sources of attraction : Fruit flies are attracted by the sweet smell of rotting fruit. Make sure you quickly dispose of over-ripe or damaged fruit in a sealed bin bag and take it out regularly.

4 - Using fruit fly traps : You'll find these at Penn'Ty Bio. You can also make your own. A typical trap consists of a small container filled with cider vinegar or fruit juice, with a lid pierced with small holes to allow the flies in, but not out. The flies will be attracted by the smell, enter the trap and be trapped.

5 - Natural repellents : Certain smells can deter fruit flies. Try placing cloves, bay leaves or citrus peel near areas where flies are common. The smell will displease the flies and keep them away.

6 - Cleaning drains : Fruit flies can sometimes develop in sink drains. Use a mixture of boiling water and bicarbonate of soda to clean the pipes and eliminate any organic residue that might attract them.


Why use natural insecticides ?

Putting an end to fruit flies is one thing, but wouldn't it be even better if you could also protect your health and the environment? Did you know that some conventional insecticide particles remain in your treated rooms for several months? Fumigants are the worst because the particles fall back onto all the objects, textiles and surfaces in the room. Unless you wash each item thoroughly, you'll inevitably end up with chemical substances. Opting for natural insecticides will not only get rid of fruit flies, but also, thanks to the composition of our products and their low persistence, ensure that you can continue to live in a healthy environment.

Read all our advice and discover all our products to combat fruit flies naturally : Fruit flies file

Trap for fruit flies, midges, vinegar flies - Kpro Vert

Trap for fruit flies, gnats, vinegar flies

Delivery expected from 07/30/2024

Fruit flies are attracted to the attractant consisting of apple cider vinegar and balsamic vinegar. They then remain stuck to the sticky surface of the trap. A great, insecticide-free way to eliminate fruit flies, gnats and other vinegar flies. Contains 1 bottle of 40 ml + 1 sticky trap.

In stock (12 Items)


case-a-cocher.jpgIdeal against fruit flies, midges and vinegar flies
case-a-cocher.jpgBased on cider vinegar and balsamic vinegar
case-a-cocher.jpgEffective for up to 8 weeks

Fighting Fruit Flies Naturally

Kpro Vert fruit fly traps

From the beginning of spring until the end of summer, it is common to observe these little flies flying over our fruit basket, our used glass container or even our food reserves. These small fruit flies also called Drosophila or vinegar flies are particularly interested in rotting waste, especially fruits and vegetables ... and even more often in hot weather. They lay their eggs in fruits or vegetables and have a reproductive cycle of about 10 days.

The fruit fly trap developed by Kapo Vert will eliminate these fruit flies which are particularly present at this time of year.

The principle ?

Mouche des fruits

The principle is simple: The flies are attracted by the smell of the attractant made up of cider vinegar and balsamic vinegar and stick to the sticky trap.

Advantages of this fruit fly trap

+ Consistently attracts all fruit flies, gnats and other vinegar flies with the trap's powerful attractant

+ Does not contain any insecticide (attractant of food origin)

+ Effective for up to 8 weeks.

Setting up the fruit fly trap

Place a trap nearby near fruit and vegetable baskets:

1 - Remove the protective film from the sticky trap

2 - Set up the sticky trap by forming a sort of tent, the sticky parts must be inside the trap.

3 - Remove the cap from the bottle and slide the sticky trap over it. The trap remains active for 8 weeks. Removing it stops the biocidal action.

For optimal efficiency

To fight fruit flies effectively, limit the sources of insect development by throwing away infested fruits and vegetables and then thoroughly cleaning containers (baskets, garbage cans, etc.).

Its composition

Cider vinegar: 76.5%. Balsamic vinegar: 10%. Contains 1 bottle of 40 ml and 1 sticky trap. Attractive biocidal product (TP19). Preventive and curative effect. Immediate action. Type of preparation: ready-to-use trap.

Precautions for use

Keep out of reach of children. Call a poison control center or doctor if you feel unwell. Dispose of the packaging and its contents in accordance with the national regulations in force. Soiled packaging and unused product must be disposed of in the recycling center.

Want to know more about the fruit fly ?

To find out more about the fruit fly, do not hesitate to consult our thematic file on this subject.

A word about the Kpro Vert range

Find out more about the Kpro Vert range

Since 1965, the Kpro brand has been providing peace of mind and well-being by protecting your home from insects.

Kpro products are still developed, tested and, for the most part, manufactured in France at Noyelles-les-Seclin, near Lille. Every day, almost 145 people put their experience and know-how at your service.

Kpro Vert offers mechanical, plant-based, biological and mineral anti-insect solutions for effective, responsible pest control.

Our brand has always been attentive to environmental impact in the development of its products, while at the same time being effective with a more responsible range. The brand is therefore pursuing its CSR* approach and developing :
- its packaging for its 1L spray format with 100% recycled plastic RPE packaging
- with the creation of a compostable pack that reduces plastic by 60% compared to an equivalent format
- as soon as possible, the elimination of all unnecessary packaging and the replacement of over-packaging with other, more environmentally-friendly materials.

KPRO is a solution adapted to every problem, with the greatest respect for the user.

Types of insects
Flying insects
Ready to use
Mode of application
Treatment against
Treatment against
Fruit fly

Specific references


Safety Data Sheet

FDS Trap for fruit flies, midges, vinegar flies Kapo Vert

Download (125.44k)



Presque parfait

Vraiment attractif pour les moucherons de fruit sans l'inconvénient des mauvaises odeurs des insecticides.
Le piège pourrait être un peu plus adhésif
Mais enfin qq chose qui fonctionne


Et ça fonctionne

L'intérieur du piège pourrait juste être un peu plus adhésif.
Pas de mauvaises odeurs
Très simple d'emploi


Je recommande

Rapidement, ce piège a fait effet. De plus, j'ai été livrée très vite. C'est apprécié.


anti moucherons des fruits

bon produit à un prix abordable.livraison dans les délais.

Francis g


Quand on est pas vigilant comme moi sur la corbeille de fruits, ce type de piège est très bien. Prix correct.

Pat M

produit ok

bien pratique

Penntybio .

Réponse de Penn'Ty Bio

Bonjour Sammar,
Je suis très étonné de votre retour d'expérience. L'attractif, un mélange de vinaigres de cidre et balsamique attire pourtant très bien les petites mouches à fruits et moucherons. Elles y retrouvent dans cette odeur l'appel de la nourriture en voie de décomposition qu'elles affectionnent particulièrement. Qu'elles soient attirées par des miettes et non par l'attractif pose vraiment question. S'agit-il bien de moucherons à fruits et non pas de moucherons de terreau par exemple ?



Cela fait la 2ème fois que j'essaie ce produit. Les moucherons vont partout SAUF dans le piège (le mur, le plan de travail, les miettes, les fruits, oui). En plusieurs semaines, AUCUN moucheron n'a jamais collé sur la plaque. Ils sont attirés par les miettes que j'ai parsemées à un moment à côté du piège exprès pour voir, mais jamais attirés par le produit. (en revanche, les pièges à mites sont très efficaces)



Le mélange de vinaigres qui sert d'attractif fonctionne bien. Quant au piège, la surface collante est ... très collante. Impossible pour les moucherons et petites mouches de ne pas rester piégées



Produit non concluant

Claire B

Convient parfaitement

Convient parfaitement pour neutraliser les muches à fruits.


Bon résultats

De bons résultats mais il faut en acheter plusieurs je pense pour une efficacité optimale



Produit vraiment top. Depuis que je l'ai installer plus aucune mouche dans ma maison. J'adore


Très bien

M'a permis de capturer un bon nombre de mouches à fruits qui commençaient à jouer la valse près de la corbeille. Facile à mettre en place. Livraison rapide.

Penntybio .

Réponse de Penn'Ty Bio

Bonjour Deschamps,
Attention, ce produit n'a pas été conçu pour être utilisé en extérieur sur des arbres fruitiers. Même si, dans l'absolu, cela va les attirer et les piéger, le piège est en carton, il va donc prendre l'humidité très vite et se détériorer. Quand à l'attractif, il se pose à l'intérieur du piège. Vous risquez donc inévitablement de le faire tomber et de rendre inefficace l'ensemble.


support collant super fragile et mal adapté

posé dans mes arbres fruitiers le flacon tombe alors qu'il n'y a pas eu de pluie, support nul, le carton ne tient pas la fiole de vinaigre, j'ai mis un œillet et une ficelle, pareil le carton n'est pas assez rigide et qd il fait chaud, le papier est super difficile à décoller. juste bon à la poubelle.

Write your review

Trap for fruit flies, gnats, vinegar flies

Fruit flies are attracted to the attractant consisting of apple cider vinegar and balsamic vinegar. They then remain stuck to the sticky surface of the trap. A great, insecticide-free way to eliminate fruit flies, gnats and other vinegar flies. Contains 1 bottle of 40 ml + 1 sticky trap.

Write your review