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Protection of your personal data

This privacy policy has been developed in accordance with the GDPR/GDPR rules.


Who handles your data ?

Penn'ty bio, a limited liability company whose head office is located at 17 the small noyan 35440 on illegitimate treats the collected data about you, and is responsible for the processing of personal data for any data collection related to you in relation to the services offered by penn'ty bio.


For what purposes do we collect and process your data ?

Penn'ty Bio collects and processes data for the purposes listed below and detailed below:

First of all, they are used for customer relationship management needs and to enable us to better interact with our customers, optimise the user experience or respond to the demands and possible claims of our customers.


  • The possibility of creating an account,
  • The management of your consents and authorizations regarding the use of your personal data in particular for the sending of information letters and commercial requests electronically,
  • Allow you to benefit from the services of penn'ty bio, order products and services, track your orders and billing, register for newsletters, etc.
  • the collection of your comments and opinions;
  • the management of communications and the monitoring of our exchanges, particularly in the context of possible disputes (e.g. via the customer service accessible by telephone or contact form). these exchanges may be registered for service improvement purposes,
  • the management of your requests related to the exercise of rights, including access, rectification, and opposition, which you receive under the personal data regulations;
  • the management of the risk of fraudulent use of your data or services to which you have access via Penn'Ty bio; depending on the results of the controls performed, Penn'Ty bio may take any measures that it considers useful for securing your data and information systems used for the purposes of using penn'ty bio, as well as for the defence of its interests. if applicable, these measures may result in suspending your access to Penn'Ty bio and your online account
  • the management of product recalls initiated by suppliers or the sending of various information or documents related to them;
  • to prepare analyses or statistics to respond to inquiries or requests by public interest agencies, or administrations, or administrative or judicial authorities (e.g. in cases of food risk),
  • identify and administer the evidence that Penn'Ty bio must report under its legal or regulatory obligations or for litigation management needs (e.g., the necessary evidence regarding the exercise of your rights, evidence relating to your orders)
  • the management of potential litigations, including the recovery of the amounts you may owe us, and the management of payment incidents,
  • comply with our legal or regulatory obligations applicable to the activity of penn'ty bio (e.g. to meet requests from the tax administration).

Your data may also be used to carry out business prospecting operations, or studies to improve customer knowledge and services that Penn'Ty bio can offer to its customers. Your data is therefore likely to be used, in accordance with the permissions you may have consented to:

  • to send you promotional messages or personalized or non-personalized ads, by mail or electronic including by mobile notifications, according to your profile,
  • to analyze your use of the services (including your online navigation and your feedback to emails), so that we can get to know you better, appreciate the interest of the services offered as well as the messages we address you and offer you offers, content and services tailored to your profile; These analyses will be carried out in accordance with the authorizations that you may have consented to, in particular in the case of the use of cookies or other tracers.

For commercial profiling-related prospecting operations, based on the consent of the person concerned by the processing, the person may withdraw at any time his or her consent on the understanding that this will not jeopardize the legality of the treatment carried out prior to the revocation.

Your data may be used to conduct technical operations related to the processing of your personal data, for the purposes set out herein. This includes:

  • technical operations related to address recovery;
  • the attribution of a digital identifier linked to your data, so that we can interact with you via various digital communication media (internet sites and mobile applications, social networks) including to send you targeted ads,
  • technical, organisational or cyber security operations related to the detection of anomaly and the security of your data and our information systems from which your data is processed.


Why do the processing of your personal data take place?

Your data may be processed for one or more of the following reasons:

  • because it is necessary to provide bio penn'ty services.
  • within the framework of the agreement that you may have formulated, for example, to allow us to communicate with you on our offers and products or those of third party advertisers;
  • in the respect of the fundamental interests, freedoms and rights of the people enrolled in the services of penn'ty bio because it is necessary to allow us to pursue our legitimate interests such as fidelizing our customers, optimally managing our relationship with our customers, better knowing them and promoting our products and services with them or fighting fraud and ensuring our defence in the event of litigation.


What data do we collect?

Data processed in the Penn'Ty bio framework are derived:

  • of your registration: data on the subscription form such as your name, first name, date of birth, contact information
  • the use of Penn'ty bio services such as your purchases, whether they are made directly from penn'ty Bio or via penn'ty bio: data allowing you to identify and authenticate you (logs of connection, ip address,) those relating to purchases, places and times of order and purchase, to your browsing path on the site, dates and times of site consultation, location data;
  • websites and mobile applications edited by third-party entities to penn'ty bio: navigation information or advertisements addressed to you;
  • facebook, linkedin, instagram social networks; Indeed, data exchanges can occur between penn'ty bio and social networks, when for example you are connected to the social facebook network on your computer and you see a page of the site penn'ty bio. Similarly if you click on the instagram button on a page of the site penn'ty bio, instagram will collect this information. If you don't want such exchanges, we recommend you disconnect from social networks before you visit the site penn'ty bio.
  • Data about you may eventually be transmitted to us by third parties, such as your mailing or e-mail address, data relating to your profile, which will integrate our databases. these third parties collected your data fairly and obtained any consent required prior to any transmission to penn'ty bio.
  • We can eventually have data from the open data.

With the exception of data from the open data, other data are not available to the public.
Data can be collected directly from you or via the use of penn'ty Bio services or from other entities of the group or possibly from our partners or third parties. The data collected is essential to enable penn'ty bio, its providers and/or partners to provide the services offered via penn'ty bio, to enable us to better know you and interact with you, to provide a facilitated relationship with the ecosystem of penn'ty bio, or to send you content tailored to your profile and interests to us or our partners.


Who will be likely to access your data ?

To achieve the purposes described above and within the limits necessary for the continuation of these purposes, your data may be transmitted to all or part of the following recipients:

  • authorized persons of the services concerned within the company penn'ty Bio (e.g., services in charge of marketing, studies and analyses, panels of consumers, customer service, litigation, accounting and fiscal affairs or IT and information systems security);
  • to the payment providers and recovery providers of the sums that you may need,
  • providers and subcontractors of the penn'ty Bio company (e.g., IT providers, advertising providers);
  • advertisers or partner brands, but in this case they do not have direct or indirect access to the data concerning you and only data related to your profile without being able to identify you directly or indirectly, can be used for these advertisers
  • administrative or judicial authorities, if any, within the framework of our legal obligations or to enable us to defend our rights and interests.


Limitation of the retention time of your data

The data collected concerning you will be retained for the duration required for the purposes above, increased by the time limit of the statutory limitation.
So, as a principal, your account data (registration) will be retained throughout your membership. they can then be kept and processed for 3 years after the last contact on your part, to allow us to send you commercial requests.
The data that concern you are likely to be retained for a longer period under specific legal obligations or under the applicable statutory limitation periods. for example, data may be retained during:

  • 6 years for tax documents;
  • 10 years for accounting;
  • the duration of litigation and the exhaustion of remedies.

Finally, in the event of the exercise of their rights by the persons concerned, data relating to identity documents may be retained during the applicable statutory limitation periods, or for a maximum period of 3 years.


How are your data secure ?

The company penn'ty Bio takes into account, the nature of personal data and the risks posed by the treatments, to put in place appropriate technical, physical and organisational measures to preserve the security and confidentiality of personal data and to prevent them from being distorted, damaged or accessed by unauthorized third parties.
The company penn'ty Bio selects subcontractors or service providers that have guarantees in terms of quality, safety, reliability and resources to ensure the implementation of technical and organizational measures, including treatment safety. subcontractors and service providers agree to respect levels of confidentiality at least identical to those of the company penn'ty bio.


Are your data processed outside the European Union ?

The various data categories collected and processed are exclusively processed in metropolitan franc and will not be transmitted to service companies located in non-European Union countries.


What are your rights ?

In accordance with the regulations on the protection of personal data, you have the right to information, as well as the right to access, rectification, deletion (unless they are necessary for the performance of our contract, or are necessary for us to comply with our legal obligations or to observe or exercise our rights) related to the data that concern you, as well as the right to define guidelines for the fate of your data after your death. it is here specified that, under the right of access, penn'ty bio may request the payment of reasonable costs based on administrative costs for any additional copy of the data to that provided to you.

You also have a right to obtain the limitation of a processing and a right to the portability of the data you have been able to provide, which will find to apply in certain cases. In addition, you may request that you exercise your right of opposition for reasons that are relevant to your particular situation, a processing of personal data concerning you when the processing is based on the legitimate interest of the controller including profiling. In the event of the exercise of such right of opposition, penn'ty Bio will cease the treatment unless there are legitimate and compelling grounds for the treatment that prevails on the interests and rights and freedoms of the person concerned or for the recognition, exercise or defence of a right to justice. you may also object to any processing related to prospecting (including profiling related to such a prospecting) or withdraw your consent at any time, for cases where the prospecting was requested (the withdrawal of your consent will not affect the legality of the treatment performed prior to withdrawal of consent)

Penn'ty Bio wishes to inform you that the non-intelligence or modification of your data may have consequences in the processing of certain requests as part of the delivery of services and that your requests for the exercise of rights will be retained for the purpose of monitoring

To exercise your rights, just write to penn'ty bio, 17 the little noyan 35440 on illegitimate, frank:
- by e-mail: with your name, first name, e-mail address and if possible your customer reference.


Cookie management

The use of cookies when visiting the website

To allow users of the site to benefit from the services offered by the site [such as – and if it offers: purchases of products, consultation, registration of the services offered etc.], optimization of its use and personalization (including personalization of offers and ads) according to the user, the site uses cookies. As long as the Client/User of the website does not decide to disable cookies, it accepts that the site can use them. It may at any time disable these cookies, and this free of charge, from the options of deactivation offered to it and recalled below, knowing that this may reduce or prevent accessibility to any or all of the services offered by the site.

Cookies - definition and usefulness

When consulting the website by the Customer/User, information about the navigation of its terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.). on the site can be saved in text files called cookies, installed on its browser. cookies will be used to recognize the Customer/User's browser during the validity period of the cookie concerned.
Only the issuer of the cookie concerned is likely to read or modify the information contained therein.
Some cookies are essential to the use of the site, others allow you to optimise the use of the site and customize the content displayed. so the cookies allow:

  • To measure and analyze the frequentation and use of the site, its proposed sections and services, allowing the site to conduct studies and improve the interest and ergonomics of the site and its services,
  • To memorize the customer’s browser’s display preferences (language used, display settings, operating system used, etc.) and to adapt the site’s presentation during visits, according to the visualization or reading hardware and software that includes the customer’s terminal and which are used for navigation on the site.
  • To memorize the information relating, for example, to a form that the customer has completed or to a service (registration, access to his account) or information that the customer has chosen (subscribed services, content of his basket).
  • To allow the client to access reserved and personal spaces of the site or its services, such as its personal account, through previously communicated identifiers or personal data, allowing the client to access personalized content, if any,
  • To implement security measures,
  • Limit the number of advertisements posted,
  • Adapt the advertising content inserted on the site to the customer's interests and, eventually, with a connection to a locality (ex list of the nearest shops,),
  • To adapt and address to the customer personalized ads that are specifically intended for it by electronic prospecting or by display on its terminal in advertising spaces containing cookies emitted by the site. This is thanks to the personal data that the customer communicates during the registration or access to one of the services and its use, to which the website associates the cookies it issues.

When the customer accesses a third party site containing advertising spaces broadcasting one of the site’s advertisements, this ad may be addressed to the customer via the recognition of one of the cookies previously deposited by the site on the customer’s browser. these cookies can be posed by technical service providers and used.

Cookies deposited by a third party on site spaces

Le site penn'ty bio does not contain any Cookies issued by third parties (communication agency, audience measurement company, targeted advertising provider, etc). allowing them, during the validity of their cookies:

  • collect navigation information relating to browsers using the site,
  • to determine the advertising content that may correspond to the customer’s interest centres to address targeted advertisements, in view of its browsing history collected by the third party.

Cookies embedded in third-party applications on the website

The site is likely to include third-party computer applications on the site, which allow the customer to share content of the site with other people, or to communicate to these other people the customer's consultations or opinions regarding the content of the site. such is in particular the case of buttons share, I love, from social networks such as facebook, instagram, etc.

The social network is likely to identify the client with this button, even if it did not use it during its consultation of the site. this type of applicative button can allow the social network concerned to track the customer's navigation on the site, because its social network account was activated on its browser (open session) during the navigation in question.

The site has no control over the process used by social networks to collect information about the customer’s navigation on the site and associated with the personal data they have.

The site recommends that the terms and conditions of use of its data on these social networks be consulted for the purposes of use, including advertising, of the navigation information they may collect through these application buttons. It is appropriate for the client to ensure that the terms and conditions of use of these social networks can enable them to frame and restrict the use of their data through these social networks, including by setting up their user accounts with them.

Sharing the use of the customer terminal with other people

If the customer terminal is used by several people and when the same terminal has several navigation software, the site cannot be sure that the services and advertisements intended for the terminal correspond well to the customer’s own use of this terminal and not to that of another user of this terminal.
Sharing with other people about the use of the customer's terminal and the setting of the browser's settings with respect to cookies are within the framework of its free choice and responsibility.

The management and use of cookies by the customer

If the customer wishes to receive no cookies, he can set the settings of his internet browser to completely block the use of cookies. Some features are then turned off, such as online command. it can always consult the website for information about our promotions and products.

The customer can manage and modify at any time the use of cookies in accordance with the possibilities mentioned below.
The settings that the customer will perform are likely to modify his Internet browsing and the conditions for access and use of certain services on the website that require the use of cookies.
So the customer can manage his cookies:

  • From its navigation software, or
  • interprofessional platforms, or
  • when proposed from a link in the list below.

Attention: the consideration of the client's disenrollment is based on a cookie. Therefore, if it disables all cookies from its terminal or changes terminal, the site will no longer know that the customer has chosen this option.

Customer cookies management from its navigation software

The customer can configure his navigation software so that cookies are registered in his or her terminal or are rejected, either systematically or by their transmitter. However, the user is informed that access to certain services and sections of the website may then be altered in this case. Where applicable, we are not responsible for the consequences of the degraded operation of our services resulting from the impossibility of registering or consulting the cookies necessary for their operation.

How to block cookies according to your browser:

  • Google chrome : menu ♣ parameters ✱ advanced parameters ✱ parameters of the content ♣ cookies ‡ tick "block third party cookies".
  • Firefox : menu ≡ options ≡ privacy. in the “historical rules of conservation”, choose “use custom settings for history” and then in the “allow third-party cookies” box, select “never”.
  • Internet explore : menu ♣ options internet ✱ confidentiality ✱ advanced. in the "advanced privacy settings" window: check the "unaware of automatic cookie management" box and in the "third-party cookies" column select "deny" and "okay".

These settings block cookies in a sustainable way, until you change the settings again.

Private navigation may also allow you to limit the registration of cookies, without affecting the use of the site, but only the time of a session.

How to go to private browsing according to your browser:

  • Google chrome : menu ✱ new private navigation window.
  • Firefox : menu ✱ new private navigation window.
  • Internet explore : menu ✱ security ✱ navigation inprivate.

To leave private browsing and thus delete the cookies registered during this session, close your browser.

For more information about the processing of cookies and the setting of your browser, please consult the guide of the cnil ✱

Online customer cookies management from interprofessional platforms:

The customer can also log on platforms, bringing together digital advertising professionals who allow them to know the companies listed on these platforms and who offer them the opportunity to refuse or accept the cookies they use to adapt, as they collect, advertisements that may be displayed on their browser.

This European platform is a centralized interface that allows the customer to express his/her refusal or acceptance of cookies of a particular professional.

This procedure will not prevent the display of ads on the websites that the customer visits. it will only block technologies that allow to adapt advertisements to its interests.

Would you like to reset your consent to comply with the rgpd ?

You have decided to deviate or add some cookies during your first visit to our shop. you can quite reset the choice you made by clicking on the link below:

Reset my consent