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Expert in organic products and insect control since 2002


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What is diatomaceous earth ?

Diatomaceous earth is a natural product often used for pest control and environmental protection. It is a substance formed from diatoms, fossilised microscopic algae rich in silica. Its texture resembles that of a fine, light, white powder, and it is completely safe for humans and animals, making it an attractive option for domestic use.


Diatomaceous earth, a natural insecticide

Diatomaceous earth has formidable drying, dehydrating and abrasive properties for insects and other parasites. The microscopic particles cut through the protective waxy layer of their exoskeleton, causing them to dehydrate and eventually die. This mechanism of action makes it an effective solution and an excellent natural insecticide for getting rid of harmful insects such as cockroaches, ants, fleas, bedbugs and mites.

Crawling insects are particularly affected because once they have passed through this diatomaceous earth, the after-effects are irreversible. This is never immediate (24 to 72 hours), but always fatal for the insect affected. You will understand that diatomaceous earth has a more limited effect on flying insects.

Diatomaceous earth can be applied to plants to control pests such as slugs, snails, aphids and caterpillars. By depositing a thin layer of diatomaceous earth on the leaves and stems of plants, it acts as a physical barrier to repel insects. It is also effective in protecting stored grain from insects and rodents.

Diatomaceous earth is a versatile natural product that offers a safe and effective alternative to chemical insecticides. Its ability to combat pests while preserving the environment makes it a valuable ally in pest control, whether inside the home or in the garden. By using it responsibly, we can protect our living spaces while respecting the biodiversity that surrounds us.


Diatomaceous earth, for which insects ?

Diatomaceous earth can be used against a wide range of insects: Ants, aphids, mites, cockroaches, moths, maize earworms, earwigs, flies, leafhoppers, bedbugs, dimorph estigmata, weevils, spider mites, carpet beetles, millipedes, silverfish, slugs, mites, lice, red lice, snails, bedbugs, red spiders, floor fleas ...

Read our full report on diatomaceous earth : Diatomaceous earth file

Earth of diatomy - Insecticide rampant - Special creeping insects - 100 gr - Aries

Diatomaceous earth - special creeper insecticide - 100 grs

Delivery expected from 07/30/2024

Aries special diatomaceous earth is effective against fleas, lice, bedbugs, beetles, earwigs, silverfish, cockroaches, etc. and provides long-term protection for treated areas, indoors and out. 100g bottle.

In stock (11 Items)


case-a-cocher.jpgHighly effective against crawling insects
case-a-cocher.jpgLong-term protection of treated areas
case-a-cocher.jpgTotal absence of odour
case-a-cocher.jpgApproved for organic farming

Ideal against crawling insects

Terre de diatomée Aries

Creeping insect repellent powder is made from a powder of fossilised marine micro-algae : Kieselguhr (otherwise known as diatomaceous earth). No processing has been carried out to arrive at the finished product. This diatomaceous earth is extracted directly from quarries.

This insecticidal powder acts by contact. Its fine crystalline structure causes lesions on the chitin (main component of the cuticle of insects and certain larvae), leading to their dehydration after 2 to 3 days.

This insecticide has a mechanical action and will be particularly effective in controlling crawling insects. It is odorless, can be used both indoors and outdoors (however, beware of showers and ambient humidity).

This diatom will be effective against

This insecticidal powder is effective against most crawling insects such as fleas, bed bugs, spiders, cockroaches, red lice, beetles, ants... The list can be long... In fact, all crawling insects are concerned.

Benefits of this diatomaceous earth

+ Long-term protection of treated areas,
+ Effective natural insecticide against all crawling insects
+ Odorless and unprocessed
+ 100% natural and ecological certified Organic Farming
+ a product authorized and classified biocide TP18 (insecticide powder)
+ Harmless to pets

How does this diatomaceous earth work ?

Insects such as red lice (strongly present in poultry farms), but also crawlers: woodlice, ants, etc. are covered with powder or are sprinkled during application.

The substance acts on the outer protective layer of the insects, causing them to dry out and then die after a few hours.

Tip : Diatomaceous earth is very effective against bed bugs: surround the legs of the bed with diatomaceous earth, also sprinkle the area between the mattress and the box spring. For maximum effectiveness, also dust carpets, bedroom corners and around furniture legs.

How to use this diatomaceous earth ?

Apply the powder to places where pests pass through or hide. Use this product indoors (skirting boards, cracks, footboards, places where pets sleep) and outdoors (terraces, swimming pool slabs). Apply 5 g/m² (i.e. a strip 0.5 to 2 cm wide by 2 mm high) around the areas to be protected. Re-apply the diatomaceous earth every month if necessary. Do not use in wet weather. At low temperatures or when the air is damp, the effect of the diatomaceous earth may be delayed by 1 to 2 days.

In hen houses : To combat red lice infestations in hen houses, after thorough cleaning, sprinkle the product to cover all surfaces with a white film (approx. 50g/m²).

Our recommendations for use in poultry houses :
1 - Avoid the presence of animals at the time of application. Use only in empty hen houses.
2 - Remove all food and water from animals before treatment
3 - Cover all surfaces and equipment in contact with animal feed and water
4 - Cover all water storage tanks before application
5 - Do not spray directly onto animals or sleeping areas.

Our recommendations for application in homes and industrial areas :
1 - Remove all food and drink before treatment
2 - Do not apply the product directly to or near foodstuffs, surfaces or utensils that could come into contact with food or drink intended for consumption (human or animal) or with livestock.
3 - Use only in areas inaccessible to infants, children and pets.
4 - The product and waste must be disposed of by wet cleaning.
5 - No vacuum cleaning should be carried out during treatment and removal of the product.

Duration of action

The application is to be repeated after dispersion of the spilled powder. Monthly if needed or when powder is too wet.

Active substance

Silicium Dioxide/Kieselguhr* (CAS No. 61790-53-2): 100% Diatomaceous Earth. TP 18 - Insecticidal powder

*Silicium Dioxide/Kieselguhr is composed of sharp algae fossils, (also called Diatomaceous Earth), an amorphous (non-crystalline) form of silica that occurs in nature.

A product classified TP 18 insecticide

This Aries brand diatomaceous earth has obtained authorisation to place biocides on the market (AMM). This authorisation is issued by the competent authorities following a scientific assessment of the efficacy and risks of the biocidal product associated with its use. Today, thanks to this MA, Aries can guarantee that the diatomaceous earth used in their product is effective on all crawling insects, as the tests were carried out on the cockroach, the most resistant insect. The procedure for obtaining a marketing authorisation is very long and costly, which obviously has repercussions on the price per kilo of the active substance. Hence the significant difference in price per kilo between this diatom classified as a biocide and a non-biocide diatom.


100 g bottle with spout.

Want to know more about diatomaceous earth ?

Do not hesitate to consult our thematic files with our special page on diatomaceous earth. 

Precautions for use

Presumed risk of serious effects to lung organs through repeated or prolonged exposure. Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. Keep out of reach of children. Do not breathe dust/spray. If a doctor is consulted, keep the container or label available. In case of exposure, call a poison control centre or doctor. In case of skin contact, wash with water. If symptoms occur, call a poison control centre or doctor. In case of inhalation, if exposed, call a poison control centre or doctor. If swallowed, call a poison control centre or doctor if symptoms occur. In case of contact with eyes, if symptoms occur, rinse with water. Remove contact lenses, if present and easily removable. Call a poison control centre. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with regulations.

Learn more about the Aries brand

Aries, une marque engagée

A company committed for more than 30 years that offers anti-insect solutions formulated from active ingredients used in organic farming.

A responsible company : Aries is CSE certified (Certified Sustainable Economy). This certification implies strict specifications at the product level, but also at the level of the socio-ecological behavior of the company.

Certified products : Nature Care Product is an ecological label that certifies everyday consumer products. This certification controls the choice of raw materials according to a positive list of ingredients and ensures that the manufacturing process is respectful of the environment.

Controlled ingredients : In order to best respect humans and their environment, Aries excludes from its formulations ingredients commonly used in conventional anti-insect solutions: PBO, DEET, synthetic active ingredients. To ensure optimum performance of all the products in the range, Aries uses high concentrations of plant-based active ingredients which guarantee the expected effectiveness.

Types of insects
Crawling insects
Mode of application
For spreading
Treatment against
Treatment against
Attagen of carpets
Treatment against
Treatment against
Treatment against
Treatment against
Carpet beetle
Treatment against
Red louse
Treatment against
Treatment against
Masked hunter bug
Treatment against
Cellar beetle
Treatment against
Treatment against
Treatment against
Silver fish
Treatment against

Specific references


Safety Data Sheet

FDS Aries diatomaceous earth

Download (65.12k)



Très efficace

j'avais déjà utilisé pour éradiquer des poissons d'argent il y a deux ans. Depuis je continue à en mettre par prévention


Combat contre les poissons d'argent

a priori efficace. J'ai retrouvé des poissons d'argent asphyxiés dans les WC et la cuisine. Le seul souci est que je ne peux pas en mettre dans les endroits fréquencés par les animaux.
Je ne peux pas non plus en mettre dans les VMC, la poudre serait rediffusée dans l'air et inhalée.
J'espère vite en venir à bout. La présence de ces bestioles me hante.


Poudre insecticide rampants - Terre de diatomée

J'en suis super contente. Je l'ai utilisé dans ma caravane infestée de perce oreilles et de fourmis. Plus rien !

Helène H


La terre de diatomée reste un moyen de lutte vraiment efficace sur beaucoup d'insecte. Je ne peux que la recommander

Véronique L


On saupoudre et on trouve les indésirables morts... sans oublier qu'il n'y a aucun produit chimique ! Le top, je recommande ++++

L. Ryati

Je le recommande à mon entourage.

Je l'utilise surtout contre les poissons d'argent. J 'en ai soupoudré dans les endroits habituellement propices. Pour le moment, rien à signaler. Je suis soulagée. Merci.

Hervé Y

Très bien

Radical dans mon traitement contre les punaises de lit. Merci pour ce produit

  • 1 out of 2 people found this review useful.
Victor M


Très satisfait de cet achat. Produit très efficace. Je l'ai utilisé en complément de traitement de l'insecticide 4J contre des punaises de lit.

  • 1 out of 2 people found this review useful.

Très bon produit biologique

Excellent produit qui détruit les rampants et puces de manière biologique. A utiliser dans la couche des animaux en combinaison avec les pipettes Zero puces.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
Penntybio .

Réponse de Penn'Ty Bio

Merci d'avoir laissé votre avis qui servira à de nombreuses personnes.
Effectivement la poudre insecticide rampants n'est pas préconisée pour le traitement des acariens. Pour cela, vous pouvez utiliser par exemple l'aérosol anti-acariens Ecodoo.
La poudre Ariès n'est pas à utiliser sur vos animaux de compagnie, mais seulement sur leur lieu de couchage. Une fois que le traitement a été efficace, vous pouvez aspirer soigneusement les lieux si vos animaux sont sensibles. Les personnes sensibles, quant à elles, peuvent porter un masque (pour ne pas respirer les particules fines de la terre de diatomée) et des gants (pour éviter le contact avec la peau) lors de l'application.
Enfin, n'hésitez pas à consultez la fiche de données de sécurité, dans laquelle vous pourrez constater que ce produit n'est pas reconnu comme allergène. Mais nous le disons souvent, ce n'est pas parce qu'un produit est naturel, qu'il est innofensif et que l'on ne doit pas respecter certaines précautions lors de son application.
A bientôt

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

Pas si recommandable que ça.

Efficace contre quelques insectes
rampants ainsi que pour les puces, pas contre les acariens. Très allergène, dessèche la peau et les poils et les rend rêches et cassants, provoque des démangeaisons chez les animaux et les humains sensibles (yeux rouges, démangeaisons cutanées, asthme.

  • 0 out of 1 people found this review useful.

Write your review

Diatomaceous earth - special creeper insecticide - 100 grs

Aries special diatomaceous earth is effective against fleas, lice, bedbugs, beetles, earwigs, silverfish, cockroaches, etc. and provides long-term protection for treated areas, indoors and out. 100g bottle.

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