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Expert in organic products and insect control since 2002
Black Epinette Bio - Needles - 10 ml - Essential oil Ladrôme

Organic black spruce - Needles - 10 ml - Essential oil

Delivery expected from 07/30/2024

The essential oil of black spruce is used in particular for its purifying properties. Stimulating, it is an unconditional of the winter periods. Powerful tonic, the essential oil of black spruce is very famous in case of great fatigue or tiredness.

In stock (3 Items)

plus-produit.pngKEY POINTS TO REMEMBER

case-a-cocher.jpgRespiratory decongestant effects
case-a-cocher.jpgAnti-inflammatory properties
case-a-cocher.jpgRevitalising and energising effects
case-a-cocher.jpgEmotional support and stress reduction

Identity card

Black spruce - Picea mariana

Botanical name : Picea mariana
French name / other names : Épinette noire
Family : Abietaceae
Certification : 100% pure and natural essential oil, uncut, undeterpenated, chemotyped and organically grown. It is Cosmos Organic certified by Ecocert France (FR-BIO-01).
Part of the plant used : Needles
Method of production : steam distillation
Origin : Canada
Yield : 0.1%. It therefore takes 1 kg of black spruce needles to obtain 10 ml of essential oil. 
Sold in : Amber glass bottle with codigoutte  

Some information on the black spruce

The black spruce is a species of conifer common to the northern United States and particularly in Canada. It is very resistant. It has rough branches and small purple cones. This tree can be bushy and compact (6 to 8 m) when the climate is very cold or soar to 20 m in temperate regions. It was part of the medicine and spiritual practices of the North American Indians.

The essential oil of black spruce is traditionally used for its cleansing effect on the respiratory tract. This essential oil is powerful and will know, associated with other essential oils, to look after bronchitis, sinusitis and to alleviate the dry coughs.

It can also bring vitality and energy in case of great fatigue, temporary tiredness or convalescence, thanks to its stimulating action on the adrenal glands. A real boost for your body because it acts as a general tonic.

It also has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. It is also used to help prevent allergic reactions, especially to seasonal pollens. The essential oil of Black Spruce is quite similar to that of Scots Pine, but much richer in bornyl acetate.


Bornyl acetate, camphene, alpha pinene
*The chemotype is the identity card of the essential oil, its chemical composition defined by chromatographic analysis. A same plant can have several compositions according to the place and the variety. A chemotype depends on a property, an odor, a taste. 

Chemical formula

The main constituents of black spruce essential oil are alpha-pinene (12 to 22%), camphenes (10 to 25%), bornyl acetate (12 to 35%) and delta-3-carene (4 to 15%). 

Allergens naturally contained in this essential oil : limonene, linalool 

Main indications

Fatigue, asthenia, lack of concentration, weakened immune system, bronchitis, sinusitis.

Therapeutic properties of the essential oil of black spruce

Main : Anti-inflammatory, general tonic, antispasmodic, anti-infectious, expectorant, antitussive. 

Attention !

The essential oil of black spruce can be irritating for the skin. Avoid contact with the eyes and mucous membranes. It presents an epileptogenic risk in high doses. The essential oil of black spruce should not be used in case of predisposition to asthma. Disadvised during the first 3 months of a pregnancy, as well as to children under 6 years. Cortison-like" action, stimulating on the adrenal glands, thyroid and slightly on the pituitary gland. Ask a doctor for advice in case of related pathology.


Usage tips

Essential oils are powerful natural substances and should therefore be used with care. Even if essential oils have been used since Antiquity, their mode of use and the precautions for use are often poorly known. Many books deal with essential oils. It is therefore advisable to refer to it to find out about the traditional modes of use.

As an indication, some examples of use 


InhalationBlack spruce essential oil can help to promote the proper functioning of the respiratory tract. Put a few drops in a bowl of hot water, cover your head with a cloth and inhale for a few minutes. You can also breathe it from time to time on a handkerchief.

Application by massage or compress It is advisable to mix a few drops of essential oil with a vegetable oil (sweet almond, jojoba, macadamia, rose hip, argan, olive, etc.) to use it as a massage oil. You will use the essential oil of black spruce in localized massage in case of fatigue to give a boost to your body. To do this, mix 20 drops of black spruce associated with 20 drops of peppermint + 20 drops of Scots pine + 20 drops of basil with 4 ml of argan vegetable oil. Apply a few drops of this mixture in massage on the lower back, at the level of the kidneys. You can renew this operation 2 times a day during 1 week.

To fight against the flu, associated 40 drops of essential oil of black spruce with 60 drops of Ravintsara, 40 drops of eucalyptus Radiata and 20 drops of laurel. Apply a few drops of this mixture on the chest and the upper part of the back. Repeat 5 to 6 times a day for 72 hours.

Against a tendonitis, mix in a bottle of 50 ml of arnica macerate, 30 drops of essential oil of Scots pine + 30 drops of black spruce, then massage in light frictions the painful zone 2 to 3 times/day during 1 week.

In broadcasting


To promote the proper functioning of the respiratory tract, diffuse the essential oil of black spruce with eucalyptus radiata and Scots pine in the living rooms for a few minutes.


oral useIn case of general fatigue and lack of energy, mix 1 ml black spruce essential oil, 2 ml peppermint and 1 ml basil in a small bottle. To pour in a spoon of olive oil or on a neutral tablet 2 drops of this mixture the morning and midday during 1 week.

In case of bronchitis (For adults and teenagers only): By cutaneous way, 1 drop of Black Spruce essential oil in 4 drops of vegetable oil, to be applied on the thorax 4 times a day during 5 to 7 days.

100% pure and natural oil

Accéder au dossier

An essential oil is made up of chemically defined molecules (about 10,000 listed) that have been secreted by special plant cells. It can consist of from one to several hundred molecules, which helps explain why some essential oils have many properties but different therapeutic effectiveness. To guarantee the properties necessary for effective aromatherapy, it is important that an essential oil is 100% pure and natural (not cut, not deterpenated, not mixed with alcohol or vegetable oils) and preferably organic. This is the case for the essential oils we sell. They are sold in tinted bottles with a dropper cap.

Go to the "Properties and characteristics of essential oils" file. Whether pure or mixed, you can use them in our different diffuser models. The information given on each essential oil is for guidance only. Beware of self-diagnosis, do not hesitate to consult an aromatherapist or any other recognised professional and read our special file "properties of essential oils"in our thematic files. 

Essential oils can help you

Essential oils are primarily used to help you treat many ailments. But beware, even if essential oils are often extracted from edible plants, their concentrations make it necessary to remain cautious and respect their curative power. The use of essential oils is relatively simple and if you follow a few basic rules, they will put their therapeutic genius at your disposal. Covering with essential oils has more advantages than disadvantages.

Who is allowed to use black spruce essential oil ?

Adultes et ados

Enfants de moins de 6 ans

Femmes enceintes et allaitantes

Femmes enceintes de moins de 3 mois

Bébés de moins de 3 ans


The risks of using black spruce essential oil

Irritante pour la peau


WARNING These properties, indications and methods of use are taken from reference books or websites in aromatherapy, hydrolatherapy and phytotherapy. They are regularly found there and for many confirmed by observations in scientific environment. However, this information is given for information purposes only, and in no way constitutes medical information, nor does it engage our responsibility. For any use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes, consult a doctor.

Labels / certifications
Cosmos Organic
Labels / certifications
10 ml
Can be used
By mouth
Can be used
By inhalation
Can be used
Can be used
Recommended for
Autumn / Winter

Specific references


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Organic black spruce - Needles - 10 ml - Essential oil

The essential oil of black spruce is used in particular for its purifying properties. Stimulating, it is an unconditional of the winter periods. Powerful tonic, the essential oil of black spruce is very famous in case of great fatigue or tiredness.

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