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Expert in organic products and insect control since 2002
Cajeput Bio - Sheets - 10ml - Essential Oil Ladrôme

Organic Cajeput - Leaves - 10ml - Essential oil

Delivery expected from 07/30/2024

Thanks to its richness in monotorpenes, cajeput essential oil is a general tonic and stimulant for the body. Purifying, it is traditionally used to clear the airways. It is also appreciated as a purifying and toning active ingredient in the care of skin with imperfections.

In stock (3 Items)

plus-produit.pngKEY POINTS TO REMEMBER

case-a-cocher.jpgAntiseptic and antibacterial properties
case-a-cocher.jpgExpectorant and decongestant effects
case-a-cocher.jpgRelieves muscle and joint pain
case-a-cocher.jpgCalming and relaxing effects

Identity card

Le cajeput - Melaleuca Leucadendron

Botanical name : Melaleuca cajeputi
French name / other names : Cajeput
Family : Myrtaceae
Certification : 100% pure and natural essential oil, uncut, undeterpenated, chemotyped and from organic farming. It is certified Eurofeuille, the European organic logo.
Part of the plant used : Leaves
Method of production : Distillation
Origin : Vietnam
Yield : 1% to 2%. It therefore takes 100 kg of leaves to obtain 1 to 2 kg of Cajeput essential oil. 
Sold in : Amber glass bottle with codigoutte

Some information about Cajeput

Originally from Southeast Asia, Cajeput comes from the word Kajou-pouti which means "white tree" in the Malay language and refers to the easily detachable white bark of this tree. The cajeputier is an aromatic tree, with pale green oval leaves and small white flowers grouped in clusters. It can reach 40 meters in height.

Cajeput is part of the Melaleuca family from which Eucalyptus, Clove, Myrtle, Tea tree and Niaouli are derived. Powerful agent against infections, it is found in certain pharmaceutical preparations but also in soaps, detergents or cosmetics.

Cajeput essential oil is purifying, stimulating and anti-infectious. It is renowned for its action on the respiratory tract and on the skin and hair, as a purifying and toning active ingredient. Its therapeutic properties are similar to those of tea tree and niaouli. It is a very good general antiseptic. Cajeput essential oil is typically a product of winter, one of those essential oils to fight against the cold and the consequences of a cold that we must have at hand. It liquefies phlegm and promotes expectoration. Perfect for gently relieving colds, sinusitis and bronchitis.

It can also be of great help in the spring when the pollen arrives in force. The aromatic molecules of cajeput will saturate the receptors of the nose and thus prevent pollen, dust, cat hair and other undesirables that cause the inconvenience of an allergy. No more red bunny eyes and runny nose !


Eucalyptol, a terpineol, limonene
*The chemotype is the identity card of the essential oil, its composition chemically defined by chromatographic analysis. The same plant can have several compositions depending on the place and the variety. A chemotype depends on a property, an odor, a taste.

Chemical formula

The main constituents of cajeput essential oil are terpene oxides (1,8-cineole) but also monoterpenols (alpha-terpineol, linalool) and monoterpenes (limonene, myrcene and alpha-pinene).

Allergens naturally contained in this essential oil : Limonene, linalool

Main indications

Disease of the pulmonary system (bronchitis, pharyngitis, etc.), asthma, urinary tract infections, rheumatic pains, dental neuralgia, psoriasis, acne, genital herpes, varicose veins, etc.

Therapeutic properties of Cajeput essential oil

Main : Anticatarrhal, expectorant, antiviral, antifungal, radioprotective, astringent and skin tonic, antibacterial, venous decongestant, phlebotonic.

Secondary : Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, insecticide and insect repellent, immunomodulating.

Attention !

Cajeput essential oil can be irritating to the skin. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous. It presents an epileptogenic risk at high doses. Cajeput essential oil should not be used in case of predisposition to asthma and its use by aerosols should be avoided. Not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for children under 6 years old.


Usage tips

Essential oils are powerful natural substances and should therefore be used with care. Even if essential oils have been used since Antiquity, their mode of use and the precautions for use are often poorly known. Many books deal with essential oils. It is therefore advisable to refer to it to find out about the traditional modes of use.

For example, some examples of use


InhaledThe essential oil of cajeput can help promote the proper functioning of the respiratory tract and in particular facilitate breathing in the event of a cold. In addition, it also helps to soothe irritated throats. Put 2 to 3 drops of cajeput essential oil in a bowl of hot water, cover your head with a line and inhale for a few minutes.

Application by massage or compress

It is advisable to mix a few drops of essential oil with vegetable oil (sweet almond, jojoba, macadamia, rosehip, argan, olive, etc.) to use as massage oil. You will use the essential oil of cajeput in localized massage in case of skin problems and unsightly marks (varicose veins, ...). For this, mix 20 to 30 drops of cajeput in 100ml of vegetable oil. Apply to the affected area for 15 minutes using a warm moistened compress.

Cajeput essential oil will also be perfect for massage to facilitate breathing and soften the throat in case of cold. For this, 20 to 30 drops diluted in 100 ml of vegetable oil and massage the chest and back.

On broadcast


In order to promote the proper functioning of the respiratory tract and in particular to facilitate breathing in the event of cooling, diffuse the essential oil of cajeput in the living rooms for about thirty minutes.



OrallyDitto, in order to promote the proper functioning of the respiratory tract and in particular to facilitate breathing in the event of a cold, you can take 1 drop of cajeput essential oil diluted in a teaspoon of honey or vegetable oil, 2 times per day.


100% pure and natural oil

Accéder au dossier

An essential oil is made up of chemically defined molecules (about 10,000 listed) that have been secreted by special plant cells. It can consist of from one to several hundred molecules, which helps explain why some essential oils have many properties but different therapeutic effectiveness. To guarantee the properties necessary for effective aromatherapy, it is important that an essential oil is 100% pure and natural (not cut, not deterpenated, not mixed with alcohol or vegetable oils) and preferably organic. This is the case for the essential oils we sell. They are sold in tinted bottles with a dropper cap.

Go to the "Properties and characteristics of essential oils" file. Whether pure or mixed, you can use them in our different diffuser models. The information given on each essential oil is for guidance only. Beware of self-diagnosis, do not hesitate to consult an aromatherapist or any other recognised professional and read our special file "properties of essential oils"in our thematic files. 

Essential oils can help you

Essential oils are primarily used to help you treat many ailments. But beware, even if essential oils are often extracted from edible plants, their concentrations make it necessary to remain cautious and respect their curative power. The use of essential oils is relatively simple and if you follow a few basic rules, they will put their therapeutic genius at your disposal. Covering with essential oils has more advantages than disadvantages.

Accéder au dossier

Find in our primer on care with essential oils, all the ailments for which the essential oil of cajeput enters into the composition of the mixture : 

Alopecia, Impetigo, Laryngitis.


Who is allowed to use Cajeput essential oil ?

Adults and teenagers

Children under 6 years old

Pregnant and breastfeeding women

Pregnant women under 3 months

Babies under 3 years old

The Risks of Using Cajeput Essential Oil


Irritating to the skin


WARNING These properties, indications and methods of use are taken from reference works or websites in aromatherapy, hydrotherapy and phytotherapy. They are found there on a regular basis and many of them have been confirmed by observations in the scientific community. However, this information is given for information purposes, it can not in any way constitute medical information, nor engage our responsibility. For any use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes, consult a doctor.

Labels / certifications
European organic logo
10 ml
Can be used
By mouth
Can be used
By inhalation
Can be used
Can be used
Recommended for
Autumn / Winter

Specific references


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Organic Cajeput - Leaves - 10ml - Essential oil

Thanks to its richness in monotorpenes, cajeput essential oil is a general tonic and stimulant for the body. Purifying, it is traditionally used to clear the airways. It is also appreciated as a purifying and toning active ingredient in the care of skin with imperfections.

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