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Expert in organic products and insect control since 2002

Marjoram AB - Flowers - 10 ml - Essential oil

Delivery expected from 07/30/2024

The essential oil of marjoram is mainly used as a nervous system balancer but also as an antibacterial agent. Very effective for finding sleep or relieving nervousness-related ailments. 10 ml bottle.

In stock (3 Items)

plus-produit.pngKEY POINTS TO REMEMBER

case-a-cocher.jpgCalming and relaxing effect
case-a-cocher.jpgAnalgesic and anti-inflammatory properties
case-a-cocher.jpgDigestive support
case-a-cocher.jpgAntiseptic and immunostimulant properties

Identity card

Essential oil category Digestion

Botanical name : Origanum marjorana
French name / other names : Marjoram
Family : Lamiaceae
Certification :  Essential oil from controlled, certified organic cultivation, 100% pure and natural, uncut and undeterpenated. It is certified AB by Bureau Veritas Certification France (FRBIO10).
Part of the plant used : Flowering tops
Method of production : steam distillation
Origin : Egypt (origin varies from batch to batch and is specified on the packaging)
Yield : 0.2% to 0.3%. It therefore takes 100 kg of plant to obtain 200 g to 300 g of Marjoram essential oil. 
Sold in : Amber glass bottle with codigoutte 

Some information about marjoram

This plant of approximately 20 to 60 cm in height with oval dark green leaves and whitish flowers grouped in tight inflorescences likes dry and arid spaces. It should not be confused with wild marjoram, which is the popular name for certain oregano plants (Origanum vulgare), or with Scotch marjoram, which is actually a species of cineole thyme (Thymus mastichina). Shell marjoram is also known as garden marjoram or true marjoram. It is one of the most popular herbs, frequently used in cooking. The flowering plant is distilled to produce an essential oil with a fine, fresh, sweet and slightly medicinal smell.

Its warm, slightly pungent fragrance (quite similar to that of thyme and finer than that of oregano) blends well with many essential oils such as Bergamot, Lavender and Rosemary.

Warming, relaxing and stimulating, it will help you to relieve pain in general. Tonic of the digestive system, you will use it to fight flatulence, aerophagia, intestinal disturbances.

Its sedative action is interesting to calm nervousness, overexcitement, depression, insomnia caused by stress. It is also said to promote the outpouring of tenderness and calm sexual impulses !

Marjoram leaves


Terpinene-4-ol, monoterpenol
*The chemotype is the identity card of the essential oil, its chemical composition defined by chromatographic analysis. The same plant can have several compositions depending on the place and the variety. A chemotype depends on a property, an odour and a taste. 

Chemical formula

Its active ingredients include monoterpenes (40%) and monoterpenols (50%), including terpinene-1-ol-4. Unlike oregano (or pizza herb), marjoram does not contain phenols.

Major indications

Warming, relaxing, circulation, digestion, nervousness, respiratory infections, neuralgia. 

Therapeutic properties of the essential oil of marjoram

Main : Calming, Anxiolytic, Anti-infectious, antibacterial, Neurotonic and parasympathicotonic, Analgesic, Immunostimulant, Antiviral.

SecondarySpasmolytic, Antifungal, Diuretic, Stomachic, Brain and physical tonic. 

Attention !

Avoid during the first 3 months of pregnancy and for infants under 3 months of age. Do not use in case of acute hypotension. When used intensively, it can cause drowsiness and dizziness.


Instructions for use

Essential oils are powerful natural substances and should therefore be used with care. Even if essential oils have been used since Antiquity, their mode of use and the precautions for use are often poorly understood. Many books deal with essential oils. It is therefore advisable to refer to it to find out about the traditional modes of use.

As an indication, some examples of use 

Use as a compress

To help relax muscles, 4 to 5 drops of marjoram essential oil in a vegetable oil to be applied as a compress on sensitive areas.


Application by massage or compressIt is advisable to mix a few drops of essential oil with a vegetable oil (sweet almond, jojoba, macadamia, rose hip, argan, olive, etc.) to use as a massage oil.

In case of anxiety or difficult sleep : 4 to 5 drops of marjoram diluted in a little vegetable oil and massage the solar plexus and the stomach, especially in case of bloating due to stress.

To soothe the throat and promote the resistance of the respiratory tract : 4 to 5 drops of marjoram in 10 ml of vegetable oil and massage into the area.

Oral use

To promote calm and relaxation, put 1 to 2 drops of marjoram essential oil in 1 teaspoon of honey or on a neutral tablet, once or twice a day. 


Use by diffusion

For atmospheric diffusion, marjoram essential oil is used in small quantities, combined with others, as it is a rather rare (and therefore rather expensive) oil.

In case of anxiety, difficult sleep or to help you fall asleep, diffuse 15 minutes in the room before bedtime.

For snoring, put 10 drops of marjoram essential oil in your diffuser and turn it on for 20 minutes just before going to bed. You can also put 2 drops on a handkerchief, to keep next to the pillow.

100% pure and natural oil

Accéder au dossier

An essential oil is made up of chemically defined molecules (about 10,000 listed) that have been secreted by special plant cells. It can consist of from one to several hundred molecules, which helps explain why some essential oils have many properties but different therapeutic effectiveness. To guarantee the properties necessary for effective aromatherapy, it is important that an essential oil is 100% pure and natural (not cut, not deterpenated, not mixed with alcohol or vegetable oils) and preferably organic. This is the case for the essential oils we sell. They are sold in tinted bottles with a dropper cap.

Go to the "Properties and characteristics of essential oils" file. Whether pure or mixed, you can use them in our different diffuser models. The information given on each essential oil is for guidance only. Beware of self-diagnosis, do not hesitate to consult an aromatherapist or any other recognised professional and read our special file "properties of essential oils"in our thematic files. 

Essential oils can help you

Essential oils are primarily used to help you treat many ailments. But beware, even if essential oils are often extracted from edible plants, their concentrations make it necessary to remain cautious and respect their curative power. The use of essential oils is relatively

Accéder au dossierIn our essential oil primer, you will find all the ailments for which marjoram essential oil is used in the composition of the blend :

Anxiety, Anxiety, Bulimia, Nightmares and night terrors, Muscle strain, Anger and irritability, Appetite suppressant, Body aches, Depression and depressive state, Enuresis, Arterial hypertension, Insomnia, Menopausal disorders, Sexuality, Smoking.


Who is allowed to use marjoram essential oil ?

Adults and teenagers

Pregnant women under 3 months

Children under 6 years of age

Infants under 3 months of age

Pregnant and breastfeeding women


Risks of using marjoram essential oil


WARNING These properties, indications and methods of use are taken from reference books or websites on aromatherapy, hydrolatherapy and phytotherapy. They are regularly found there and many of them are confirmed by observations in scientific environments. However, this information is given for information purposes only, and in no way constitutes medical information, nor does it engage our responsibility. For any use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes, consult a doctor.

Labels / certifications
Organic farming
10 ml
Can be used
In the kitchen
Can be used
Can be used
Can be used
As a compress
Can be used
By mouth

Specific references


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Marjoram AB - Flowers - 10 ml - Essential oil

The essential oil of marjoram is mainly used as a nervous system balancer but also as an antibacterial agent. Very effective for finding sleep or relieving nervousness-related ailments. 10 ml bottle.

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