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Expert in organic products and insect control since 2002
Organic thyme thymol - 10 ml - Aerial part - Essential oil

Thyme thymol organic - 10 ml - Aerial part - Essential oil

Delivery expected from 07/30/2024

Thyme essential oil is a very powerful anti-infectious oil. A nerve tonic and energiser, it is known for combating physical and mental fatigue. A purifying oil with a broad spectrum of action, it is a precious ally in winter. A powerful antiseptic, it can be used as a household disinfectant.

Last available (1 Item)

plus-produit.pngKEY POINTS TO REMEMBER

case-a-cocher.jpgPowerful antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties
case-a-cocher.jpgStimulation of the immune system
case-a-cocher.jpgExpectorant and decongestant effect
case-a-cocher.jpgAnti-inflammatory and analgesic properties

Identity card

Purifying category essential oil

Botanical name : Thymus vulgaris
French name / other names : thyme to thymol
Family : Lamiaceae
Certification : Certified Organic product according to the European regulation relating to Organic Agriculture
Part of the plant used : plant, aerial part
Method of production : Steam distillation
Origin : Spain (origin varies depending on the batch and specified under the box)
Sold in : Amber glass bottle with codigoutte 

A few facts about thyme

Thyme is a woody plant that grows in the limestone mountains of the Mediterranean in the south of France. It is a powerful, spicy culinary plant. Thymol thyme and Carvacrol thyme are the two so-called strong thymes, and there are 4 other types of thyme, including linalool thyme, which are considered mild. Thymes and rosemary of several different types with the same Latin name have made it necessary to use the chemical type in addition to the Latin: in this case, thymol thyme. The essential oil has an amber colour and a pungent, spicy, slightly floral fragrance.

With its warm, powerful scent and pungent, burning flavour, you can combine it with the scents of bergamot, juniper, lemon, mandarin, niaouli, petitgrain and rosemary. Thyme is one of the plants with the most numerous properties, and also one of the most powerful. It is principally an anti-infective, acting on recurrent infections. It is also an effective remedy for colds and muscular pains.

But its properties don't stop there. It has many other uses, such as stimulating capillary circulation (dandruff, hair loss) and as an intestinal antiseptic (digestion, flatulence).


thymol, p-cymene, γ terpinene
*The chemotype is the essential oil's identity card, its composition chemically defined by chromatographic analysis. The same plant can have several compositions depending on the location and variety. A chemotype depends on a property, an odour and a taste.

Thyme (Thymol) - Thymus vulgaris

Main indications

Cooling, general tiredness, insomnia, muscular pains. 

Therapeutic properties of Thyme essential oil

Main : Powerful antiparasitic, powerful broad-spectrum antibacterial, antiviral and immune stimulant, fungicide, general tonic and stimulant.

Secondary : Digestive, Carminative, Aperitive, Cholagogue, Revulsive, Rubéfiante.


Caution !

Thyme essential oil should be avoided in cases of high blood pressure. Dermocaustic oil: use in low concentrations and diluted. Diffuse in moderation or mix with other essential oils. Not recommended for pregnant or breast-feeding women.


Recommendations for use

Essential oils are powerful natural substances and should therefore be used with care. Although essential oils have been used since ancient times, there is often a lack of knowledge about how to use them and what precautions to take. Many books deal with essential oils. It is therefore advisable to refer to them for traditional methods of use. 

Here are just a few examples of use 


Oral use

To boost the body's natural resistance and maintain tone and vitality, add 1 drop of Thyme essential oil to 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 to 3 times a day for 3 consecutive days (maximum daily dose: 3 drops, i.e. 0.12 ml).


Application by massage or compress

We recommend mixing a few drops of essential oil with a vegetable oil (sweet almond, jojoba, macadamia, rose hip, argan, olive, etc.) to use as a massage oil.

To keep skin and feet healthy, particularly in the case of fungal infections, mix 1 drop of Thyme essential oil in a neutral vegetable oil, then massage in locally.

For devitalized hair : 2 drops of thyme + 2 drops of ylang ylang + 2 drops of geranium + 2 drops of juniper emulsified in a spoonful of honey, then add to 250 ml of cleansing base.


Use by broadcasting

To help stimulate the body's natural defences, mix 10 drops of Thymol Thyme + 20 drops of Scots Pine + 50 drops of Tea Tree, then diffuse for 15 to 30 minutes in living areas.


Inhalation use

To help stimulate the body's natural defences, mix 1 drop of thyme + 2 drops of eucalyptus globulus or rosemary camphor, then disperse in a bowl of hot water.


Use in the bath As essential oils are not water-soluble, they need to be mixed with an emulsifier before pouring into the bath. For example, they can be mixed with liquid soap, neutral shampoo (1 tablespoon) or our Solubol® dispersant. As a general rule, we advise you not to exceed 10 drops per bath and not to stay in the bath for more than 20 minutes. For an invigorating aromatic bath, disperse 2 drops of thyme + 5 drops of lavender + 5 drops of geranium in the bath on waking.


100% pure and natural oil

Access the file on the properties and characteristics of essential oils

An essential oil is made up of chemically defined molecules (around 10,000 have been identified) that have been secreted by special plant cells. It can be made up of between one and several hundred molecules, which helps to explain why some essential oils have numerous properties but differing therapeutic effectiveness. To guarantee the properties needed for effective aromatherapy, it is important that an essential oil is 100% pure and natural (not cut, deterpenated or mixed with alcohol or vegetable oils) and preferably organic. This is the case for the essential oils we sell. They are sold in tinted bottles with dropper caps.

Whether pure or blended, you can use them in our various diffuser models. The information given on each essential oil is for guidance only. Beware of self-diagnosis. Consult an aromatherapist or other recognised professional and read our special file on the properties of essential oils in our thematic files.

Essential oils can help 

Essential oils are mainly used to help treat a wide range of ailments. But be careful, even though essential oils are often extracted from edible plants, their concentrations mean that you need to remain cautious and respect their curative powers. Using essential oils is relatively simple, and if you follow a few basic rules, they will put their therapeutic genius at your disposal. Using essential oils has more advantages than disadvantages. 

Go to our essential oils primer

In our essential oil care primer, you'll find all the ailments for which thyme essential oil is used in the blend:

Alopecia, Bronchitis, Immune defenceEpidemic, Shortness of breath, LaryngitisMycosis, Otitis, Difficuly breathingSnoring, Measles.


Who is authorised to use Thymol Thyme essential oil ?

Adults and teenagers

Children under 6

Pregnant and breast-feeding women

Women under 3 months pregnant

Babies under 3


Risks of using Thymol Thyme essential oil


Dermocaustic in its purest form


Irritating to the skin


Irritating to the respiratory tract

DISCLAIMER These properties, indications and methods of use are taken from reference books and websites on aromatherapy, hydrolatherapy and phytotherapy. Many of them have been confirmed by scientific observations. However, this information is provided for information purposes only, and in no way constitutes medical information, nor does it engage our responsibility. For any therapeutic use of essential oils, consult a doctor.

Labels / certifications
Organic farming
10 ml
Can be used
In the bath
Can be used
By mouth
Can be used
By inhalation
Can be used
Can be used
Recommended for
Autumn / Winter

Specific references

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Thyme thymol organic - 10 ml - Aerial part - Essential oil

Thyme essential oil is a very powerful anti-infectious oil. A nerve tonic and energiser, it is known for combating physical and mental fatigue. A purifying oil with a broad spectrum of action, it is a precious ally in winter. A powerful antiseptic, it can be used as a household disinfectant.

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