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The mosquito, carrier of disease

Who has never been confronted with the presence of mosquitoes? This biting-sucking insect can also become a real problem in certain sectors, as their number increases. Discover in this file a set of answers and products that will allow you to best fight against this invasive insect.

I wish

Get to know the mosquito better

(identity, mode of feeding, reproduction, ...)

Mosquito control

(methodology of action, natural insecticides, ...)

Who is the mosquito ?

The mosquito - aedes vexansLatin name : Assex pipiens, culiseta annulata, aedes punctor
Order : Diptera
Family : Culicidae
Size : 4 to 7 mm
Location : any habitat
Period : from spring to autumn

What you need to know about the mosquito

Culex pipiens femelle gorgée de sang

Culex pipiens female gorged with blood Everyone knows or thinks they know these small insects of a few millimeters, which annoy our summer evenings.

In France, there are 67 species (mainly four of which willingly pump our blood!). But there are at least 2500 of them, which are found both in the polar regions and in the equatorial forest. Man is therefore not the only vertebrate affected by these attacks.

The female prefers a temperature between 15 and 30°C, with relatively high humidity.

These conditions are mainly found during the summer months, in the late afternoon and after sunset, as well as in the early morning and after rain.

After mating, the female, which is the only one to bite, needs protein (blood) to bring her eggs to maturity. The male, meanwhile, forages the flowers to feed.

For the place of laying, the only common point between the different species of mosquitoes is the need for water. All water points, except constantly rough seas, can be used to lay the eggs. Ponds of course, but also the edges of watercourses, saucers in flowerpots, tin cans or footprints in the ground are all good places for laying eggs.

Usually the eggs are laid singly, but they are also found clinging to each other, forming trays or small rafts floating on the surface. Depending on the species and the time of year, hatching occurs after a few hours or several months. Some mosquito eggs can withstand a drought period of three to five years.

La larve de culex

The evolution of the larva (from 2 to 12 mm) takes place in an aquatic environment. It is mobile and breathes at the surface of the water either directly or through a respiratory siphon. It finds its food either on the surface or at the bottom of the breeding site. When it has finished growing, the larva becomes less active and pupates, taking in air through its breathing tubes.

When the temperature is favourable, the whole cycle from egg to adult stage can last less than 10 days.

On average, females lay 2-3 generations.

At the end of summer, the adult mosquito can overwinter in any room, even unheated.

Females are especially attracted to certain smells coming from the host: sweat, clean smell of the skin, steroid amino acids, urine, etc. Carbon dioxide (CO2) exhaled by the host would play an important role in triggering mosquito flight in a room.

The species, the meteorological conditions, their energy reserves, unfavorable conditions, ... are determining factors on the distances traveled by these insects. A mosquito that bites you can therefore come from a few tens of meters or a few tens of kilometers.

How does the mosquito locate its host to feed ?

The culex mosquito. A vector of disease

The culex mosquito. A disease vectorMosquitoes locate their hosts using a highly specialized recognition system, called chemoreceptors, located on the antennae. These chemoreceptors are sensitive to different parameters :
- Olfactory
- Perception of heat
- Infrared radiation
- Day/night vision
- Chemo-olfactory (perception of specific molecules and smells)
- Vibes

Some mosquitoes identify the CO2 that is emitted during normal exhalation, or significant exhalation following physical exertion, in the smell of perspiration. Specific data (osmolarity, salinity, chemical composition) confirm to “biting suckers” such as mosquitoes that they are indeed sucking blood and that they can therefore feed themselves. The accuracy of sensory perception is related to the number of chemoreceptors. These also serve the needs of sexuality. The mosquito which lives more or less far from its host (contrary to a chip for example) is equipped with approximately 5000 antenna receivers.

The mosquito, a vector of disease

Mosquitoes are "vectors" of diseases, that is to say, they only carry the pathogen. This is the case for malaria, a disease responsible for nearly one million deaths per year, and for malaria, transmitted in Europe by mosquitoes of the Anoheles genus.

In France, for many years, mosquitoes no longer theoretically pose a danger to humans, which has not always been true since in the 1940s, the Hérault region was nicknamed the "country of fever !

How to protect yourself from mosquitoes ?

1. Wear long clothes

Cover yourself with loose clothing in light shades, white or khaki, taking care to cover your wrists, ankles and neck. Also remember to spray your clothes with our special textile insect repellents (Penntybio or Aries).

Biting insect repellent for textiles

Our insect repellent for textiles will quickly become your inseparable. It will allow, once applied to your fabrics and clothes, to...
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2. Avoid

Avoid smelly shampoos, perfumes and aftershaves that will attract them.

3. Protect yourself

Consider applying body protection such as our Penntybio or Aries mosquito repellent lotion to your skin.

Skin insect repellent lotion spray

Penntybio insect repellent body lotion , thanks to its active ingredient, Eucalyptus citriodora extract , is effective against...
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4. Prevent any approach

Install screens on all windows whenever possible. Treat with our flying insect repellent or Habitat all entrances, bedding, curtains, mosquito nets and any surfaces you wish to protect.

Insect repellent diluted with vegetable...

Formulated from essential oils and vegetable pyrethrum , this ready-to-use repellent is particularly effective against flying...
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Habitat insect repellent - 500 ml

A victim of its own success ! Stock sold out for the summer season. Replenishment scheduled for early October 2024. Sorry for the...
Unavailable, sorry !
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5. Treat ambient air

Close doors and windows and spray in the ambient air or directly on mosquitoes either All Insects Arcy insecticide or Aries flying insecticide. Finally, in the field of fumigation : the Habitat Biovétol fogger. This product will give excellent results on this type of insects. Insecticide based on active ingredients of plant origin (pyrethrum + geraniol), intended for basic treatment of the habitat. Very volatile, the solution is deposited in the smallest recesses where parasites and insects lodge. Immediate action. 3 different formats exist: 75ml for a treatment of less than 15m², 150ml, for a treatment of less than 30 m². Finally, 250ml, for a treatment larger than 30m².

Plant insecticide All Insects - Lemon...

Arcyvert plant insecticide aerosol is a universal insecticide made from pyrethrum, enabling you to control a wide range of insects,...
A log

Fogger Habitat with plant-based active...

This is fogger composed of plant-based assets is intended for the background treatment of the habitat in case of infestation by mites,...
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6. Keep them away

The mosquito hates very ventilated areas. The air movements caused by a fan will therefore help you to keep them at bay. Products also exist. There are several solutions for this :
a - Diffuse our special anti-mosquito mixture (synergy of essential oils) or lemongrass. This will keep them at bay.

b - The Aries mosquito repellent electric socket with its concentrated mixture of geraniol will keep them at bay for a whole night.
c - Our mosquito coils will allow you to keep mosquitoes away effectively. The smoke that burns from these spirals is composed of pyrethrum. The mosquitoes will be immediately disturbed and will go their way, or even die if they insist!

Citronella summer candle - 100 grs

This candle made from vegetable wax of rapeseed, lemongrass, orange and geraniol has been designed to ward off mosquitoes during all...
Unavailable, sorry !
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Mosquito Repellent - Organic Synergy

With this blend, you can take advantage of the recognised repellent effects of essential oils such as citronella, lavender, geranium...
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7. Remove larva foci

There remains an important point to limit the mosquito population: Remove near the house all stagnant water points or apply either our Anti-larvae and mosquitoes concentrate, or our Anti-larvae and mosquitoes ready to use. Also discover our Guppytrap innovation : the ecological mosquito larvae trap for pot plants, a patented invention which won a silver medal at the Concours Lépine in Paris in 2023.

8. Relieve mosquito bite

If the mosquito was stronger than you, natural products exist to relieve the itch caused by its bite. They exist in several forms.

Roll on soothing – 10 ml

Lavender Soothing Roll-On to enjoy the summer in peace! To relieve insect bites and minor burns. 100% organic, rich in essential oils....
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Bites Roll'On – 10 ml

The Bites Roll'On will be very effective against itching on the skin. Its effectiveness will leave your skin soft and free of plaque....
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Electric mosquito repellents !

mosquito repellent lamp

Electrocutioners : since mosquitoes are not particularly attracted to light, this device is very ineffective.

Ultrasonic emitters : this device can be effective in keeping dogs away but a priori, not mosquitoes !

The only valid electric mosquito repellents remain those on the outlet. That of the Aries brand works by gentle heat. A tampon is impregnated with a concentrated mixture of geraniol and lemongrass, the tampon is slipped into the box. You plug it in and the product spreads for several days for effective protection.

Mosquito Breeding Conditions

The aedes mosquito

The aedes mosquito As the mosquito needs heat and humidity to reproduce, numerous and continuous rains in the spring, combined with mild temperatures, therefore favor the proliferation of mosquitoes.

If with average temperatures, it takes about three weeks to go from the egg state to that of an adult, in high heat, only ten days are enough for an adult insect to emerge.

The mosquito does not breed in running water and rarely in permanent ponds, where many predators are enough to eliminate them, but in stagnant water that can warm up quickly. For example pockets of water, following temporary flooding, in the hollow of tree trunks, leaves, plastics and other excavations. In urban areas, rainwater collectors, gutters, flower pots, abandoned bags, tires, rainwater manholes, are all places conducive to mosquito breeding.

How to fight against the mosquito ?

This begins with the systematic removal of standing water that may be breeding grounds. This operation is simpler in an urban environment than in a natural environment.

The aedes mosquito

1 - A few simple operations to do

Elimination of residual puddles, turning of containers, removal of plastic waste, removal of saucers from flower pots in wet weather, caulking of gutter bases and pit openings, covering of rainwater collectors and other containers. Containers that cannot be covered should be emptied every 5 days to avoid a full breeding cycle.

The breeding ground of predilection is constituted by the septic tank from which the adult mosquitoes escape by the ventilation pipe. All you have to do is screen the latter and its upper opening and remove every year the "mosquito plug" that could possibly have formed there.

Flooded cellars, like crawl spaces, must be drained by suitable automatic devices.

Small reservoirs or collections of water will be removed, in particular old tires, various receptacles, car wrecks, etc... empty them at least every week.

This list, of course, is not exhaustive.

2 - In addition

It is also possible to use insecticides having as active molecules :
- Pyrethrins
- Pyrethroids
- Organophosphates
- Carbamates

But beware, during the invasion of Reunion Island by Aedes albopictus, massive and sometimes excessive spraying of toxic organophosphorus insecticides, such as Fenitrotion and Temephos, was carried out, in haste and without elementary precautions, arousing the anger and protest of many citizens. Certain insecticides such as malathion, used against mosquitoes, are now banned by Europe.

The massive use of insecticides is not without consequence on our environment. Most are toxic, even very toxic, for the aquatic environment and dangerous for cold-blooded animals. Think twice (see 3 !).

Discover our complete range of natural products allowing you to fight against mosquitoes.

Accédez à notre page

Our other advice on mosquito treatment

Larves de Culex sp. respirant sous la surface de l'eau

1 - Respect the buffer zones defined for the protection of the aquatic compartment.

2 - Prohibit treatments if there is a risk of heavy rain.
- Treat preferably between sunset and sunrise:
- Mosquitoes are more active at night,
- Pyrethrins are quickly destroyed by the sun (15 minutes in direct sunlight),
- Less risk of destroying "useful" insects.

3 - Treat only if the weather permits (light wind, no rain, high temperature).

4 - Spray preferably in the form of a mist (very fine droplets), which will increase the duration of suspension in the air of the product and thus its effectiveness. The mosquito must come into contact with the insecticide the moment it is sprayed.

Whatever insecticide you use, it will only act on the adult and not on the larvae, so the treatment will have to be repeated every 2 to 3 weeks. You can also treat stagnant water, to destroy the larvae, with a specific product such as Bti (i.e. Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis). Be careful not to abuse this product, there would be habituation (study in the Camargue).

Regarding the concentration of our 4J insecticide, even if we found that the mosquito was destroyed with a concentration of 1.5%, in the form of fog, it will be preferable to increase the concentration to 3% or even 5% (this will depend on the setting of the spray nozzle) in order to keep the same amount of active ingredient coming into contact with the mosquito.

4J Insecticide concentrate with plant...

4J insecticide concentrate to be diluted. Effective against a large number of crawling and flying insects in our homes. Available in...
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Insecticide 4J diluted 5% - All insects -...

Ready-to-use  4J insecticide diluted to 5% . With this concentration, you will destroy  most flying and crawling insects  very quickly....
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All Insects Natural Insecticide Aerosol -...

Pistal insecticide with PBO-free plant pyrethrum extract is a fast-acting universal natural insecticide. This formula kills all...
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The tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus - Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika

Mosquito and chikungunya

FSSET report of 15/10/2007 concerning the fight against the chikungunya epidemic using various insecticides including pyrethrum.

We have only retained the part concerning pyrethrum from this report, but you can find the whole document on https://www.afsset.fr.

  • Efficiency :
    1. chemical family of natural pyrethrins, close to that of deltamethrin (synthetic pyrethroids)
    2. few cases of resistance; rarity in particular due to the nature of the substance: mixture of 6 active isomers
    3. used at a dose of 5 to 10 g/ha

  • Toxicological properties :
    1. very slightly toxic by the dermal route
    2. non-irritating to skin and eyes, non-sensitizing
    3. non-mutagenic, non-reprotoxic, non-teratogenic
    4. carcinogenic effects observed by the oral route in animals but effects that cannot be transposed to humans; minimal neurotoxic effects in animals by the oral route
    5. case of onset of sensitization (eczema, asthma) in the workplace

  • Physico-chemical properties and behavior in the environment :
    1. poorly soluble in water
    2. very rapid degradation in all environmental compartments
    3. strong affinity of pyrethrum for organic matter (tendency to retention in soil and high adsorption on particles suspended in water)
    4. high bioaccumulation potential for pyrethrum with potential risk of bioaccumulation in food chains
    5. moderate volatility of pyrethrum

  • Ecotoxicological properties :
    1. Very toxic to aquatic organisms
    2. low toxicity of pyrethrum for birds and high for mammals
    3. very toxic to bees, due to their insecticidal nature

  • Risks for humans :
    1. the risk associated with exposure to pyrethrum during its application is acceptable for operators and people present in the vicinity, subject to good practice recommendations in the use strategy.

  • Environmental risks :
    1. the exposure levels determined during this work lead to risks associated with the use of pyrethrum that are of concern for the ecosystems studied.

  • Usage strategy :
    1. in the absence of a specific analysis of the risks associated with adjuvants, prefer products formulated in phase
    2. if it is necessary to alternate treatments, use pyrethrum-based products
    3. to implement protocols suitable for applicators by focusing more on :
      - to enforce the buffer zones of 25 m and 50 m defined for the protection of the aquatic compartment
      - to prohibit treatments in the event of a risk of heavy rains which could lead to the runoff of substances towards more important water points
      - to protect apiaries during treatment periods by a beekeeper alert system

Plants to repel mosquitoes

If you are looking for a method to keep mosquitoes at bay in addition to your usual products, certain plants can help you.

1- Lemongrass
The must-have in terms of mosquito repellent plants, it is even used as an essential oil in certain mosquito repellent products. However, its power must be qualified, it only acts temporarily. It is for this reason that the European Union has banned its use as an insecticide.

2- Pyrethrum from Dalmatia
This flower contains a natural insecticide: pyrethrin. This substance attacks the nervous system of insects (neutoxic action). It is with this plant that a good number of insecticides are made at Penn'Ty Bio.

3- Peppermint
Mosquitoes do not appreciate its smell, and as a bonus it is perfect in infusion.

4- Catnip
Also called "catnip", this plant from the same family as mint contains nepetalactone, an organic compound that has the effect of repelling mosquitoes. This plant also acts as cat bait.

5- Basil
Very easy to maintain and grow, basil, apart from the fact that it will be great for flavoring your dishes, will have a repellent effect on mosquitoes. You can therefore grow it in a bed just under your windows or in a pot indoors.

6- Lavender
Several flying insects, such as wasps, bees or even mosquitoes have their sense of smell disturbed by lavender. In essential oil, it also has soothing and relaxing properties.

7- Rosemary
In addition to scaring away several species of insects, rosemary is also an excellent remedy for bronchial coughs, ideal for winter.

Mosquito Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What insecticide and repellent products would you recommend against tropical mosquitoes (dengue, etc.) ? I live in Guadeloupe and I'm looking for an organic product to spray safely in my children's room and in the rest of the house ?

A: We have various repellents on our site, but be careful, no product can guarantee you zero mosquitoes in a room.

Q: We are in the Var and there is stagnant water under the wooden terrace... I would like to treat the mosquito larvae without harming the small lizards which also live there... which product do you recommend ?

A: In this case, you can use our concentrated solution against larvae and mosquitoes. No risk for lizards. However, snakes will not like the geraniol in this product.

Q: Do you have among your products a natural insecticide that is totally effective as a protection against malaria (one-month stays planned in Haiti during the Holidays)? (I try to avoid "DEET"-based insecticides and other harmful substances.)

A: In body protection, we have the anti-mosquito lotion that is also effective in tropical environments. You will find this product and many others on our site. Whatever the product and for good body protection, it is necessary to renew the application several times a day.

Q: I want to use one of your insecticides outdoors on plants and bushes to eliminate mosquitoes. Is this possible without damaging my plants ? If so, what product to use ?

A: You will not be able to eliminate mosquitoes by treating the plants. At best you will kill those who receive product at the time of treatment, the 2% 4J insecticide will do. Mosquito treatment is carried out on bodies of water to kill eggs and larvae and not on plants.

Q: Am I currently looking for an extremely effective mosquito repellent insecticide ? Indeed I live on the banks of the Loire and I let you imagine on summer evenings I am invaded by mosquitoes. I came across your site and it seems interesting to me only I have a question who is your product can it be applied to hedges, flowers, trees finally any outdoor object ?? is it effective over the long term outdoors even with several rains ?

A: Our repellent is based on solubilised essential oils, which means it will not hold up to rain. There is very little product that holds up to rain, which is why farmers are forced to retreat after a rain !

Q: Are the products you offer effective on the most common AEDES species in the regions north of the Loire (Aedes Rusticus, Cantans and vexans) ? Alain Boyer president of the Aube et Marne joint mosquito control union.

A: No idea, but a priori our insecticides are not selective and therefore effective on all insects !

Q: My 2 year old daughter has been allergic to mosquito bites since she was 5 months old; it's a nightmare especially since we live in the antilles; my questions: are your repellents effective against West Indian mosquitoes, could the famuex aedes agypi also wear your repellent bracelet, at her age? She gives me certain allergic reactions to some mosquito repellent (exema) which I am wary of now. THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR ANSWERS.

AFor this age, most mosquito repellents are not recommended. We no longer sell the bracelets but anyway, it would have been too big. We can offer you the Aries mosquito repellent lotion which is intended for children.

Q: We are looking for a powerful mosquito repellent for large areas that is not harmful to bodies of water (fish, frogs). To be sprayed by self-propelled sprayer.

A: We currently have nothing to offer you as a product of this type.

Q: I need to impregnate my mosquito net with an insecticide repellent. What insecticide can I use ? how often should the mosquito net be re-impregnated. Thank you for your reply.

AThe impregnation of mosquito nets is usually made from synthetic products composed of permethrin, with a longer duration of action. You will not find long-lasting mosquito net treatment products in natural, the persistence they offer is a bit short. However, you can use our Habitat insect repellent which will provide a barrier of several hours without any problem.

Q: In the South West, it is difficult to stay in our garden due to the invasion of mosquitoes. Is your Insect Repellent effective outdoors by spraying the lawn and nearby plants ?

A: No product lasts very long in the sun. It will be necessary to retreat very regularly !

Q: How then to protect oneself outside against these invasions (without resorting to treatment by helicopter as in the Camargue!!) ?

A: You have to take the technique of Reunion Island or personal protection.

Q: I have an ornamental pond near my house, how and with what product can I treat in order to eliminate mosquito larvae ?

A: Our products being soluble currently we have nothing to offer you. You need a non-soluble insecticide that will "float" on water. Maybe neem oil.

Q: I would be interested in the mosquito repellent bracelet.

A: For now we have stopped marketing this product due to allergic reactions from some customers.

Q: What is the shelf life of Mosquito and Flying Insect Repellent Lotion (and other products in the range) ?

A: Each product has a specific duration, most often it is 2 years after the product is manufactured.

Q: Is your 5% 4J insecticide harmful to animals ? indeed with the rains we are invaded by mosquitoes in our garden, however there is no stagnant water but the ground being waterlogged I think that the mosquitoes have developed. Can we put this insecticide in a 4% dilution on grass and trees ?

A: Pyrethrum-based insecticides are only harmful to cold-blooded animals like fish. Yes, it is possible to put this insecticide in a 4% dilution on grass and trees. However, keep in mind that it will kill any insects that will be affected by the product. It is therefore preferable to do it at nightfall, when mosquitoes come out and other insects go to bed.