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Expert in organic products and insect control since 2002


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What are food moths ?

Food moths are small flying insects that can become real invaders in our kitchens. Also known as food moths, they belong to the Pyralidae family and are attracted to a variety of stored foods, such as cereals, flour, dried fruit, nuts, spices and even chocolate. Food moths can become a source of frustration in our kitchens by contaminating our food and causing economic losses. By adopting simple preventive measures and acting quickly in the event of an infestation, you can keep your kitchen clean and free from these unwanted pests.


Food moths in your home ?

The food moth is a small butterfly measuring around 2 cm. You can spot them if you see them flying around as soon as you open a packet of flour, semolina or pulses. Female food moths lay their eggs directly in the packets. The caterpillars of the food moth produce silky threads that make the food unfit for consumption.

At this stage, you will need to throw out contaminated food. You can protect yourself by repackaging your food in airtight tins, jars or vacuum bags. Once the invasion has been declared, insecticide treatment is advisable. We offer several natural products to combat food moths: pyrethrum-based liquid insecticides, aerosols, sachets, traps and fumigants. Any means is good for eradicating this insect, which can really infest our food supplies.


Why use natural insecticides ?

Getting rid of food moths is one thing, but wouldn't it be even better if you could also protect your health and the environment ? Did you know that some particles of conventional insecticides remain in your treated rooms for several months? Fumigants are the worst because the particles fall back onto all the objects, textiles and surfaces in the room. Unless you wash each item thoroughly, you'll inevitably end up with chemical substances. Opting for natural insecticides will not only get rid of food moths, but also, thanks to the composition of our products and their low persistence, ensure that you can continue to live in a healthy environment.

Read all our advice and discover all our products to combat food moths naturally : Food moth file

Food moth trap – x2 – Kpro Green

Food moth trap – x2

Delivery expected from 07/30/2024

Kpro Vert adhesive food moth trap. Protects all your foodstuffs. Attracts and neutralizes male moths which, once trapped in the glued part, can no longer fertilize females. Reproduction stops and the infestation is checked. Effective 6 weeks. Set of 2 traps.

In stock (27 Items)


case-a-cocher.jpgSystematic trapping of food moths
case-a-cocher.jpgInsecticide-free and odourless
case-a-cocher.jpgNo risk to your foodstuffs
case-a-cocher.jpgEffective for up to 6 weeks

Fight against the food moth

Kpro Green food moth trap

Food moths (also called food moths or moths) are tiny lepidopteran butterflies listed under several subspecies based on their preferred food.

The most common mites in our regions attack, depending on the species, dry foodstuffs : cereals, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, dried fruits, pasta, semolina, chocolate products, tea, spices, animal feed, etc.

At the time of reproduction, females secrete an odorous substance (called a pheromone) which attracts males. It is precisely this principle that the Kpro trap uses. Thanks to a synthetic pheromone integrated at the level of the encolated part, the trap attracts the males who remain prisoners of the encolate part and can no longer fertilize the females. The risk of a new infestation is then greatly reduced.

Advantages food moth trap

+ Preventive effect. Immediate action
+ Without insecticide. Safe for foodstuffs.
+ Free from harmful substances for humans, pets and the environment.
+ Constant effectiveness for 6 weeks.
+ Odorless
+ Protects against moths, moths, moths: flour, pasta, cereals, dried fruits, tea, ...
+ Use for kitchen cupboards and attics.

The principle

- The traps can be placed in all places where foodstuffs are stored: kitchen cupboard, warehouses, attic, etc.

- Male moths are attracted by a sex hormone (pheromones) die stuck on the trap.

- Without a male, reproduction is stopped, the risk of a new infestation is then greatly reduced.

How to use these traps ?

- The best time to use these traps is from March to September

- Arrange 1 trap per cupboard, 2 or more for large volumes

- Hang or secure the trap vertically on the bottom wall of the cupboard or near the food storage area

- Remove the protection from the glued part.

- Replace the trap after 6 weeks or as soon as the surface is covered with insects

Some recommendations

- The presence of winged moths in the kitchen or the deterioration of food are signs of infestation (zigzag flight).

- In order to check if you are really infested, place a first trap (between March and September)

- In case of infestation, clean the cupboards well and throw away the soiled foodstuffs if necessary. Close cupboards and storage rooms. This product should not be used in areas where unpackaged food or feed products are kept.

Active substance

Pheromones ((Z,E)-tetradeca-9.12-dienyl acetate): 2 mg/trap in the impregnation solution. TP19


Each box contains 2 traps of 13cm x 9cm

Precautions for use

Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with the product (adhesive surface). Use biocidal products with care. Before use, read the label and product information. After contact with skin: Wash immediately with soap and water and rinse well. If skin irritation persists, seek medical attention. After contact with the eyes: wash with water, keeping the eyelids open for several minutes. If the problems persist, consult a doctor. This product should not be used in areas where unpackaged food or feed products are kept. The trap can be removed without trace and disposed of with household waste. Do not dispose of residues in sewers and in surface and ground waters. Dispose of the packaging and its contents in accordance with the national regulations in force. Soiled packaging and unused product must be disposed of in the recycling center.

Want to know more about the food moth ?

To find out more about the food moth, do not hesitate to consult our thematic file.

A word about the Kpro Vert range

Find out more about the Kpro Vert range

Since 1965, the Kpro brand has been providing peace of mind and well-being by protecting your home from insects.

Kpro products are still developed, tested and, for the most part, manufactured in France at Noyelles-les-Seclin, near Lille. Every day, almost 145 people put their experience and know-how at your service.

Kpro Vert offers mechanical, plant-based, biological and mineral anti-insect solutions for effective, responsible pest control.

Our brand has always been attentive to environmental impact in the development of its products, while at the same time being effective with a more responsible range. The brand is therefore pursuing its CSR* approach and developing :
- its packaging for its 1L spray format with 100% recycled plastic RPE packaging
- with the creation of a compostable pack that reduces plastic by 60% compared to an equivalent format
- as soon as possible, the elimination of all unnecessary packaging and the replacement of over-packaging with other, more environmentally-friendly materials.

KPRO is a solution adapted to every problem, with the greatest respect for the user.

Types of insects
Flying insects
Ready to use
Mode of application
Treatment against
Food moth
Treatment against
Wheat weevil
Treatment against
Drugstore beetle

Specific references


Safety Data Sheet

FDS Kapo Green food moth traps

Download (175.29k)




Piège à mites qui se colle facilement sur la porte intérieure du placard de cuisine, afin de récupérer les mites alimentaires dès leur premier envol. Grande surface pour attraper un maximum de mites. Sans odeur, chouette ! Attention : la surface collante colle énormément (tant mieux pour les mites), donc il vaut mieux éviter d'y coller un doigt ou ses cheveux par mégarde...

Bernadette M


bon produit



J'utilise les pièges à mites depuis assez longtemps !
Malheureusement le problème ne vient pas que de chez moi !
Rapportant des courses du super marché et en les rangeant, dans un pli de paquet, je me rends compte de la présence d'un papillon mite.
Vous devriez proposer vos produits aux grandes surfaces !!!
Très efficace, néanmoins. Merci.


Adieu les mites

Ces plaques sont bien efficaces et attirent les mites pendant plusieurs semaines


Très efficace

Quatre pièges répartis dans ma cuisine (face interne des portes de placards) permettent de contrôler le problème - ce qui n'est déjà pas si mal! -, sans le supprimer... d'où la nécessité de renouveler les pièges régulièrement (2 fois par an).
Plus chers, et sans doute d'une composition moins naturelle, que les pièges Aries, mais nettement plus efficaces chez moi.

Véronique Tombuyses


je ne savais pas qu'il y en avait autant chez moi ! Victoire, elles sont toutes collées

Michelle R

A bas les mites

Très satisfaite par ce produit. Les mites viennent toutes se coller sur la plaquette.
A recommander!

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

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Food moth trap – x2

Kpro Vert adhesive food moth trap. Protects all your foodstuffs. Attracts and neutralizes male moths which, once trapped in the glued part, can no longer fertilize females. Reproduction stops and the infestation is checked. Effective 6 weeks. Set of 2 traps.

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