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The wasp, the predator of the flies

As soon as the temperatures rise, the wasps come back. they can spoil your meals or your aperitifs on the terrace. See, more awkward, sting you if you disturb them. Find in this folder a set of natural responses and products that will allow you to fight this insect at best.

I wish

Mto know the wasp

(identity, feeding mode, reproduction, ...)


Fight against the wasp

(action method, natural insecticides, ...)


Who's the wasp ?

La guêpe - Vespula germanica

Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Widowed
Size: 1 to 2 cm
Location: attic and comble
Period: spring to fall


What you need to know about the wasp

La guêpe - Vespula germanica

Among the 9 species of social wasps, the common wasp (vespula vulgaris) and the Germanic wasp (paravespula germanica), both species are very close.
Social, much more aggressive than the frelon, the wasps are great predators of the flies that they destroy without mercy.
Like the frelons, the wasps start their nest in the spring, to finish it in the autumn. at this time, a colony can have more than 5,000 individuals. a nest in a house, or nearby, can become very quickly embarrassing or even dangerous.
The wasps feeding on nectar of flower and sweet matter, you have to be very careful when you pick fruits from the orchard.
A search for water, they can also be very present near swimming pools in very dry areas.


How to get the wasp away ?

Even if, first of all, the wasp is not a very friendly insect, it has its usefulness in the ecosystem since most wasps hunt other insects to feed their larvae. instead of destroying them, you can try to keep them remotely using a repulsive. you have the choice between spray-anti-guêpes aries or our repulsive insect Penntybio, either based on pyrethre and géraniol, either on the basis eucalyptus citriodora (repulsive habitat).

Repellent wasp spray – 50 ml

Nothing more unpleasant when eating out, to have wasps on the table all the time. To this inconvenience, there is a natural solution:...
In stock

Insect repellent diluted with vegetable...

Formulated from essential oils and vegetable pyrethrum , this ready-to-use repellent is particularly effective against flying...
In stock


Another effective solution: Our anti-moustic spirals andflying insects will allow you to keep away the wasps that would have decided to approach you or your meal outside. The smoke that consumes these spirals is composed of pyrethre. the wasps will be immediately disturbed and will pass their way. Up to 5h30 per spiral combustion


How to eliminate the wasp ?

Nid de guêpe

Destroy, as soon as possible in the season, all available nest drafts.
As long as the nest is of a reasonable size, you can destroy it by spraying directly on the nest and the wasps present, either from insecticide all insectsPistal ,either our insecticide 4j diluted to 10%.

Otherwise, the classic trap Stay dreadful. attracted by the food attractive that is placed in the centre of the trap, the wasps enter and can no longer emerge. They end up drowning inside and dying.

And in the field of fumigation fogger habitat Biovétol Will give excellent results on this type of insect. insecticide based on plant-based assets (pyrethre + géraniol) for the background treatment of habitat. very volatile, the solution is deposited in the smallest corners where pests and insects are located. immediate and prolonged action, up to 4 months.

If the nest is too big, think about involving a professional. Don't take unconsidered risks !

Ecological wasp and hornet trap

The Protecta brand offers this trap to permanently attract and trap wasps, hornets - Asian hornet and flies outdoors, around your home.
-€0.70 €9.90 €10.60
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All Insects Natural Insecticide Aerosol -...

Pistal insecticide with PBO-free plant pyrethrum extract is a fast-acting universal natural insecticide. This formula kills all...
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4J Insecticide concentrate with plant...

4J insecticide concentrate to be diluted. Effective against a large number of crawling and flying insects in our homes. Available in...
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4J insecticide diluted 10% - Resistant...

Insecticide 4J diluted to 10% ready to use. With this concentration, you will destroy very quickly all the insects some are their sizes...
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Fogger Habitat with plant-based active...

This is fogger composed of plant-based assets is intended for the background treatment of the habitat in case of infestation by mites,...
In stock

*pae: ready for employment


Discover our complete range of natural products that allow you to fight the wasps.

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Nature test of our 4j insecticide on the wasp

La guêpe - Vespula germanicaIn order to confirm the effectiveness of the test conducted by the tec analysis laboratory, penn'ty bio also conducted a large-scale test on a wasp nest. It's the insecticide that was used. you can see the protocol and results of this test by following this link.


Fair to the questions on the wasp

Topic: Nest of wasps
Q: I ordered 100ml of pure 4j insecticide (which I diluted to 5).% I then treated the whole roof by spraying the tiles (outdoor) with a low pressure sprayer containing the diluted product to 5.% I found no immediate effect, 24 hours after treatment, but I did not notice any immediate effect. There are always as many wasps that fly, pose, go under the tiles, etc... as before. Is it necessary to wait several days to observe an effect, I thought I understood from your tests that the effect was very fast ?
R: I didn't understand your case. The nests are under the roof and you treated the top of the roof? It's no use for anything all the more because the pyrethra that composes our insecticide is degraded by the sun in one day. The only thing we've tried and works is the watering of a wasps nest with our 4j insecticide. the wasps die and the nest, in general, is abandoned quickly. however, the effect remains immediate, without remanence.

La guêpe - Vespula germanica
Topic: Guêpes
Q: I wish to eliminate a nest of wasps under a roof, is this the right product ?
R: If the nest is accessible, it should work. with this product, as soon as you treat, the wasps flee the product that also acts as repulsive.

Topic: Nest of wasps
Q: I have a wasps nest, I would like to know how to destroy it because firefighters are no longer concerned with this problem.
R: We have already destroyed guêpes nests with our insecticide (5)% + sprayer, but if the nest is big, it is imperative to equip yourself in addition. If they feel disturbed, the wasps can be very aggressive. You have companies that do this now instead of firefighters.

Topic: Guêpes
Q: I just moved into my apartment and despite a first intervention by the firefighters to try to eradicate the wasps, we always see a rather important activity especially on the edge of our terrace. Which product of your range could I use to prevent the access of the wasps to our terrace? (produced to vaporize on the outside woodworks that the wasps come to spoil, on the tiles at the edge of the terrace ....) in advance I thank you for your advice.
R: Unfortunately, I have no solution to your problem of wasps. our natural products used outside do not have remanence.

Topic: Guêpes
Q: I would like advice to get rid of wasps or bees that colonized a talus in a very clayy land. Is there an outside insecticide? Should I appeal to a professional (the firefighters did not want to move)? What if ?
R: We don't have any solution to destroy oeds in the soil, and I don't know if it's feasible even with chemicals !

Topic: Guêpes
Q: I suffer from a severe allergy to the wasps and chills. Would you have a natural repulsive to put on the skin to remove these insects or is the mosquito bracelet effective in such a case ?
R: Most natural or chemical repellants are mainly targeted to mosquito, and possibly other flying insects but I don't know if these products are effective on wasps or frelons. Moreover, all repellants do not exceed 8 hours of protection and only protect the treated parts. I do not think there is a solution to your request, but you can always ask the question to your pharmacist and see on the side of products based on deep .

Topic: Nest of wasps
Q: I would like to know what products exist to run away or even kill the wasps and bees because I live in the middle of the forest, without any other dwelling at 9 km in the round. and I'm infested, we have a pool that we can't use the same for the terrace.
R: If you find the nests, you can destroy them with our 4j insecticide. a know, however, used outside, natural products last very little time since they are destroyed by the sun.

Topic: Nest of wasps
Q: I have a wasps nest under an amount that composes my velux on the roof. Can you tell me the best product to be able to eradicate them. the passage opening being very narrow.
R: If the nest is not too big or too far, in natural product, you have the vapo insecticide 4j to 10% or the aerosol pistal (all insects Aries)

Topic: Nest of wasps
Q: Hello. This is my problem, for a few days I have been fighting firmly with wasps, I suppose a large nest from the number of them I eliminate day after day.
I found the nest tonight, it is unfortunately in a place perfectly inaccessible (in a wall). When I saw the range of your products, I wondered if there was no solution to ignite/dwell the wall and thus finally settle the discomfort. Thank you in advance.
R: When the nest is inaccessible, it becomes very difficult. the only product that could work in your case would be our fogger habitat composed of pyrethre and géraniol. It acts by fumigation, still it is necessary to get this smoke inside the wall to saturate their insecticide space. our other insecticides (whether liquid or aerosols) act by contact. If you do not have access, you will not be able to touch them and it will be ineffective. the other solution would be to butcher the input hole (although there is only one, otherwise it complicates the stain). those inside would find themselves in prison. those who want to go back to the nest, couldn't do it anymore and would end up leaving elsewhere.