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The spider, not very pleasant but very useful !


Spiders, we all see them in our homes. Whether you are phobic or forced to see them disappear because they multiply, this file brings together a set of answers and products that will allow you to best fight against this insect.

I wish

Get to know the spider better

(identity, mode of feeding, reproduction, ...)


Fight against spider

(methodology of action, natural insecticides, ...)


Who's the spider ?

Spider : Latrodectus tredecimguttatus

The spider : Latrodectus tredecimguttatus The spider is part of the large family of arthropods (articulated feet) like insects, and belongs to the class of Arachnids like the mite, the tick or the scorpion.

Small difference with the insect family, it has 8 legs instead of 6 and its body is made up of 2 parts, the head and the abdomen, instead of 3 for insects (the 1000 legs being of course one of the exceptions ! ).

Its name comes from Greek mythology: Arachne, a great weaver and embroiderer, angered Athena who transformed her into a spider.  

Fear of spiders or Arachnophobia

Spider : Steatoda bipunctata

Most people have been afraid of spiders for a very long time, but few people really know why !

It is likely that this fear comes from rumors that the spider bites, that it is dangerous, that it can be deadly, attacks humans, lays eggs under the skin, ... Most of these rumors are false or taken out of their contexts.

The spider, unlike the scorpions, cannot sting but it can bite. In France, very few species are physically capable of biting a human being (the spacing of the hooks being too small). Only 12 of them can penetrate our skin.

When we talk about spider bites, it is most often a slight irritation caused by the injection of venom between the dermis and the epidermis. Apart from an allergic reaction as with wasps, bees or hornets, the "sting" is quite benign.

In most cases, when you "tickle" a spider, it either flees or folds its legs and plays dead.

The spider is not a "vampire", unlike mosquitoes, ticks or bed bugs. If she bites, it's just to defend herself and not to eat. But it is true, with a few rare exceptions, that spiders have venom glands, venom which they use to paralyze their prey.

Arachnophobia can be cured. There are several therapies that will help you lose that spider phobia. 

Are spiders dangerous ?

Spider : Segestria florentina

There are about 40,000 species of spiders in the world, including 1,600 species in France, but only about ten are dangerous for humans.

Most European spiders only live for one year. Depending on the species, they perform 5 to 10 moults until the adult stage where they are able to reproduce.

For most spider bites, a simple disinfectant is needed. But for some particularly venomous species, this will not be enough. Depending on the venom, there may be neurovegetative disorders, headaches, muscle spasms, paresthesias, psychic disorders, nausea, erythema and local edema,... In all these cases, you must immediately go to the doctor. 'hospital.

Throughout the American continent there is a particularly dangerous species, Latrodectus mactans (Black Widow). Its venom contains alpha-latrotoxin, a powerful neurotoxin.

The most dangerous in the world is the Latrodectus mactans mexicanus but rest assured, it is not normally found in France.

The Latrodectus tredecimguttatus (La Malmignatte), cousin of the famous Black Widow, can be found in the south of France but also along the Atlantic coast up to Morbihan. This spider appreciates the immediate vicinity of our homes. Cases of biting are more frequent.

You can also find in France :

- the Lycosa of Narbonne (Lycosa narbonensis): living far from any dwelling, it is rarely in contact with humans

- Florentine Segestria (Segestria florentina): this species, which can be found almost everywhere in France, lives in holes in walls. It is therefore often present near dwellings. This spider is not particularly aggressive "if you don't bother it, it won't bother you!"

- Steatoda nobilis: although originating from the Canary Islands, it is extremely common in southern Corsica. It is found everywhere on vegetation, tree bark, nooks, buildings.

You still have to put things into perspective. In France, only a few large species can be dangerous for humans (such as Latrodectus whose bite is particularly poisonous but which can be treated very well in hospital). Spiders are actually much more harmless than wasps and mosquitoes and so far there have been no reported fatalities from a spider bite originating in France.

To learn more about La Malmignatte see the INRA website and for the black widow spider see wikipedia

Is the spider useful or harmful ?

Spider : Lycosa narbonensis

Apart from a risk of being bitten by a person who has put on a piece of clothing or a pair of shoes with the spider in it, the spider is more useful than harmful.

Apart from Bagheera kiplingi, a South American spider, which feeds mainly on acacia shoots, spiders are carnivorous and kill mainly flying or crawling insects. They catch them either using traps or lying in wait. They can also feed on small crustaceans such as woodlice or even other spiders.

We won't go so far as to say that you have to breed spiders in your house to get rid of flies and mosquitoes, but if you have a few and they don't bother you, leave them alone!

In order to respect the balance of nature, the spider also has its predators. There are of course man and his pesticides... but also birds, lizards, insects like the praying mantis, and even other spiders. 

The mower spider or opiliones

The reaper spider - Pholcus phalangioides

Most people who can't stand spiders tolerate the "reaper" (Pholcus phalangioides), probably because everyone knows it's perfectly harmless. And that's true ! This spider is harmless to humans. It has neither venom nor silk (no gland to weave webs).

Unlike other spiders, it will also feed on prey that is already dead. This spider, which is carnivorous, feeds on the corpses of insects or other small animals. It captures its prey with hooks located around its mouth. The legs of opiliones detach easily, so it is not uncommon to encounter individuals with fewer than eight legs.

According to some gardeners, the opilione would be a predator of the red spider mite, which is common in plants. Its predators are mainly birds, reptiles, spiders and other carnivorous insects. 

How to keep the spider away ?

Since spiders are chilly, they mainly enter homes in the fall, hoping to find a dark and warm little corner.

To scare them away, we have found various tips on the forums (we leave it to you to test them) :

  • in the different rooms, place a few tomato leaves in a dish,
  • chestnut wood and chestnuts: the smell is unbearable to them and drives them away. It is true that on chestnut frames, you never see a spider's web !
  • put horse chestnut oil or lavender essential oil around the edges of doors and windows,
  • apply to your frames a mixture of 0.5 liters of white vinegar with 40 drops of Niaouli essential oil,
  • Apply a solution of potassium alum (80g of alum stone in one liter of lukewarm water) on the edges of doors and windows.


Our "Habitat Insect Repellent" repellent will also give very good results. Composed of Citriodiol, extracted from eucalyptus citriodora, this substance has a very powerful repellent power.


How to eliminate the spider ?

For people who really want to kill a spider without approaching it, the most effective products will be :

- our All Insects Aries insecticide aerosol (death is instantaneous),

- our 5% 4J insecticide spray (the spider dies in the moments that follow).

- Finally, the Fogger Habitat will act by saturating the volume of the room with insecticide. The diffusion of biocidal active ingredients of plant origin (pyrethrum + geraniol) will be deposited in the smallest corners, thus eliminating all the spiders still present.

Insecticide 4J diluted 5% - All insects -...

Ready-to-use  4J insecticide diluted to 5% . With this concentration, you will destroy  most flying and crawling insects  very quickly....
In stock

4J Insecticide concentrate with plant...

4J insecticide concentrate to be diluted. Effective against a large number of crawling and flying insects in our homes. Available in...
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All Insects Natural Insecticide Aerosol -...

Pistal insecticide with PBO-free plant pyrethrum extract is a fast-acting universal natural insecticide. This formula kills all...
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Fogger Habitat with plant-based active...

This is fogger composed of plant-based assets is intended for the background treatment of the habitat in case of infestation by mites,...
In stock

*PAE : Ready to use


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Frequently Asked Questions About Spiders

Subject : Black spiders
Q: Looking for insecticide for spider because millions of small black and fast spiders of 1cm on the gravel of my garden
A: Our 5% diluted 4J insecticide will work. However, be careful when using this product outdoors because the pyrethrum it contains degrades quite quickly under the effect of UV rays and heat. Consider getting a specific insecticide for outdoor use.

Subject : Black spiders
Q: We are invaded by small black spiders on the front of the house. What do you offer us? The bed bug product worked very well.
A: We have no solution against spiders other than treating them with our insecticide when they are on the facade.

Subject : Spiders
Q: I have just discovered your site and I am very interested in your products. I live near the forest, I would like to know if your products work effectively on spiders (medium and large) ?
A: We do not have an official test on the effectiveness of our insecticide on spiders. We know that it is effective on certain species and that the dilution to use is at least 5%, and 10% for large spiders.

Subject : Spiders
Q: Hello, I would like to know if your insecticide would be effective on spiders please. Thank you in advance, .
A: Our insecticide is not targeted just for spiders. It is a universal insecticide. But our tests and customer feedback show that it is very effective on the spiders in our homes.

Subject : Spiders
Q: I'm looking for an organic spider repellent for my house which always contains a lot. The tomato leaves worked but no longer work! THANKS.
A: Our Habitat Insect Repellent, based on eucalyptus citriodora works well on spiders.