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The history of the Inga brand

At the very beginning of INGA, Noah and Sam were born. Noah and Sam were Benjamin's first 2 children.

Some time after their birth, we had to feed them. And yes, they say that's important. At that point, Benjamin started using huge quantities of paper towels at every meal, which went straight into the bin.

And Benjamin found that absurd/paradoxical/stupid (don't cross out any unnecessary words): generating an astronomical amount of waste to feed his children and damaging the planet he was leaving them.

So he started looking for an alternative to disposables. And he found NOTHING he wanted. NOTHING. NOTHING. NOTHING. QUE TCHI.

And guess what ? So, together with Marion and Christophe, he decided to launch INGA, a brand THAT MAKES YOU WANT TO GO FROM DISPOSABLE TO SUSTAINABLE.

Why is the name Inga ? And why not ? More seriously, Inga is a variety of Amazonian plant that has the ability to grow back on burnt soil. It is used extensively for re-foresting. We thought it was a nice touch.
And as life is well done, we also realised that it means 'none' in Swedish, for a company that doesn't want to generate any waste, or at least as little as possible.
And to be honest, we also think that INGA has a nice ring to it :-)

La société INGA et ses éponges et produits durables

Inga presentation video

Inga's mission

To inspire you to make the switch from disposable to sustainable ...
Because disposables aren't great

We're not going to give you a long moralizing speech on the ecological nonsense represented by our consumption of disposable paper and household objects, just a few figures.

Chaque année en France, nous jetons

Efficiency is our priority

At INGA, we're convinced that the absolute priority in terms of cleaning is EF-FI-CA-CI-TÉ! What's more, we're convinced that to win you over, our products have to be just as effective as their disposable equivalents.

And because, like Maurice, we like to push the envelope, we're also very keen on practicality. That's why we've created our own holders and cases for our star products.

Our products are (not) expensive

Expensive ? Cheap ? You'd have to know !

Our products are not expensive because they are designed to last a long time with the same effectiveness. Buying an INGA product also means not buying - hundreds of times over - equivalent disposable products. And in the end, that makes a (big) difference !

Durability and quality come at a price !

We're well aware that, at first glance, our products have a cost. But to make durable and effective products, we don't have much choice: we have to use quality, well-sourced materials, and work them well. That's what we do with each and every one of our products.

The life cycle of our products

Cycle de vie des produits Inga

Inga products at Penn'Ty Bio