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All know about the menstrual cut

Découvrir les Cups féminines Lamazuna

Tout savoir sur la coupe menstruelle

In a few years, brands and models have multiplied. with friendly and reassuring names (lilicup, flowercup, mooncup, ladycup, naturcup, iriscup, lunacopine, eve cup, divacup, meluna, be'cup, luneale, yuuki ...), they all have the same objective: to free themselves from periodic protections such as tampons or hygienic towels.

However, this small object is not recent. he was born in chicago in 1867. the first patents are American and date back to the 1930s. But success is far from being on the date. buffers with applicator were created around the same period and met with phenomenal success.
In 1987 was born in the United States a new menstrual, rubber cut this time. but the latex they contained had allergic reactions to some women. Moreover, they remained too rigid and therefore difficult to insert.

The best hypoallergenic alternative came from the design of these menstrual cups in silicone. and this innovation is recent, since it dates from the early 2000s.
Thus it took more than a century before finding the ideal material to design these menstrual cuts and democratize this periodic protection.

Did you know that a woman normally settled uses between 10,000 and 15,000 periodic protections ?

Protections périodiques non recyclables

Imagine on a planet-wide scale and all women, the number it represents: a huge number of non-recyclable products that will end in the trash. I let you imagine the ecological consequences for our environment. especially since the pads, towels and other brief protectors also cause pollution upstream, during their production, through various bleaching and sterilization processes. because if manufacturers are increasingly developing the techniques of periodic protections (e.g. ecological disposable stamps in organic cotton) they are far from being irreproachable and healthy for the environment and our body. this industry remains the most polluting: impossible recycling, consumption and demand, presence of additives, hydrocarbons, bactericides, fungicides, dioxin residues, etc.

You will therefore have understood the interest of drastically limiting the use of conventional periodic protections. The solution is the menstrual cup, also called female cup.

Comment protéger sa flore intime ?

Our advice to protect her intimate flora

Reduce the risk of irritation, allergic reactions and mycoses? It's possible !
1 - Prefer cotton underwear and avoid synthetic materials
2 - Choose periodic protections of natural and renewable materials or use a menstrual cut
3 - Favor certified organic intimate hygiene cleaners and suitable for your flora (if necessary)
4 - Use certified ecological detergent
5 - Adopt a balanced diet without excess sugar, dairy products, proteins or refined cereals

The menstrual cut, what is it ?

A menstrual cup (also called cup or menstrual cup) is a female hygienic protection used during menstrual periods. It is made of a small cut in the shape of a bell with rounded edges and most often finished with a small stem allowing a more easy removal.

This menstrual cut is positioned in the vagina and collects the menstrual flow without drying the vaginal flora (because no absorption of blood as a buffer). it must be emptied every 6 hours and cleaned with caution before being re-inserted.
The material of the cut, most of the time in silicone, was validated by the medical body. it measures between 40 and 60 millimetres (to be modulated according to the selected mark, the size and length of the stem).
Attention: A menstrual cut is not a means of contraception. This product must only be used for female hygiene.

Why use menstrual cuts instead of pads or towels ?

utilisation d'une coupe menstruelle

The benefits of the female cup we sell are many. Let us stop on the main ones:

The menstrual cut is sureIt is 100% platinum medical silicone. It is hypoallergenic, without phthalates, without bisphenol, without bleaching agent, without latex, without coloring and without fragrance. Your health and hygiene are thus respected.

Menstrual cutting is reliableIt offers reliable, leak-free protection. as the blood is safe from the air, it naturally avoids unpleasant smells, so you stay fresh all day.

Menstrual cutting is practicalSmall and discreet, you can carry your cup wherever you want. It is ideal on a trip. It is usable from day to night. Many women empty their cup only twice a day, which offers an obvious practical side.

The menstrual cut is comfortableThe female cup is very simple to insert and remove. Once set up, you will forget it very quickly. Thanks to its flexibility and shape, it perfectly fits the vaginal walls, so that you keep total freedom in your usual activities during your rules.

The menstrual cut is economica woman uses nearly 12,000 hygienic pads or towels in her life! a menstrual cut is used for several years. You even make the calculation ... using our female cup, you save hundreds of euros!

Menstrual cutting is ecologicalOpting for a menstrual cut also allows more respect for the environment. Finish the unnecessary packagings (packaging, plastic protections, plastic bags,). Finish the periodic tampons in the toilet, finish the hygienic towels in the trash. And in nature !

Other advantage ... not negligibleWith a menstrual cut, you remain attractive even during your rules. has you fine lingerie, clear clothes, naked nights,. Intimacy, you will no longer have the string that exceeds or the big panties to hold the hygienic towel! all this for your greatest pleasure. and your partner's.

Comparaison coupe menstruelle avec tampons

And the comparison with buffers ?
The menstrual cut allows to collect the flow while the pads absorb them. Therefore, the use of the cup does not dry your vagina and does not irritate it. Moreover, you use only one cup for several years while the number of tampons used by a woman in her life is about 12,000. Also, with a buffer, urine tends to go back into the vagina along the string during the urination. which is not the case with a menstrual cut.
The female cup is therefore much safer, much more practical, much more economical and much less polluting than the buffer.

What are female cups made of ?

Cup féminine Lamazuna en silicone médicale platine

Some are made of medical or latex quality (thermalplastic elastomers) according to brands. They are usually very flexible or sometimes a little more rigid depending on the models.
But most female cups are made of medical quality silicone. That's the case for the one we sell at home Penntybio. This material has already been proven in the medical world (constructive and aesthetic surgery): it is very well tolerated by everyone, even in case of important allergies. the medical grade is assigned as a result of laboratory tests concerning the strength of the substance and its elasticity. The silicone used for our cups is therefore consistent with many international standards, including the usp standard class 6, which means that it is appropriate to stay inside the human body for 30 days.

And in addition to medical quality, the cups we sell have platinum quality. This means that when making, the silicone is catalysed with platinum. platinum is a rare and very stable metal that melts only from 1750 degrees. the other method of making silicone, more common, is made with peroxide. This metal is less expensive but much less stable. Platinum silicone therefore does not present the sanitary risks of peroxide silicone which can release volatile organic matter.

How to choose the size of my shoe cut ?

Choisir la taille de sa coupe menstruelle

This is the question that often comes back when buying. to make it simple, the rule proposed by all manufacturers is:
Most manufacturers offer 2 sizes, to suit all morphologies:
A small size (size 1) for women under the age of 30* and never having accessed by natural means
A large size (size 2 : greater capacity, a slightly wider diameter) for women over 30 years* or women who have accessed by low channels
*In some brands, age is reduced to 25 years.
And concerning female cups Lamazuna ? ?
Choose size 1 for a light stream, prefer size 2 for a medium or large stream, or if you have already accessed by low. Any doubt? Take a size 2! the choice of size is very important. This can change everything for a correct, safe and leak-free positioning.

This small table can help you better position yourself compared to the size choice

Tableau d'aide pour le choix de la  taille de sa coupe menstruelle

The menstrual cut, how do we use it ?

That you are just settled or have your rules for several years, the menstrual cut may require a little adaptation time. But as soon as the hand is taken, you can't get over it.
If you have already used buffers, several attempts have probably been necessary at the beginning before positioning it correctly, feeling comfortable with and knowing when to remove it. It'll be the same with the female cup! a menstrual cut has a lifetime of several years. You have all the time getting used to it. First time, try her at home, relaxed.
Here are the steps to be followed to start with the menstrual cut:

Cup féminine Lamazuna1 - cup preparation
Before using it for the first time, it will have to be sterilized by boiling it in a saucepan of water about ten minutes.

2 – no precipitation
If you don't want to discover it at the time the rules have arrived, you can train yourself a little before by inserting it and removing it out of your rule period. Most of them manage to use the menstrual cut from the first time, but you may need up to three cycles to get used to it. If you feel frustrated or tense, do not insist. Put your cup and try again later. the time you trust, you can wear a backup towel. At first, you may have some leaks.

Méthode de pliage d'une coupe menstruelle3 – the setting up of the menstrual cup
1st essential thing: Wash your hands. fold your cup and insert it at the entrance of the vagina. it is not necessary to introduce it as deeply as a buffer. Once the cut is in place, pass your finger inside to open it and ensure its sealing. This protection is perfectly invisible. It is completely forgotten by not causing any discomfort and staying in place until 6 hours. Imagine, you can change your protection only twice a day! If the stem of your female cut bothers you, you can cut it.Cup féminine Lamazuna Empty your female cup every 6 hours.Positionnement de la Cup féminine Lamazuna

4 – the withdrawal of the menstrual cup
To remove it, wash your hands, catch it by the stem or contract your muscles to get it down naturally. to replace it, wash your hands, wash the cup with the hay water (if not, use paper to wipe it)

5 – at the end of the cycle
At the end of the rules, sterilize your cup and put it in its organic cotton pouch (not in a hermetic box).

The cup menstrualIs it easy to insert and remove ?

With a little habit, you will see that the use of a menstrual cut is very simple. follow the folding recommendations for insertion. the menstrual cut, on the other hand, its flexibility will be established on its own. for removal, you can use the small tetin that exceeds the cup or contract your muscles to make it descend naturally. Be careful not to damage your nails.

What frequency do I have to empty my menstrual cut ?

Fréquence de vidange d'une coupe menstruelle

A menstrual cut must be emptied maximum every 6 hours (in any case, those of Lamazuna). depending on the brand you bought, do not forget to read the manufacturer's recommendations.
If the fluxes are abundant, the drain frequency shall be increased. a menstrual cut holds 3 times more fluid than a regular buffer. You will see that the drain of a menstrual cut will be less often than the replacement of a pad or towel. you will learn very quickly to find your own rhythm according to your flow.

My menstrual cut smells a little loud, is it normal? How do we eliminate that smell ?

If your menstrual cut gives a slightly strong smell, here are the reasons:

1 - you kept it too long in place, more than the maximum 6 hours advised

2 - you boil it in a pan that had residues of food on the surface.

3 - It is likely that you have vaginal infection without gravity. Get close to your doctor or nurse.

It is possible to eliminate this smell. for this, soak your cup in a sterilization solution of the same type as that used to sterilize the bottles, diluted according to the manufacturer's recommendations, during the minimum recommended time (usually, 7 to 10 minutes). Rinse thoroughly with clear water.

When to the color that can take a menstrual cut after several months of use, and despite repeated cleaning, it is quite normal. This does not mean that your cut is dirty and unusable, simply that the silicone takes a little color of your flow over time. Look at the plastic boxes you used in the kitchen: they rarely remain completely transparent !

Can I sleep with a menstrual cut ?

Utiliser sa coupe menstruelle la nuit

Yes, of course, it is possible to sleep with a menstrual cut safely. It will still be better to empty it once during the night. everything depends of course on the number of hours of sleep you need. Consider the minimum to empty it before going to bed and get up.
If you have abundant rules, you may need to empty it once in the night. but it is not necessary to remove the menstrual cut to go to the toilet, just check that the cut is still in place. women do not urinate by the vagina but by the urethra, so no need to remove her menstrual cup to urinate, there is no risk that she will fill! Do not forget to wash your hands carefully! hygiene remains very important.

How do I clean my menstrual cut ?

As explained above, for the first use, do not forget to sterilize it by boiling it in a saucepan of water for about ten minutes. and then, on a daily basis, here is how to proceed:

1 - if you have access to a sink
Clean your menstrual cup with water or with a soft soap, without fragrance. If you use soap, rinse it well with clear water to prevent residues from causing irritation.

2 – at work or in public toilets
Wash your hands in the sink and take a small bottle of water in the toilet cabin. empty your cup in the bowl, rinse it with a little water and reinsert it (or wipe it with meticulously toilet paper and reinsert it).
Keep in mind that a female cup may contain more menstrual blood than a tampon or towel. Therefore, you will probably not need to empty it and reinsert it as often as you change your classic hygienic protection.

3 – during a trip
The instructions described above will be to be applied in the same manner. a the difference may be that it will be necessary to make sure to use drinking water to clean your menstrual cut (depending on your travel location).

4 - Can I clean my menstrual cut using a microwave or a dishwasher ?
No. In both cases, it's not recommended. the microwave could damage the greed material as to the dishwasher, the detergent used could be harmful to the material and your vaginal flora.

Is the stem of my menstrual cut so indispensable ?

All the menstrual cuts carry at their end a small stem (or tetin as you prefer!). it allows to facilitate the removal of the menstrual cut to empty it. Once the cup is well positioned, the tip of the stem must remain inside your vagina.
If, despite a correct positioning, you feel a discomfort by walking or sitting down, or a clamp at the entrance of the vagina, you will certainly need to shorten the stem of your cup. to do this, cut it gradually until you get the right length.
The length of the vagina being variable, the stem of the menstrual cut may be cut if you consider it necessary. Before that, make sure you are comfortable with the insertion and withdrawal of your cup.
Train to remove your cup without using the stem before cutting it. Some users sometimes need to cut the stem completely.

How to keep and last my menstrual cup ?

When your rules are finished, clean and meticulously dry your menstrual cut and put it in its breathable pocket in organic cotton. Do not store your cup in a plastic bag or in a hermetic box. It has to breathe!

What lifetime for a menstrual cut ?

All depends on the quality of manufacture of the menstrual cut and the use you will have. if you respect the cleaning and storage instructions, you can use your menstrual cut on average 10 years.
If you see a deformation or a change of appearance of the material of your cup, or if it tears or becomes sticky, it will be time to replace it.
Over the years, spots can appear. This does not mean that your cup is no longer hygienic or that its operation is altered. if you want to remove these tasks, soak the cup in a sterilization solution. soak the minimum recommended time and respect the dilution instructions of the manufacturer. Rinse thoroughly with clear water before a new use.

Is there a risk of allergy to use a menstrual cut ?

The menstrual cup Lamazuna is made of medical grade hypoallergenic silicone. therefore, there is no allergy and irritation problem. Menstrual cutting is also excellent for women who have sensitive skin, subject to mycoses, eczema or allergy. a menstrual cut remains the solution to avoid any contact with chemicals.
If you make reactions to latex or rubber, the silicone of the cup will not pose any concern. silicone is a material known in cosmetic surgery. a menstrual cut is simply placed on the vagina, which limits the risk of allergic reaction.

Contact of silicone vs disposable and sterilized products

Concerning disposable products such as towels or tampons
Are periodic protections that are sterilized and bleached with chemicals. They may be harmful to some women.
Concerning silicone
The silicone does not contain chemicals. it is sterilized every month by the boiling water utility. The body is therefore not in contact with pesticides, bleaching or bleaching.

Is the use of a lubricant not recommended with my menstrual cut ?

For first use, you can humidify with water your cup for better insertion. use of an oil-based lubricant is not recommended. This could damage the material of the menstrual cut over time. You can use water-based lubricants or simply tap water. but the rules alone are an excellent lubricant.

I wear a contraceptive ring, can I use a menstrual cut ?

Wear a menstrual cut and a contraceptive ring at the same time is perfectly compatible.
A contraceptive ring is located at a distance far enough from the cup, which is under the uterus. very thin and very flexible, a ring is inserted at the bottom of the vagina. If you put your contraceptive ring back after the week of arrest and you still have your rules, the insertion of the menstrual cut will even keep the ring in place at the bottom of the vagina.

And if I wear a sterile (also called diu / siu) ?

Same answer as for the contraceptive ring. the diu (introuterine device) is located at a distance far enough from the cut, which is under the uterus. So no worries.

It may happen that a sterile dislodges after the wearing of a menstrual cup. several reasons:
1 - anatomical factors: low uterus cervix,
2 - misuse: insertion of the cup too high
3 - sterile rejected naturally by the body.

1 in 20 sterile is expelled, usually within 3 months of its insertion. this expulsion occurs most often during the rules.
To use both devices simultaneously, here is our advice:
1 - You must always leave a space between the female cup and your cervix. If your cervix is low, there may not be enough space to install your menstrual cup safely and to function properly with your sterile.
2 - Place the cup as low as possible in your vagina to ensure a good suction effect
3 - Always cancel the suction effect before removing your menstrual cut
4 - After each rule period, check the presence of the sons of your sterile. If you don’t feel them, if you think your sterile has moved or (a) hurts, use another means of contraception (e.g., condom) until you have consulted a doctor.

I'm just settled, can I use a menstrual cut ?

The answer is simple: yes
Today, many young girls use a menstrual cut. It'll be up to you to feel ready. If you, your parents or your community, have strong personal or cultural convictions in relation to the hymen, then it is not advisable to use a menstrual cut or any other internal hygienic protections. If your hymen is intact, their insertion could relax or tear it. Be curious about your body and your rules.

I'm approaching menopause, is it still time to use a menstrual cut ?

A menstrual cut offers reliable protection when approaching menopause.
During menopause, your flow can increase as well as decrease. a menstrual cut allows to level these irregular flows without any problems. and this avoids you need a full range of disposable protections.
You'll save the purchase of a menstrual cut in 6 to 8 months. So it remains a good investment even during the years before the rules are stopped.

I'm coming of giving birth, can i use a menstrual cut ?

It is not recommended to use a menstrual or other internal protection within the six weeks of delivery due to the increased risk of infection. We recommend using external protection such as washable towels for example to collect natal post bleeding.

Will a menstrual cut stop me from exercising? and for the pool ?

Coupe menstruelle et piscine

Menstrual cutting is very well suited for sports practice. However, it is recommended to empty it before and take the time to get used to it so that you can use it with confidence during your sports sessions. it is important to feel comfortable with menstrual cutting before starting the practice of a sport.
If the cup is positioned correctly, then all movements can be made, without risk of leaking. Some users also use a brief protector the time to take insurance. If you see leaks outside exercise sessions, then it is advisable to solve this problem first.
When using a menstrual cut at the pool, yes, no worries. you can swim when you wear a menstrual cut.
The menstrual cut is carried inside the vagina. So you don’t have to ask if the string exceeds. and in addition, you can swim longer than with a classic protection, as a cut holds more fluids than a buffer. As for the practice of any sport, it is important to empty your cup before you bathe and take the time to get used to it before you can use it with confidence when you swim. more importantly, if you see leaks outside swimming sessions or if your cup fills with water when you swim, we recommend you to solve these problems first.

Can I keep my menstrual hair during a sexual intercourse ?

The menstrual cut placing inside the vagina, it prevents vaginal penetration. If you want to have sex during your rules, you must absolutely remove it. The menstrual cut does not prevent oral sex with your partner.

Menstrual cut and syndromeToxic shock

What is it syndromeToxic shock ? Toxic shock syndrome (sct) is a rare and acute infectious disease, potentially lethal, caused by a bacterial toxin that enters the bloodstream as a result of infection by a pathogen. the sct is caused by toxins produced by certain types of bacteria including staphylococcus aureus (or still called golden staphylococcu). This bacteria is naturally present in the human body. about 20 to 30% of women are carrying them. In adulthood, most people are immunized against the bacteria that originate from it.
However, some people are not and there is no way of knowing who is immune and who is not. The toxic shock syndrome was associated with a recent surgical intervention, soft tissue and bone infections, insect bites, menstruations and the use of intrauterine/ intra-vaginal contraceptive devices, menstrual cuts and tampons.

It remains a rare and serious disease, which can be fatal. So you should not take certain symptoms lightly:

Nombre de cas de chocs toxiques lié aux règles

1 - Vomiting
2 - Fever thrust (+39°C)
3 - Evaporation / vertigo
4 - Diarrhoea
5 - Skin rash (similar to a sunburn during your rules or the following days)
6 - Head or throat
- Muscle pain

If you experience the symptoms of toxic shock syndrome when using a menstrual cut, remove it and consult a doctor as soon as possible. to reduce the risk of toxic shock syndrome, you can follow the following recommendations:
1 - If a sct has been diagnosed to you, then take no risk and do not use intra-vaginal devices such as menstrual cutting
2 - Carefully clean your female cup just before first use by sterilizing it properly
3 - Remove, clean and reinsert your menstrual cut every 4 to 8 hours, during your rules.

4 - Wash your hands systematically before and after handling your menstrual cut.

The menstrual cut is not a protection against the sct

The wearing of the menstrual cut or a bio buffer does not reduce the risk of being a victim of a seal because it is not related to the composition of the cut or buffer. I'm sorry for those who believed in it, but take you out of the head that going through the menstrual cut will protect you from the toxic shock syndrome.

Even very recently, the manufacturers indicated a port of the cup limited to 12h maximum, but following the numerous information around the sct, most of them advocate not to keep their cup more than 8 to 10h of wings, 6 hours being the average time.

Discover female cups Lamazuna

Feminine cup with organic cotton pouch

The Lamazuna Women's Cup replaces tampons and sanitary napkins for a period of 10 years. Free of latex, phthalates and bleaches. 100%...
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