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White spots on linen

Des taches blanches sur votre linge


White spots on linen that comes out of the machine

You've been using the same laundry for some time and day after your laundry comes out of the washing with white spots? This phenomenon happens from time to time.

In most cases, these white spots may have two origins :
- The laundry
- The limestone.
If these spots are laundry, they must leave by rinsing or water. However, if they come from the limestone, they will be much more difficult to remove.


Stains of laundry origin

If liquid laundry rarely leaves white traces, on the contrary, powder laundry may leave. The linen is not rinsed enough and it is the remains of the laundry that dry on it.

There are many reasons:

1 - Too much laundry = Increased respect for the quantities given by the manufacturer according to the weight of your linen. The information laundry quantity, linen load, dirty or very dirty, given by the manufacturer is an average, to you to adjust this quantity. More laundry if the load is more important and if the clothes are very dirty, less laundry if not.

Trop de lessive ou pression de l'eau trop basse

2 - Too soft water (dust) = Reduce the amount of laundry

3 - Too much laundry in the machine, the linen goes into a ball in the machine = increased the quantities. On average a washing machine maximum 5 kg of cotton, 2.5Kg of synthetic or 1kg of wool.

Clothing must be able to float freely, so avoid cutting clothes by leaving room. If cotton does not need much water, synthetic and wool require more.

4 - Water temperature too cold : A powder dissolves better in warm water (30 to 40°C) than cold water. Color powder Lerutan is recommended between 40 and 50°C.

It is recommended that:
- Cotton and white linen or large shade wash at 95°
- Resistant colour linen and 60° synthetic
- Synthetic fibres at 40°
- wool, delicate linen and colour linen at 30°

Therefore, use cold water to wash only unrealized clothes or those whose color may alter in hot water. Avoid washing with water less than 20°C , the laundry will be poorly dissolved and will not be able to wash effectively .

La lessive en poudre responsable des taches blanches sur votre linge

5 - Insufficient penetration. In order to save water, some washing machines can adjust, automatically or manually, the amount of water depending on the weight of your linen. Check if your settings are correct and adjust depending on the load of the machine.

6 - Machine encrassée. In the long run the products can accumulate in the bins, in the wash or rinse circuit. = regular cleaning of product trays and letting it soak for one night if necessary.

You must regularly carry out a full cycle of vacuum wash at high temperature this will allow to rid the washing machine and its pipes of detergent deposits but also to destroy any microbes, bacteria or fungi that might develop when you only do low-temperature washing.


Limestone origin spots

Unless you have a water softener on your installation, all water contains limestone. A water is hard when it contains a lot of limestone and soft when it contains little.
High-temperature programs of washing machines are limestone generators. It will lay on heating resistances but also on the drum.
If one day you see white traces appear on dark preferably linen and it is not laundry, it is likely that it is limestone.

Several reasons can lead from day to day to day in the presence of limestone on linen but anyone is the reason for it, it is likely that limestone plates have been detached and placed on your linen.
  1. Change in laundry. Some laundry and mainly powders can have an anti-calcareer in their compositions, which after a few machines will lead to this phenomenon
  2. Anti-calcaries. If you use an anti-calcareer, it is necessary to use it systematically at each wash. Using it episodicly can also lead to this phenomenon. Our anti-calcar sequester Lerutan will be fine for that.
To get rid of the washing machine and its pipes from the limestone deposits, carry out one to two times a year a wash cycle using the products provided for this purpose or using a few litres of white alcohol vinegar.


The softeners

Unused softener can also cause stains. You must not pour it directly on the fabrics but pour it into the washing machine dispenser and not on the drum.
In case of traces of asbestos, you must make them disappear before ironing, the heat that can fix the spots permanently.