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Blabs, or cockroaches

Have you spotted blaps or cockroaches behind cupboards, in your laundry or in your cellar ? In this dossier, you'll find all the answers and products you need to combat these insects as effectively as possible.

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Find out more about cockroaches

(identity, feeding habits, reproduction, etc.)

Fight against cockroach

(method of action, natural insecticides, etc.)

Who is the cockroach ?

The cockroach - Blatta orientalisOrder : Dictyoptera
Family : Blattidae
Size : 1 to 3 cm (depending on species)
Location : all habitats and premises
Period : all year round

What you need to know about the cockroach

The cockroach - Blattela germanicaFour species can be found in our homes :

  1. The Oriental Cockroach (blatta orientalis): medium-sized (2 to 3 cm) and black in colour, it is the least cold-blooded of the four.
  2. The German cockroach (blattella germanica): small (1 to 1.5 cm) and yellowish brown in colour.
  3. The American Cockroach (periplanetta america) is the largest of the four (3 to 4 cm).
  4. The furniture cockroach (supella longipalpa) is the smallest (around 1 cm). Its particularity is that it lays its eggs on furniture, hence its name. Be careful when buying second-hand furniture.

Native to warm countries, this insect can only live in buildings sheltered from the cold. They are mainly found in city blocks, where central heating and abundant rubbish (rotting plant matter) provide ideal conditions for their proliferation.

Cockroaches have quite a varied diet: they eat everything they can get their hands on: wallpaper, food scraps, hair, skin, leather, etc. They are also cannibals, and will eat each other.

Their lifestyle and the unhealthy places they frequent mean that they carry many diseases such as diarrhoea, salmonellosis and gastroenteritis.

Cockroaches are lumifuges, meaning they flee at full speed as soon as they see light. They nest in dark places (pipes, ducts, engines, etc.) and can be found on every floor of a building. If one flat is infested, the others are sure to be too.

How can you limit the presence of cockroaches ?

The cockroach - Blattela germanicaIn addition to treatment, there are 3 major points to consider :

1 - Reduce access to water
- Repair leaky taps or pipes
- Provide good ventilation
- Close toilet bowls
- Keep water away from pets at night
- Do not leave glasses or bottles lying around

2 - Eliminate food sources
- Keep food away from pets at night
- Dispose of your kitchen waste in plastic bags, placed in hermetically sealed bins
- Store your food in hermetically sealed tins
- Don't leave crumbs or dirty dishes lying around
- Clean your kitchen regularly, especially where grease accumulates.

3 - Reduce their shelter
- Install a small metal filter in any air vent or inlet
- Seal any cracks or fissures in wall corners

How do you get rid of cockroaches ?

Cockroaches are particularly resistant, even to "chemical" insecticides, so you need to follow these few rules :

1 - Spray either 4J All Insects insecticide diluted to 10% or Pistal All Insects insecticide directly onto the insects and into nooks and crannies, cracks, the back of skirting boards, etc. The Pistal All Insects insecticide is particularly effective for treating cracks and crevices.

Tous Insectes Pistal is particularly effective for treating cracks and grooves. 4J insecticide for treating surfaces. Be careful, though, as these are contact insecticides. You need to touch the insect to eliminate it. Spraying these products on surfaces where the insect is not present will not be sufficiently effective.

2 - Use cockroach traps to locate, reduce and control their presence.

3 - Sprinkle our diatomaceous earth over all infested or busy areas, behind furniture, skirting boards, etc. For action in the tiniest nooks and crannies, small holes and hard-to-reach gaps, prefer diatomaceous earth sprayed in aerosol form.

4 - As a preventive measure, you can apply our Habitat insect repellent. This will keep them away.

5 - Another effective solution will complete your treatment : Fumigation. For this, use the Habitat fogger : an insecticide based on active ingredients of plant origin (pyrethrum + geraniol), designed for basic treatment of the home. Highly volatile, the solution settles in the smallest nooks and crannies where parasites and insects live. Immediate and prolonged action, for up to 4 months. 3 different sizes are available : 75 ml for treatment of less than 15m², 150 ml for treatment of less than 30m². Finally, 250 ml, for a treatment of more than 30 m².

The products you need against cockroaches

Go directly to the detailed product sheets for cockroach control.

4J insecticide diluted 10% - Resistant...

Insecticide 4J diluted to 10% ready to use. With this concentration, you will destroy very quickly all the insects some are their sizes...
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4J Insecticide concentrate with plant...

4J insecticide concentrate to be diluted. Effective against a large number of crawling and flying insects in our homes. Available in...
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All Insects Natural Insecticide Aerosol -...

Pistal insecticide with PBO-free plant pyrethrum extract is a fast-acting universal natural insecticide. This formula kills all...
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Diatomaceous earth – Kieselguhr Celatom -...

Diatomaceous earth (also called Kieselguhr Celatom) is a completely ecological and natural insecticide that helps fight against...
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Fogger Habitat with plant-based active...

This is fogger composed of plant-based assets is intended for the background treatment of the habitat in case of infestation by mites,...
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Cockroaches and cockroach traps

The Aries cockroach and cockroach trap is a natural insecticide to check the presence of cockroaches, cockroaches, silverfish and...
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*PAE : Ready to use

Discover our full range of natural products to combat cockroaches and cockroaches

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Here's what the German cockroach looks like in motion

Frequently asked questions about cockroaches

Q: How long does it take to get rid of cockroaches using your products ?
A: After consuming the cockroach granules, it takes between 5 and 7 days before they start to die.

Q: I've been living in a flat for 8 months with my children, including a 3-month-old baby, and we're infested with cockroaches. What can I do, knowing that there are cockroaches everywhere? What's more, I have a panic fear of insects, I can't sleep, I scratch everywhere thinking they're all over me, I'm going crazy.
A: If you're infested with cockroaches, chances are you're not alone. You need to start talking to your neighbours, landlord or caretaker and check whether other flats are affected. If this is the case, you'll need to treat the whole building, not just your flat, otherwise there's no point. If you're on your own, you can use our traps and pellets.

Q: I live in a hotel in the centre of Bordeaux and we're being invaded by cockroaches. What can I do ?
A: Personally, not much can be done. It's up to the hotel to treat the whole building, otherwise there's no point.

Q: I'd like some advice because I have a colony of cockroaches at home; they're everywhere and at night all the rooms are infested, especially since the start of the summer. I'm moving house, so I've packed my boxes and I'm really worried about cockroaches getting in. I need products that will eliminate all these cockroaches and repel them from the boxes. What products do you recommend ?
A: I'm sorry, but we don't have any cockroach repellents and our insecticides aren't suitable for your situation. We advise you to use cockroach traps and also to take all the necessary preventive measures to prevent cockroaches from proliferating.