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How to choose a bed-bug cover ?

How to choose your bed bug cover ?

If you arrive on this file, it is because either you are bitten by bed bugs, or you absolutely want to prevent them from settling in your bedding (i.e. both!).

And you are right, because the best way to protect yourself from bedbugs is to prevent their reproduction and especially to prevent their infestation.

Bedbugs feed on our blood and don't like light. They are therefore particularly fond of hiding places in your bedrooms. It is an ideal place to wait quietly for the night to arrive and for you to rest to start their dinner.

Bed bug covers are essential accessories to contain and prevent any reproduction or invasion. Be careful, we are talking here about an invasion that takes place inside your bedding; either your box spring, your mattress, or your pillow. Under no circumstances, and this is quite easy to understand, will a bed bug protection cover be able to eliminate those found in other places in the room. The anti-bedbug protective cover remains a complementary accessory to the basic treatment which must, given the resistance of this insect, be chemical.

In this special anti-bedbug cover file, we are going to go around the question to help you better understand the interest of investing in anti-bedbug covers. 

What are these protective covers for ?

Secure zip for optimal protection

The answer is in the question ! These covers are designed to be completely impervious to bed bugs. These protective covers will make it possible to fully protect and isolate the object they envelop by preventing insects from entering or leaving it. As such, they are fully waterproof: The fabric but also the closure thanks to a secure zip.

The main objective of the bed bug cover is therefore to prevent any infestation of bed bugs by limiting their proliferation.

Its second role is the curative aspect of the bed bug cover in addition to a chemical treatment to completely eradicate bed bugs. They make it possible to avoid any possible re-infestation. 

The 2 possible scenarios

1 - The bed bug is already inside your mattress, box spring or pillow: The waterproof protective cover will trap them. Bedbugs will no longer be able to bite you, so no longer feed. They will eventually die of starvation. Do not change your bedding, rather protect it with protective covers. I assure you that it will cost you less in the end.

2 - The bed bug has not yet reached the inside of your mattress, box spring or pillow: This is a chance for your bedding. It will therefore not serve as a cemetery for this insect. Quickly insulate the bed base, mattress and pillow with a protective cover to prevent bedbugs from settling there.

Nearly 70% of bedbugs hide in your bedding

Bed bug hideouts

The University of Kentucky has conducted several studies on the distribution of bedbugs in infected apartments. We notice very quickly that almost ¾ of bedbugs settle closer to us at night: Bed base, mattress and bed structure are at the top of the ranking.

Bed fleas are very active at night when we sleep. They are found in the ticking, "pompoms" and "rolls" of mattresses, in the folds of sheets, blankets and duvets, but also in box springs and slatted bases.

We quickly understand the interest of isolating all these elements in covers to protect ourselves from this insect. If you insulate your box spring and mattress, you prevent bed bugs from reaching 57% of their hiding places! Here is a very interesting way to limit their spread and protect your furniture ! 

What about hosting professionals ?

B&B sign

Lodges, hotels, bed and breakfasts, dormitories, sleeper cars… When you know the exponential rise of bedbugs for several years, you inevitably say that all accommodation professionals are concerned by these bedbugs. Some have made it a daily struggle and are trying to eliminate them from their establishment. Others let go, exhausted by this very complicated fight, even ruined by the cost of repeated interventions by disinsection companies.

The phenomenon continues to spread. The possibility for several years of renting an apartment or a room from private individual to private individual (booking, airbnb, etc.) complicates the fight.

Contrary to some popular belief, the presence of bed bugs does not mean that the place is unsanitary. The proliferation of bed bugs is due to global warming and especially to the multiplication and the growing number of travelers between the different continents. A bed bug infestation can be disastrous for an establishment's reputation. Customers are dissatisfied and can file a complaint or seek compensation. We must therefore act quickly !

The responsibility of each accommodation professional is committed to the fight against bed bugs. It can be quite an expensive investment to protect all of their bedding, but everyone will gain :

The professional : He will no longer have to worry about possible invasions of bedbugs inside these beddings. It is a real selling point for him to announce to his customers that all these beddings are equipped with anti-bedbug protective covers.
The customer : Obviously reassuring to know that he can spend one or more nights in the establishment without having the stress of finding himself faced with bedbugs or worse… bringing them home !

Bed bugs travel on us and in our personal effects such as a suitcase or a travel bag. It spreads during our personal (cinema, stores) and professional (office, conference) trips and during our trips in France or abroad in hotels, hotel residences, lodges or youth hostels. They can travel from room to room, in travelers' luggage or in personal effects such as handbags and briefcases.

Bed bug pillow covers, in addition to fully protecting a pillow, can also allow you to wrap your clothes when on the go. A real protective cover in which your textiles or personal effects will be completely protected. 

Breathable bedbug covers

Choose a breathable bed bug cover

In addition to being 100% waterproof against the intrusion of insects, the great advantage of these protective covers is that they are fully breathable. During our sleep, we sweat a lot and lose about 40 cl of water. This perspiration infiltrates the mattress and moistens it, which leads to the formation of mold, a privileged home for bacteria.

The protective covers that we offer are made of stretch fabric allowing the exchange of air and water between the mattress and your body. This information is to be privileged in the choice of a protective cover. Invest in a cover that doesn't allow your mattress to breathe and you'll quickly run into trouble. 

The noise of the cover, a very important criterion

Choose a quiet bed bug cover

We agree, the primary function of a protective cover is to perform well against bed bugs. Do not neglect the quality of the fabric used. Have you ever spent nights on noisy mattress pads that ruin your sleep? Well, I assure you, you don't want to renew. There are very different fabrics on the protective cover market. If they almost all fulfill the anti-bedbug function, the noise caused by our movements on the fabric can be very variable depending on the brands. We are not here to denounce these qualities. Customer reviews often speak for themselves online.

Sanisom bed bug protective covers passed this noise test perfectly. In addition to the extensibility and softness provided by the mixture of polyester and elastane, friction noise is non-existent. A real plus when you know the number of hours you spend sleeping on bedding. 

Let's change our habits !

Let's get into the habit of protecting our mattresses and box springs

If we have the reflex to protect our duvet or pillow with a cover for daily comfort and hygiene, why don't we protect our mattresses and box springs? At best, we will place a mattress pad on the mattress, except that this is still insufficient! A classic mattress or box spring cover does not provide any valid protection against pests. Insects can come and go as they please. Unless you are a cleaning maniac, box springs and mattresses are dust nests most of the time invaded by dust mites and potentially remain dens for fleas or bed bugs. Over the nights, the padded fabric that covers the mattress becomes impregnated with our perspiration and our dander... to the delight of the mites who eat it !

The protective covers are waterproof, breathable and washable at 60°. They provide an obvious improvement in the hygiene of our bedding. People with allergies and asthma also have every interest in equipping their bedding with these protective covers. 

Insist on anti-bedbug certification

housse certifiée anti-punaise de lit par un laboratoire indépendant

Beware of the many covers on the market claiming to have been approved and certified by an independent laboratory. This sales argument is not always true and hides misleading claims for customers. However, when this information can be verified, certification offers a genuine commitment from the brand to offer a product that works 100% against the intrusion of bed bugs. It's a guarantee for customers that they are buying and installing a bed bug-proof product on their bedding.

Sanisom covers have undergone anti-bed bug certification by the independent laboratory IZINOVATION in Lyon. The results show that the fabric is 100% bedbug-proof. No bedbugs were able to get out of the covers during the experiment (4 days) despite the significant number of insects used (30 bedbugs per cover tested) and the constant fleeing behaviour of bedbugs.

Just as bedbugs cannot escape through the fabric or the closure, they also cannot enter through the fabric or the closure, so the device is impervious to the flow of insects in either direction. It should also be noted that bed bugs do not bite through woven textiles such as Sanisom.

To download the anti-bed bug certificate for Sanisom covers, click here.

The Sanisom protective cover

Before offering you protective covers against bedbugs for sale, I have, as always, carried out my investigation to select the products that seem to me to be the best value for money on the market. After comparing samples, technical sheets and customer reviews, my choice fell on the Sanisom brand.

This is a French company, located in Vendée. All the design stages are carried out in France (cocorico!) Why look elsewhere when our know-how allows it ?

Benefits of the Sanisom Bed Bug Cover

Benefits of the Sanisom Bed Bug Cover

Discover this bed bug cover

The big advantages of this bed bug protection cover

Sanisom bed bug protection covers

- It provides an integral barrier against bed bugs and dust mites.
- It therefore avoids the bites of bedbugs that came from your bedding
- It prevents your bedding from accumulating dust
- It is impermeable to liquids: perspiration, urine, blood, etc.
- It is machine washable at 60° for better hygiene. The dryer is allowed
- It allows easy and quick installation and removal
- Its stretchy fabric allows it to adapt entirely to the shape of mattresses (from 15 to 30 cm)
- It is comfortable and aesthetic. The technical fabric that composes it (mixture of polyester and elastane) is soft and very pleasant to the touch)
- It is soundproof to various movements of the body.
- It protects and makes a significant investment in bedding profitable.
- It remains effective for many years without using any chemicals.
- It combines protection and sanitation and gives your bedding a radiant and new look.

Discover this bed bug cover

And the bed bug eventually dies ...

bed bug protection cover

By installing anti-bedbug covers on mattresses and box springs, you make your bedding inaccessible to bedbugs and those who would have hidden there will be locked up. They can therefore no longer feed and will eventually die out. For this, it is essential to leave the covers in place for a minimum of twelve months so as to starve the trapped bed bugs. 2 years being even more reasonable when we know that this insect may not feed for more than a year. A new mattress can be contaminated in a few days. Bed bug covers are covers that will let your mattress breathe while creating a barrier against bed bugs.

The covers avoid folds and seams where bedbugs can hide and lay their eggs. Once the covers are on, detection will be easier and you will fully protect your bedding investment. 

Are bed bug covers enough ?

To be honest, these protective covers are essential accessories in the fight against bedbugs. But very often, they won't do the job of 100% elimination. These covers will allow you to protect all the elements of your bedding. It is therefore already a hell of a lot less when you know that nearly 70% of these bugs are hiding there.

For the remaining 30%, you will have to be methodical and use contact insecticide products. We offer a set of natural products allowing you this on our shop.

Baseboards, socket outlets, floor grooves, cupboards, wardrobes, etc. There can be many hiding places and bedbugs are particularly good at hiding during the day. Unless you have a major infestation where you can see them easily, bedbugs stay out of the light during the day, curled up in their hiding places, and wait patiently for you to settle into your bed to put out the light. light and join you.

Anti-bedbug covers will radically and definitively protect your bed furniture. To spend a night without biting, it is then necessary to prevent access to the bed to the bedbugs remaining in the room. For this, you must completely isolate your bed from the ground. 

The main criteria for choosing your bedbug cover

- Choose a cover adapted to the dimensions of your mattress, box spring and pillow. This will limit the folds once in place and therefore the hiding places for bed bugs arriving from the outside. Choosing a cover made of elastane in particular allows the fabric to stretch and offers perfect adaptability to your bedding.

- The quality of the textile : its resistance, its weight, its softness, its noise to friction. Avoid fleece, quilted, lined fabrics.

- The fabric should also facilitate air exchange with the mattress (breathable fabric)

- Make sure that the cover is equipped with a secure zip closure to avoid any entry (or exit) door for bedbugs.

- Avoid the cover that has received a chemical treatment on the outside.

- Make sure the cover is machine washable at 60°C.

- Beware of brands of covers that put forward a mention "certified anti-bugs" without being able to provide you with proof that a real certification, by an approved independent laboratory, has indeed been made on the product. Too many people are trapped by this commercial discourse whose sole purpose is to sell the product better, without substantiated proof. 

Some advice in addition to these covers

Diatomaceous earth at the foot of the bed in a cup

About your bedding

- Place double-sided tape on all the legs of your bed. As soon as a bug tries to climb through this access, it will remain stuck. Moreover, this method is also a good way to determine whether or not bedbugs still live in your room. You can also place upturned jam jar lids under each of your bed legs. You will put a little diatomaceous earth in each one. The diatomaceous earth will create an extremely effective barrier against the intrusion of bedbugs.

- Change his bed legs, for stainless steel bed legs that bedbugs cannot climb

- Free the bed from the wall, leaving a space of 20 to 30 cm to avoid any intrusion from the walls (even if this insect cannot jump or fly!)

- Do not leave your sheet, blanket or duvet lying on the floor

In the rest of your room

Once your bedding is protected, tackle the rest of your room. Remember, there are still 30% bedbugs left in the room after you protect your bedding. The most effective method is through chemical treatment. We have at Pennty'Bio a whole range of natural products allowing you to fight against bed bugs. Do not hesitate to consult our file on the subject.

Discover the Sanisom anti-bedbug protective covers

Protect your mattresses, box springs and pillows against bedbugs now with Sanisom protective covers. Several models to choose from (from €33,30 for the pillow cover). Click on the reference below for product details and all the dimensions and prices offered.

Bed bug protection cover - Mattress or box...

Mattress, box spring or pillow covers, specifically designed to fight against bed bugs. Completely waterproof against insects and...
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