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Questions-Answers on aromatherapy

Q : Being buried, is it possible to inhale with ravintsara or other oils from your store ?

R: There are several effective essential oils to treat colds.
THEeucalyptus radiata is part (e.g. 1 drop on 1/2 sugar and let melt under the tongue - renew 4 times a day)
The niaouli (sprinkle 5 drops on a handkerchief and breathe deeply 4 to 6 times a day, depending on the importance of symptoms.
In the evening, you can also use your essential oil in the form of inhalation by pouring them into a bowl of fresh water and breathing thoroughly, the head covered with a sponge towel)
- the ravintsara, indeed essential oil, indispensable in autumn-winter, excellent anti-viral, anti-bacterial, etc. ( 10ml, or 30ml or 100ml) or the tea tree, , the pine, peppermint, cinnamon or thyme
We also have effective synergies (mixed with essential oils) against rums or clogged nose: example: Inhal or Eucalyptus forest.

Do not hesitate to consult our abedary care for essential oils

Q: What can be used as essential oil to treat acne ?
R: Here is a recipe that we use 2xtimes / day: 2 tablespoons of soft almond oil, 10gts of essential carrot oil, 10gts of essential palmarosa oil, 5gts of essential tea tree oil, 5gts of essential geranium oil.

Do not hesitate to consult our abedary care for essential oils

Q: I would slightly dilute the essential oils for my diffuser that are sometimes too strong. what can I take as a product ?

R: Especially no water. Since water is not impaired with essential oils, it could obstruct the nozzle from the diffusion, or in any case disrupt the diffusion. idem with vegetable oil, it might butcher your glassware. essential oils must always be used pure, undiluted and uncut. The best thing is to mix these oils too strong to other essential oils that will reduce them. citrus fruits such as lemon or orange usually reduce the strong smell of essential oil. has you to find the right percentages between each oil.

Otherwise, limit the ranges of diffusion. 2 to 3 diffusion assignments from 15 to 20 minutes per day are sufficient.

Otherwise, the solution of the natural dispersion for essential oils remains. the alcoholic formula Dispair Ladrôme, fully vegetable, has been developed for the use of aqueous phase oils. I have never tested in a diffuser, but since this product contains vegetable oil, I do not have the guarantee that it works at 100. %.

Q: I treated the warts (on the feet and covered with a dressing) of my son with thuya gasoline. Is it possible that during the night with the windows closed, the gasoline made him sick? fever, vomiting, stomachache ?
R: Essential oil of thuya is prohibited for sale outside pharmacies for the simple reason that it is a classified essential oil dangerous and toxic what the pharmacist should have told you when you bought it. it contains other thujone; It is therefore necessary to avoid using it on a child and especially pure. Now, it may not have a relationship but in doubt, I advise you not to do it again. Contraindications: babies, young children, pregnant women. (reasonably neurotoxic, abortive, to use with extreme caution internally).

Q : in provence this summer I bought a diffuser of aromas ms 803 s . What is the principle? Are oils heated or nebulized? certain oils should not be used pure; What's going on with them? is it better to make the diffuser work 4 times a quarter of an hour as marked on the leaflet or 10 times 5 minutes for a scented atmosphere, more often ?
R: The principle is an air pump that nebulizes essential oils like a perfume or garden spray! essential oils must always be used pure undiluted uncut. those that are too strong like thyme or mint must be mixed with other essential oils; much is used for this citrus fruit. We have 15 ready-to-use mixtures. the device can work vacuum without problem it will just send air. It depends on the volume and essential oils used, but it is best to diffuse often and little, it is much more efficient and economical in essential oils. The brain after a certain time no longer perceiving the smells you have to stop spreading. testing is necessary to find the time of diffusion and the time of pause.

Q: Your essential oils are biochemically and botanically defined hebbd.
R: Hebbd is the minimum to be entitled (north afnor) to mark "essential oil" on a bottle. any serious laboratory sells essential oils hebbd. hebbd is a name that has no legal reference, it is just the laboratory that guarantees but without any external control to verify that it is true. under external control you only have organic essential oils that must respect a specifications with regular audit of the laboratory. our essential oils are of course biochemically and botanically defined with most certified organic by certipacq and in prime the nature logo and progress (2nd external control)

Q: what essential oil has abortive property ?
R: Many essential oils have abortive properties all those mainly that contain cetones as achillea millefolium , achillea moschata , acorus calamus calamus , agathosma betulina , anethum sowa , etc.

Q : I'm sorry but I called 2 biocoops in 75 + 92 and they don't have the product that I'm looking for (oil for spreader "great air)." please help me.
R: I warned you, biocoops are trading maintenance products instead and it will be difficult for us to find the distributor that could have great air in stock. as I have already mentioned you will find all our essential oils on our website, they come directly from Laboratoire Gravier and also prices are competitive.

Q: Is it true that we can put essential orange oil in the cakes to perfume them ?
R: That's right you can use an essential orange oil to perfume dishes but only a few drops, you can also use other citrus fruit. I still advise you to use organic essential oil.

Q: Would you have any preparations made for the bath, in the expectation please.
R: We have no specific mix ready for bathing. You can use 1 or 2x essential oils or more simply one of our many baths / essential oil showers that are on our site.

Q: I have skin problems: terne skin, dehydrated in places, fat on the median area, sensitive, but especially with regular acne buttons. Can you assure me that your fat skin program could solve my problems, including my acne problem.
R: If you respect the full program that is specified in our site "fat or young acneic skins (anticomedons)" acne is generally well treated (my girl has tried with an excellent result). on the other hand, my wife who has a dry skin trend followed dry skin treatment with an excellent result. for acne buttons the penoel doc gives a recipe that has proven itself: cutaneous path H.E. eugenia caryophyllus (clous) 5 ml (coating nail) H.E. thymus vulg. thymoliferum 5 ml (thym thymol) h. v. rosa rubiginosa q.s.p. 30 ml (vegetated rose oil) Poso./duration: 2 appl./j., point per point, in situ/10 days (to be applied only on the buttons).

Do not hesitate to consult our abedary care for essential oils

Q: studying in the second year biological genius with the iut of foods, we would like in the framework of our tutored project, to make the distillation of the essential oil of lemon to mix it with a vegetable oil. for this we would need some information about the essence of lemon but also on the proportions of the mixture vegetable oil essential oil.
R: In general we don't distill the lemon but we produce lemon essence from the cold extraction of zest as well as all citrus (orange, grapefruit, tangerine, bergamote, ..) regarding the gasoline / vegetable oil mixture it depends on its use of 1% for facial care up to 40% for intensive care, to scent a yoghurt 1gt enough!

Q : I just bought one of your broadcasters at the kine show and I am very surprised at the price difference. Already last year I found the diffusers or kits particularly expensive but when I look at your site there is a very clear difference, could you tell me if it's normal when you're at the kine trade fair.
R: You have many shops and companies that sell our broadcasters, selling prices being free so you can find the same products with important differences. Moreover, it is necessary to know that a stand in a professional living room is quite expensive and that the person who exposes must be able to return to their costs (stand, travel, accommodation, etc.). It is therefore often normal that products sold on the internet are cheaper (very high competition, reduced fee). in our case, we apply lower margins on our products and play on the quantity.

Q: I was surprised by the absence of coffee or coffee essence perfume. Knowing that I am a coffee vending machine manager I would have wanted to have coffee diffusers in my machines. Is it possible to create a coffee perfume ?
R: Coffee is a very complex set it has 500 aromatic molecules and I have never heard of essential coffee oil, contact a distiller rather and ask him the question.

Q: I have a geranium hydrolat I wanted to know if I could use it to clean my dog's apparently infected gums? Can we use hydrolat in internal use
R: No problem for the use of geranium hydrolat in internal use (hien or human)

Q: Use an essential oil? Can we inert it, if so how, with what? Inhalation? Niaouli, lavender etc.
R: Overall, essential oils can be used in diffusion, massage (diluted with vegetable oil) in inhalation bath and some in internal use. for internal use it is important to know well the essential oils some can be toxic or too strong. You have in the trade many literature that explain this in detail.

Q : Can you advise me to equip our offices (about 100 m2) with an automatic electric diffuser (e.g. equipped with a programmer) and a pleasant, soft and discreet oil ?
R: For 100 m2 we can offer several models including eolia. for programming I advise you to buy a mechanical or electronic programmator (with a male and female current socket) that you will find in all large surfaces. for the programming to preview at the start about 1/2 h of diffusion the time to cover the whole of your office, after you can broadcast about 10 minutes every 2 h. for essential oils, the softest and discreet is the mix "soft night" but you also have " passion of the islands", "deodorizing" and "evasion" that can suit and pure citrus like lemon, grapefruit or orange. Take in several to change and not get tired.

Q : for my cat who suffers from a chronic sinusitis following a cat flu and pneumonia please tell me the dosage as well as the necessary oils. the veterinarian prescribed me for each inhalation: 5 mg of antibio gentaline and 2.5mg of gomenol all this in one of your diffusers: please answer me
R: I do not understand your question because the veterinarian has already prescribed what you should use (he is more competent than I in this field)! Gomenol is a brand, but based on essential niaouli oil which seems perfect for respiratory and infectious problems.

Q: Can we use an electric diffuser with a 4-month baby? and what oils do you recommend ?
R: One can use a diffuser in a house with a baby, but one must avoid spreading in his room when it is present, it is a matter of volume of air and quantity of essential oils, it should not breathe pure essential oils but a mixture of air and essential oils, leaving time to essential oils to mix with air (a dozen minutes). for essential oils you have the choice: in the most common, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, lavender, camomile, rose wood, geranium, ravensare, tea tree

What is the difference between Aroma-feel and the olia ?
R: The principle between broadcasters is totally different. the olia works by micro-diffusion, that is to say that all essential oils are sent into the air in the form of a fog; it allows to cover surfaces up to 100 m2. Aroma-feel is a ventilation process. only the lightest molecules are sent into the air in the form of perfume. It is rather intended for small pieces. only micro-diffusion models allow to enjoy the benefits of essential oils in the sense aromatherapy. ventilation models are rather perfume diffusers. Moreover, the aroma-feel uses felts that you will need to change every time you change essential oils.

Q : some friends told me about an anti-poose product bought on your site, or I can't find it. The only indication I've seen is lemongrass, and it doesn't seem to me that my friends told me that name. Do you have anything else ?
R: For children's lice people use lavender essential oil. It's pretty effective. a few drops at the base of the hair or in case of invasion a few drops in hair friction.

Q : Can you tell me the number of drops of essential gaulthery oils to mix in vegetable oil of macadamia in advance thanks.
R: The standard dose is 10% or 10 gts / coffee pot of vegetable oil but you can, if there is no red reaction type increase the dosage up to 20.% It must be known that it is the amount of essential oil deposited on the body that is important. the smaller the treated surface, the higher the concentration up to locally the pure utility (which are not too aggressive of course). you have a mixture that is interesting for pain is: H.E. eucalyptus citriodora 9 ml H.E. gaultheria fragrantissima 1 ml Poso./duration: apply on the painful area several f./j.

Q : I have prepared a lotion for oily skin that tightens pores and cicatries ( 20 drops of geranium, 3 drops of cists, 30ml of macadamia) in fact I wanted to know what frequency I advise you to apply it and at what time of day. Applying it every night, does it damage the skin in the long term ?
R: Geranium and ciste being essential oils soft their uses do not pose a danger to the skin especially that they are weakly concentrated. However, you have to monitor that you do not have a reaction to these essential oils, redness type. the most indicated is the evening after cleaning your skin just before bedtime, for 2 to 3 weeks if you want to continue, wait a few weeks to resume treatment. if the result is not satisfactory we have creams and milks that are very effective for this type of treatment; you will find them in our category facial care.

Q: I am a strong customer of your site. I allow you to ask a question can I mix 50% of the essential oil of niaouli+ essential oil of lavender in my essential oil diffuser. (cause big cold)
R: All essential oils are miscible between them so you can mix niaouli + lavender to put in your diffuser. On the other hand, I don't know the smell that it will give! do not hesitate to consult our abedary care for essential oils

Q : I have recently used a diffuser of essential oils purchased on the penntybio site. I would like to know what oils I can use with a baby of 3 months in diffusion, and also some mixtures I can also do in diffusion.
R: Thank you for buying a broadcaster on our site, I hope it gives you satisfaction. in diffusion, except allergy, you can practically diffuse what you want on condition to respect some basic rules of common sense: 1) the diffusion time must be proportional to the volume of the room, you should not saturate the ambient air especially if the baby is in room 2) if you want to diffuse in her room do it when the room is empty and not very long 5 mn for 10m2, 1/2 hour before the baby in the relaxing essential oils you have for example lavender, camomile, tangerine,. to disinfect: grapefruit, antiviral and antibacterial: palmarosa, orl infections and broncho-pulmonary in adults, child, baby: rose wood flus, sinusitis, bronchitis, cough: eucalyptus radiata rhinopharyngites, flus, sinusitis, bronchitis, hull: ravens for mixtures I advise you to buy them all done, it is not easy to marry property and pleasant smell, but you can at your option mix all essential oils you want.

Q: I read that we should not use pure essential oils but that we should always mix them with a vegetable oil or sweet almond, what do you think? I have another question, I have very often migraines, is it effective to put 2 drops of lavender oil into honey, it quickly relieves headaches. I read that it was dangerous to use essential oils in internal use, what do you think ?
R: Many essential oils can be used pure in massage but it depends on many parameters such as the agressivity of essential oil, its own tolerance, the amount used, .. it is for this reason that it is best to use essential oils mixed with vegetable oil when you do not control the subject. the origin of a migraine may depend on many factors, it is possible that lavender relieves a type of migraine of nerve origin for example. It is no more dangerous to use essential oils in internal use than medicines but like them, it requires a good knowledge of the properties of essential oils as well as counter-indications the dosages. essential oils are plant concentrates and therefore in all cases must be handled carefully.

Q: I have a slight immunodepression and according to the aromatherapy guide, niaouli in association with the ravensare seems effective for their antiviral and antiseptic properties. I would like advice on the synergy between these two essential oils; is oral or skin catch the best indicated? and according to what dosage? How many drops for each one? I thank you for your diligence.
R: It's a very good choice. the revensare as niaouli are essential oils very powerful in the fight against viruses. Niaouli is generally used externally, although some doctors prescribe it internally, on the other hand the ravensare can be used given its very good tolerance both internally and externally. Niaouli must be handled with greater care it is not recommended to pregnant women and children. your other questions are medical and we are not sufficiently competent or empowered to answer you.

Q: Can you tell me what is the difference between pure essential oils and organic penn'ty essential oils ?
R: None, both being pure as they come from the same place and the same tank! the difference is at the level of regulation, having no pharmacist in our society we are only allowed to sell them for distribution purposes.

Q : officinal lavender - wild rosemary - odorant geranium - peppermint - thyme (linalol) can I use these oils internally by putting a drop in fruit juice ?
R: These essential oils are usable in internal use. with 1 drop, there is no problem, except if allergy. However, essential oils are not soluble, so they will float on fruit juice, to dilute them you need to use solvents like alcohol for example in a 1/10 min report or then our natural dispersant disp'arôme.

Q : I need to change the glassware of my air 8000 silencer, can you tell me the amphore glassware that you sell will be adapted ?
R: Your sentence is incomplete but I suppose you want to know if the he1005 glassware is adaptable to a silencer I don't have this model in stock to check but it shouldn't be a problem since it's a standard diffuser with a 6mm rubber ring to put the glass and a 5mm hose.

Q : I would like to know what is the best product to use to calm a tendinitis of the thumb ?
R: You have 2x essential oils that can be effective: eucalyptus citriodora or gaultherie. H.E. eucalyptus citriodora=9 ml, H.E. gaultheria fragrantissima=1 ml. apply to the painful area several times/day.

Q: regarding all essential oils, how are they most effective: in massage, friction, should they be diluted? Can we drink them? Thank you.
R: About the use of essential massage oils you have on our site many pages of information about this topic. essential oils can be used internally for a few drops, but their uses require a minimum of knowledge of their properties. do not hesitate to consult our thematic issues.

Q: I am looking for a massage product to effectively fight cellulite.
R: We don't have a mix ready. You can try this mixture: lemon eucalyptus 10ml atlas cedar 10ml niaouli 10ml grapefruit 10ml sclared sage 5ml cypress 5ml macadamia oil 50ml application 1 to 2 times / day by activating the circulation well. do not hesitate to consult our abedary care for essential oils

Q: Is the essential oil of rosemary to the cinole edible? And if so, how can I use it in a salad?
R: You can add it to your table oil at 1 to 2 drops per 100ml

Q: I suffer from recurring cystitis (e coli); What can you advise me ?
R: We are not a doctor to answer this question, but we found in the book of the dr pénoël the following indications: cystitis +++++ oral (anti-infectious) H.E. satureja montana carvacrolifera 25 mg, H.E. origanum compactum carvacrol. 25 mg, H.E. thymus vulg. thymoliferum 25 mg, exc. q.s.p. 1 gastro-resistant capsule No. 2 - N°L Poso./duration: 2 capsules 2 times/day for 20 days. Skinway (anti-infectious) H.E. aniba rosaeodora var . arnazonica log, exc. q.s.p. i gel of 100 g Poso./duration: 2 to 3 appl. abdominal/d. for 20 days. otherwise, do not hesitate to consult our abedary care for essential oils

Q: Following various purchases on the net, I was able to see visus that the bottles at the price so attractive were not filled only with fresh almond oil, but with other ingredients. Can you tell me if this practice is common ?
R: I'm sorry, but I don't know what to answer. It's probably about products imported from asia. lately, we found essential lavender oil from the indes! It is important to know that in these products, the labour force represents a large part of the price and wages are not the same as in europe and especially in france, we must not forget that the work of children is also widespread in this part of the globe. Now these products can also be of very good quality but it must be borne in mind that if the pesticide regulation is relatively strict in europe all these countries have no regulations and they recover more or less all prohibited products in other countries. There are also large areas of essential oils at unbeatable prices, but when you can decipher the label it is indicated 90% alcohol 10% essential oil ! So you have to stay very attentive when buying.

Q: is it possible to order 100ml oil bottles on your site for diffuser? Last year in a organic product lounge there was a booth of the gravel laboratory and there were 100 ml bottles I really like the provence mixture and as my diffuser works an hour a day it is more economical to use essential oils in bottle of great capacity
R: 100 ml gravel laboratory mixtures are available on our site in our category Synergies for dissemination.

Q: I wish to buy an electric essential oil diffuser without putting a large sum. I want to use it is a soothing use to calm stress and anxiety. I thought I would have this broadcaster in my room (25 m2). so if possible, a silent device. So I thought about the mini-elia model but does it have a switch? Can we set the flow rate? Is that enough for my room? Is he silent ?
R: The Eolia-mini diffuser has an on/off button but no flow adjustment, it is an economical and robust but noisy model (old generation) compared to the newer models. On the other hand, it would be enough for your piece in terms of coverage.

Q: Do you know an essential oil or a synergy of essential oils that allow to erase or mitigate the kernels ?
R: Attention, the use of essential oils near the eyes is to be taken with great care. you can use a Roman chamomile floral water. this hydrolat is perfectly suited to reduce the kernels or calm the red eyes. otherwise, do not hesitate to consult our abedary care for essential oils

Q : we have a diffuser for several years of type rena 101 for an area of 25 m2 and a power of 5 w. We misfortunely broke our glassware, which apparently looks at your standard type glassware. the only precision we need before launching our order, and the diameter of the package entering the device. on our device this diameter of the pack and 6 mm.
R: I confirm that the diameter is 6 mm.

Q: I am a biology student and I would like to know what molecules make up the essential oil of mimosa or at least the class of the molecule? If you can help me thank you in advance.
R: Mimosa : acacia dealbata, palmitic aldehyde, anis aldehyde, hexadecene.

Q : Can you then give me the various techniques of extraction of essential oils and their principles, as well as the method of analysis by gas chromatography.
R: For oil extraction techniques, please consult our dedicated file. concerning chromatography, it is a very complicated technique that works on spectral analysis, separating the different molecules one another in order to identify and quantify them. not being a specialist in this field, we will not be able to provide you with satisfactory answers.

Q: Is it possible to add essential oil in musk rose oil ?
R: You can add all the essential oils you want in all vegetable oils, including musk pink.

Q: Can you tell me if the he1001 model is silent because I have a model approaching that I find noisy.
R: The he1001 is part of the old generation of broadcaster with a very excellent performance/price ratio but I would lie if I said it is silent. at the performance level, the olia is about equal to the he1001, but much quieter. The last generations of 12v transfo diffusers are now much quieter!!

Q: a pity for the switch on the model I chose it means that it must always be unplugged? What happens if we forget to unplug it ?
R: Nothing, it's an aquarium pump that can run 24 hours a day off.

Q: Can I do a 6-year-old breast massage with niaouli mixed with vegetable oil ?
R: Niaouli should be used with caution on young children and pregnant women, you will need to dilute it quite strongly and check that it does not cause any reaction, but you can also use eucalyptus radiata which is more suitable for children.

Q: Which system replaces the absence of air blowing pipe in the he1040 glassware?
R: The glassware center is hollow and the air passes through this place. The pipe is just inside instead of being outside.

Q: I would like to know what is the minimum amount of essential oil to put in an electric diffuser. I saw 1 cm on one of the pages of the site, but I wonder how much that corresponds. I have never tested the essential oils in diffusion and I would like to have an idea of the cost it represents.
R: A few millimeters are enough for the diffuser to work. count 15 to 20 drops minimum. any diffuser equipped with a glassware should work with this quantity. for consumption, it is necessary to foresee from 1 to 2 ml / hour following the model.

Q: Can we massage essential oils to a safe baby ?
R: Yes, you can, but you have to stay very careful with the use of essential oils on children under 5 years of age. Because their skin is very fragile, you have to choose essential oils such as rosewood or camomile and dilute them strongly.

Q: I would like to make essential oils at home can you tell me how to proceed. Thank you
R: The principle is the same as to make alcohol. a minute coconut, a serpentine cools and a glass to collect, it takes water in the coconut we put the plants in the basket above the water and we make the water boil the easiest to start is lavender. Be careful, we do not improvise distiller overnight. It is a real trade and there is a number of precautions to take into account.

Q: I am looking for essential oil of millepertuis for massage of the back have you? What price? And how do I get it ?
R: We have no essential oil of millepertuis. I don't think it exists. On the other hand, you will find this plant as an oily macera (milepertuis flowers macerated in a vegetable oil, olive most of the time).

Q: you have a very light he - or rather very fluid - that would be added to a he (or mixture) to make it more fluid and thus have a better diffusion. because I also noticed that, when the he is viscous, it spreads badly. I tried alcohol, but the smell is very strong.
R: An essential oil used in diffusion should not be mixed with anything else. it must be used pure, without addition. As you know, during a distillation, it is recovered in a container with an aqueous phase above which they float. So water doesn't work at all. In terms of alcohol, it must be used only in the maintenance of the appliance but in no case broadcast. essential oils a little viscous, thick or sticky are less diffused. The lavender can rather dilute to correct the appearance (especially the thickness), but by doing this, you will obviously no longer be on pure diffusion of the original oil. Finally, the dispersants only allow to solubilize essential oil in the water. This allows the use of he in aqueous phase (in the bath, ingestion in drinks, etc.). but, this product, designed with an alcoholic formula, should not be used either to make diffusion.