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Powderpost beetle, a wood parasite


Mushrooms and insects can degrade your furniture, carpentes or floors, even if the wood is waxed, varnished or painted. The difficulty is to detect these powderpost beetle, which could spread throughout the house. Be vigilant and consider preventive treatment as necessary. Discover in this folder a set of responses and natural products that will allow you to fight this insect at best.

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Get to know the powderpost beetle

(identity, feeding mode, reproduction, ...)


Fight against powderpost beetle

(action method, natural insecticides, ...)

le lycte brun - Lyctus brunneus


Who's the powderpost beetle ?

Latin name: Lyctus brunneus
Order: Beetles
Family: Lyctide
Adult size: 2 to 5 mm
Size of the larva:5 to 7 mm
Location: various woods
Period: All year


What you need to know about powderpost beetle

Of tropical origin, this insect was moved during the transport of wood. it lays in the woods with large sap vessels such as oak or bamboo but never in the resinous and rarely in the poplar or beech.

Powderpost beetle attacks both oak parquet and carpentry and bamboo furniture.

The adults spring from the wood after their larval cycles by holes of about 1 mm.
Its action is focused on carpentry, parquet and lambourdes. It is particularly known to infester the edges of windows or doors and small carpentry.

Its life cycle usually lasts from 6 to 10 months, but it can extend up to 2 years or decrease to 3 months in optimal laboratory conditions. the period varies depending on the nature of the wood in which the insect is located, the nutritional quality of this wood, including its wealth in starch and climate. the optimal conditions being those of the tropical climate, i.e. 27 °C and 75% humidity.

The female lays about 20 eggs in isolation, or in groups of 2 to 6, in wood cracks. Incubation lasts 1 to 2 weeks.


Lyctus brunneus - Powderpost beetleLyctus brunneus - Lycte brun

Development cycle : Adults come out of the wood by digging a flying hole from April to September and live from 2 to 6 weeks. it then adopts a dusty activity. The male usually lives 2 or 3 weeks, while the female lives 6 weeks. After mating, the female deposits eggs in the wooden vessels of diameter greater than 50 microns. the larval cycle lasts from 6 to 12 months on average. galleries dug by larvae are round, parallel to the wood. The exit holes are round, from 1 to 2 mm in diameter. The vermoulure is very fine, of a “flower of flour”.

 le lycte brun - Lyctus brunneus

Larval development varies according to ambient conditions. Indeed, in winter, if conditions are bad, they remain inactive, which extends their development.
During this period, larvae dig galleries from 1 to 3 mm in diameter in the direction of wood yarn to feed. These galleries are filled with extremely fine vermoulures, such as the "flower of flour". this detail is valuable to differentiate the powderpost beetle of the vrillette.
At the end of larval development, powderpost beetle turns into a nymph in 2 to 4 weeks. at the end, it builds a space in which it stays 4 days.

How to fight powderpost beetle ?

Preventive measures : a glazing or varnish prevents the deck of adults.

In curative : The curative treatment of the powderpost beetle is the same as that of the large calf or small calf. a savoir, poll, bûchage, brushing and dusting of wood, then application of a special biocide treatment of wood stopping larval development and preventing any new deck.

Application of a type repulsive extract of margosa will also give very good results.

The diatomaceous earth spray. if the holes (galerie) left by the insect in the wood parts are large enough (+ 2 mm), the diatome to spray as aerosol can be used. Thanks to its application tube, you can apply the diatom in each hole and inject it into the deepest. diatomed soil, thanks to the specific surface of its grains and its silica skeleton is dreadful to fight against creeping insects:

1 - Ingestion of silica particles (very sharp) by insects causes lesions of their digestive tube.

2 - The finesse and hardness of the silica particles amassed by the insect's silks cause lesions on its members or on its shell. This results in the insect a loss of body fluids that leads to its death by dehydration after a few days. the absorbent properties of the diatomy earth (up to 150% of its weight) favor this process.


N.B.: Powderpost beetle is part of xylophageal insects. for all diagnostics and treatment method for this insect family, you can read our file specific to xylophages

The product you need against powderpost beetle

Directly access the detailed description of our product to fight powderpost beetle.


Look at the damage the powderpost beetle can cause


Frequently asked questions about powderpost beetle

Q: What is the type of insecticide for powderpost beetle, acacia parasite (furniture) ?
R: Powderpost beetle likes wood with large vessels like exotic woods but also oak. Normally, we have to find holes of about 1 mm that are the exits of the adults thus allowing their reproduction. You can treat your furniture by the inside with an insecticide like "all insects at 3%", at min 2xtreatment at 24h interval, as the outside is probably varnished or waxed the treatment can only be done with a syringe + needle in all the holes you will find. for information, the European legislation having recently changed, our 4J insecticide, although effective for a nipplease. margosa extract, which you will find on our website also will be an excellent repulsive.

Q: How to eliminate powderpost beetle larvae in a piece of furniture? ?

R: The most effective is to treat the holes in the wood with our 4j insecticide concentrated at 3% + vaporization of the inner walls. For information, since European legislation has changed recently, our 4j insecticide, although effective for xylophagus treatment, is no longer approved for this use (classification in TP8). margosa extract, which you will find on our website also will be an excellent repulsive.

Q: We bought a dining room in solid oak. There seems to be powderpost beetle. What to do to eliminate them? Thank you
R: It is difficult to spot powderpost beetle in furniture, larvae digging galleries in the sense of fibres without it being apparent. On the other hand, you can see some 1mm holes that are the holes by which the adults come out to reproduce. the solution is a complete treatment of internal furniture. an external treatment not used for anything since the furniture being waxed, the product cannot fit into the wood. Spray to the insecticide brush on all inner partitions of the furniture, renew the operation after 24 hours. If you have the courage, inject on the outside into every hole in the insecticide with a syringe. For information, since European legislation has recently changed, our 4J insecticide, although effective for xylophagus treatment, is no longer approved for this use (classification in TP8). margosa extract, which you will find on our website also will be an excellent repulsive.