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The domestic cricket doesn't just sing !


Who is the cricket ?

le grillon,Acheta domesticaLatin name : Acheta domesticus
Order : Orthoptera
Family : Gryllidae
Size : 1 to 2 cm
Location : attic and loft
Period : spring to autumn

What you need to know about the cricket

Except in the south of France, this desert insect cannot live outside heated areas.

In the past, it was often found near bakeries and fireplaces. Feeding on various organic materials, this insect has become rare in homes. As with cockroaches, they may be found in heated basements. These insects like the dark.

If they start breeding in your home, they can cause a lot of damage, particularly to paper products, carpets, clothes, furniture and even walls. Crickets can affect crops as they feed on seeds or young plants, being capable of destroying an entire field if not controlled in time. In any case, control measures can easily be applied, using safe and practical eradication methods, either natural, organic or chemical. 

How can I get rid of crickets ?

While cricket songs are bearable during the day, they can quickly become annoying or even unbearable, preventing you from falling asleep or even waking up in the middle of the night. So, in summer, you may find yourself having to close the window and suffer in the heat just to stop hearing them... What's more, these little creatures respond to each other and can sing for hours in unison, giving you the impression that they're having fun at the foot of your bed. We've put together the tips and solutions below to help you eliminate crickets from your home environment.

1 - Get a pet such as a cat or dog. Their natural predatory instincts will quickly eliminate the insect.

2 - Create traps along the walls and in the corners of your home, particularly in areas infested by crickets. Attract them with corn flour. You can also use glue traps like the ones we offer for cockroaches. The crickets will easily follow the food and get stuck in the traps.

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3 - Make a "soft trap" in a bowl, using treacle and water. The crickets will be attracted by the smell and jump into the bowl. They will then be unable to get out.

4 - Use plants that crickets hate, such as garlic or coriander. Plants that fix nitrogen, such as cloves and peas. If you plant them near the door, under the windows or in a pot held near the windows, you'll prevent crickets from entering your home.

5 - Maintain a constant level of sanitation by vacuuming your home and keeping it clean. Vacuuming can help you get rid of the eggs laid by crickets, so preventing an infestation from spreading. Clean the corners, walls and dark areas of your home. Don't forget to dispose of the contents in a sealed plastic bag.

6 - Use a soap trap to keep crickets away. By mixing it with water in a spray bottle, you can create an organic pesticide that will penetrate the cricket's shell and cause cellular damage.

7 - A pepper spray works well for repelling crickets. However, be careful to use it in the right direction.

8 - Use a natural insecticide as a direct spray on visible crickets. We offer several different products, all of which have a common active ingredient: plant pyrethrum. In aerosol or liquid form, an insecticide will destroy the insect quickly.

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9 - Don't forget to let crickets' natural predators roam your yard. Small lizards, spiders, ants, wasps and birds. They'll clean up after you without a second thought. Don't forget to install bird feeders to attract birds to your property. The birds will do their job once they see that they have a stable source of cricket food. Birds are an excellent and natural way of managing the cricket population in your yard or garden.

10 - Use diatomaceous earth. This is an effective organic solution that will affect crickets to the point of killing them. Once the cricket comes into contact with this powder, it will injure itself, dehydrate and eventually die from its injuries.

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Diatomaceous earth (also called Kieselguhr Celatom) is a completely ecological and natural insecticide that helps fight against...
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11 - Like all nocturnal insects, crickets are attracted by bright lights. At night, avoid using them and try replacing bulbs with LED lights. Keep your entrance areas dark, especially at night, and draw the shutters to prevent the light from inviting the crickets inside.

12 -  Prune your garden. This will prevent crickets from building nests and inviting them into your home when winter arrives. Trim back vegetation and grass regularly to limit the cricket population.

13 - Like cockroaches, keep your dustbin well sealed, as the smell will inevitably attract them. Crickets can be found under or behind dustbins. So these are places to keep an eye on regularly.

14 - Seal windows and panels, cover cracks and install screens on ducts too, to keep insects out.

15 - Reduce the humidity in your home, especially in the basement, as this will prevent crickets from developing quickly if they are already established in your home.

16 - Keep your garden and yard clean, and your house too. By not leaving leaves, scattered wood or construction tools piled up in the yard, you won't be providing crickets with places to make a nest. As a result, they will be forced to move away because your yard will be unattractive.