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Pure pills - refillable and ecological household products


History of society grows

Logo Pure Pills

At grows, they are convinced of one thing; everyone can act on their scale to protect the environment, without effort or coercion. Their dream? transmit alternatives to limit your ecological footprint, and become consumators.

It was the idea that sprouted into the head of three childhood friends in the south of france. attached to nature and to zero waste, these three superheroes of the green decided to take things in hand to protect our beautiful planet by adopting the right eco gestures.

Of this ambition was first born a first concept of ecological, aesthetic and especially autonomous gardener that was born in 2017. the goal? to bring the urban population closer to the green of nature. The tone is given. selected to participate in the prestigious lisbonne summit, the “high garden” holds the attention of several investors. and everything accelerates !

May 2018, the concept of "high vegetable garden" evolves for good and leaves room for her little sister, boxing pushes. after creating an innovative container, the three friends now want to provide quality content. by setting up a monthly subscription boxing system, pushes democratise for good gardening without taking the cabbage.

Today, the company grows sees further. to guide you in a more global ecological approach, it created Pure Pills : the French brand that strips the radius of household products.

Pure Pills it is the desire to bring more transparency in the opaque world of the maintenance market by proposing everyday products at the fair price, to use the light mind, because without risk for the health of the whole family, as for that of the planet.

Mission Pure Pills it is to make everything shine in the house, even the habits of its inhabitants! The concept is simple but very effective: water-dissolving pellets, previously poured into the bottles provided. These bottles are 100% vegetable and mineral, rechargeable, biodegradable, compostable, durable and French! As for pastilles, they are 100% natural ingredients, ecocert guarantees, and have been certified by independent laboratories. one lets melt a few minutes, and here we are with an ecological product, rechargeable in watermelons at will, and thus avoiding that many plastic cans are found in nature or oceans, already well polluted.

Products eliminate single-use plastic since Vegetal bottles are rechargeable and reusable to the infinite!


Missions Pure Pills

If we don't change anything in 2050, the weight of plastic in the oceans will be higher than the weight of fish ( EllenMacArthur/Mac kingsey).

In summary, the commitments of the brand Pure Pills :
- act against the use of single-use plastics.
- design water-free products, so less transport, less co2.
- offer rechargeable products, with Zéro-Plastiques recharges
- ban all harmful or controversial products from their composition
- offer reusable bottles and reduce plastic consumption
- offer a bottle without any petrochemical plastic, 100% vegetable and mineral, biodegradable and compostable..

Changing our habits to change the world ..

Our idea at home Pure Pills, it is that the best way to act is to start immediately around yourself. That we can do for ourselves, for the planet and that the sum of these little gestures will produce great effects. Our mission is thus to facilitate this transition to new habits. Does that talk to you, too ?

If we stop throwing plastic into the sea today. in 50 years we will find the starting ecosystem» Roman troubled, secretary general tara oceans

Facilitate transition with healthy and practical solutions ...

With innovative products, Zero-Plastic, eco-certified, but also with efficiency. Why? because the best way to change a habit is to find another that is virtuous, just as effective and even more practical !

Defending natural efficiency

A real efficiency, 100% of natural origin, it was their first challenge. real efficiency, rid of all surpluses, pollutants, harmful, or controversial. OK we modulate the miracle promises of “without scrubbing, without wiping etc.” we sometimes end with an extra rag and the result is there, nickel, efficiency tested and proven in 2 independent laboratories. because expertise Pure Pills is based on the development of laboratory-tested formulas: all their cleaners have won the performance tests conducted by two officially recognized independent laboratories: applus+ and Eurofins Scientific, which benefit from a worldwide reputation for their certifications, their ethical, scientific and technical qualities.


Reveal the newttoyeur in us !

Newttoyers are you, we and all who want to invent a new way of cleaning: without risk for their health or for the planet! in the tribe Pure Pills, they call this, the “Newtoyage”: we replace maintenance products with Zero-plastic and Eco-certified products. We eliminate all the controversial elements: we only keep the best !

It’s good for you, it’s good for the planet, and if we’re thousands to do it, there will necessarily be a positive impact. (please, don't you?).

Le principe des pastilles Pure Pills

The shortest path of your mailbox at home...

No longer need to survey the appliance-produced rays, nor to pass you 3 kg of plastic cans. you choose your products, you receive them in your box. Everything's happening at home !

Les bouteilles végétales Pure Pills

Not to sell plastic, to fight against plastic !

Fight against single-use plastic with reusable sprays is already good, but to further reduce the production and use of plastics, Pure Pills wanted to go further (and they did it!):

Innovation, 100% rechargeable bottles are already 100% vegetable
100% vegetable and mineral, 100% biodegradable, compostable, 100% durable, 100% French, the bottles are made from sugar cane bagasse (the fibrous residue recovered from the mill's exit) and shell powder. their labels are also made without any petrochemical plastics. Well done !
Next step? Pure Pills seeks solutions for the pistol part of their sprays. Even if they are reusable at will, which is already a huge progress, they would like to find out how to make them without plastic... in short, they are actively on it!

Cleaners without micro plastics or oil derivatives
Conventional products and some so-called green cleaners contain oil derivatives in their formulation. their co2 emissions are comparable to the pollution generated by cars... but at home! This is why pure loot cleaners do not contain any microplastics, or petroleum derivatives and are all 100% biodegradable.

Certified products
All pre pills products are certified ecocert. all their ingredients are 100% natural. Moreover, all our products are vegan and Cruelty-Free: their design and manufacture have been carried out without any contribution or animal suffering. In other words, we can't do more organic!!

La gamme Pure Pills

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