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Logo Cruelty free

The logo cruelty free is increasingly present on your cosmetics. It's not a coincidence and it's so much better! animal protection is increasingly affecting consumers. Nobody wants to hurt animals. all the less because associations such as peta (people for the ethical treatment of animals) and l214 have made it possible to widely disseminate images of whole laboratories where animals were undergoing these tests. which reinforces the consumer's idea not to endorse the abuse of animals.


What does cruelty free mean ?

This name guaranteed to consumers that its product is 100% raw, namely:

1 - No finished product or ingredient that composes it must have been tested on animals.

2 - Suppliers must provide an attestation confirming that they do not practice animal experimentation.

3 - The brand agrees to be controlled at any time by an independent body.


A law that is constantly changing

In 2004, animal tested cosmetics are banned in europe. a decision-making that is only a first step in the struggle, the law only takes into account the tests on finished products, not on ingredients. In 2009, tests on finalised ingredients and cosmetics are stopped, except for long-term toxicity tests. Finally, in 2013, Europe signed a new law banning any cosmetic product whose finished product and ingredients have been tested on animals. a ban that extends to imported products. if in theory this decision-making had to sign the end of animal abuse in cosmetic laboratories, in practice it is more complicated.

This includes the irritability of products that are tested on animals by applying, for example, an ingredient or product that is finished on a rodent's shaved skin or injecting substances into its eyes to measure eye irritation.


Cosmetic bio rhyme always you with "not tested on animals"

It would be the ideal, but in practice, it doesn't really happen !

Many people make the amalgam between a biological and natural product and an untested product on animals.

There are many organic labels worldwide. you probably know some: ecocert, usda organic, natrue, nature & progress, bdih, aiab (label organic Italian,) ecogarantie (label belgian,) soil association, etc.

Virtually all of these labels guarantee consumers the lack of animal testing during the production process only. and this is where everyone is wrong. Because unfortunately, labels such as nature and progress, for example, ignore the fate of the product.

A product certified by a bio label can without any problem be marketed in China, a brand certified by one of these organisms can quite implant in China. And in fact, these products will be tested on animals because Chinese legislation requires it! ... a condition sine qua non to be able to access the Chinese market. " marks of cosmetics [...] display their company's policy on their website, stating that they do not perform tests on animals anywhere in the world, except when required in the law. However, these companies sell their products in China, where animals can be killed for a shadow of eyelids or lipstick," explained mimi bekhechi, director of the peta in Great Britain, in the columns of the world in 2016.

It is permissible to doubt that the same product, sold in China and france, was tested on animals in the first case in order to be able to access the Chinese market, but not in the second. an area of blur that encourages more and more consumers to boycott the brands that sell in China and to favor those who, on the contrary, undertake not to implant in this country as urban decay, nyx, ren skincare or kat von d, brands that still belong to non cruelty free groups.


But then, what label is proud of ?

Among the many cruelty free labels on the market, leaping bunny and cruelty free de peta are the strictest. these cruelty free labels of peta and leaping bunny guarantee that the brand does not market in china and that no product or ingredient that composes them is tested on animals. among the so-called "safe" brands have, for example, Lush, one of the most emblematic houses in the field, or urban decay or too faced.

Among the other labels on the market, one voice can also be cited which certifies that some products of a brand are not tested on animals, but not the entire one.

"There are controls, evidence to be provided that at no time, no ingredient or product has been tested on animals and this obviously goes back to suppliers. What is certain, however, is that cruelty free brands must sometimes give up certain ingredients to be able to create their products. despite the fact that they can prove that an ingredient is harmless to health through alternative methods, the results can be refused by reach", explains coline of the blog and why not coline and ambassadrice of the body shop, long-standing brand against any animal experimentation.


Leaping bunny and beauty without bunnies

Logos Cruelty free : Leaping Bunny et Beauty without BunniesIn the late 1990s, interest in non-tested products on animals increased and many cosmetic brands began to propose their own definition of the Cruelty-Free. so that the consumer can find themselves there, several associations for animal protection have gathered to create a well-recognizable charter and logo. the Leaping bunny (crowding rabbit) was born !

Beauty without bunnies is another program for the recognition of Cruelty-Free cosmetics brands. it was set up by the famous peta (people for the ethical treatment of animals).

To have the right to use these logos on their packaging, cosmetic brands must meet certain obvious criteria:

- no product or ingredient that composes it must have been tested on animals.
- the brand must be able to provide an attestation from its suppliers confirming that they do not practice animal experimentation.
- the brand must agree to be controlled at any time by an independent body.


A difference between Cruelty-Free and vegan ?

There's a difference between the Cruelty-Free and the vegan. a product can be Cruelty-Free without being vegan, but the opposite is not possible. without being tested on animals, a beauty product may contain ingredients of animal origin such as beeswax, cochenille red (small caterpillars) or tallowate sodium (ruminant fat).

There is not yet a program of the size of leaping bunny or beauty without bunnies to promote vegan cosmetics, but two labels (certified vegan and vegan society) guarantee cosmetic products formulated without animal ingredients.

Some consumers, even more demanding, do not stop their selection to the cruelty free: they also want to make sure that the products they buy are vegan, that is, free from any animal substance.

If we push the reasoning further, the logic would be to choose untested products on animals that do not contain any ingredients from their operation either. In this case, take a look at the list of ingredients to check that the composition does not include hive products (bee wax, propolis, honey,) carmine, milk, egg, wool, silk, keratin, gelatin. You will see, the list can sometimes be long !