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Questions-Answers on insecticides

Topic: Cabbage bug
Q: i'm looking for concentrated pyrethra to try to fight the cabbage bug in the vegetable garden. in the description of your solution "Insecticide 4j concentrated to dilut" you only talk about the effectiveness of the crawling and flying insects of our homes leaving insects in the garden ?

Insecticide 4j remains a universal insecticide. it can therefore be applied to all insects whether they are outdoors or indoors. If we do not detail its use outside, it is because this product is made of vegetable pyrethra. this active material does not like the heat, nor the direct exposure of the uv. to these conditions, it degrades fairly quickly. However, it is quite possible to use it in a vegetable garden. prefer less hot and less exposed hours to apply. Another thing, the pyrethra, if overdosed may burn the foliage of plants. This is why it is recommended not to exceed 2 to 3% dilution. Don't forget that the insecticide will not make the insect triage. especially with all garden auxiliaries that help regulate pest populations and pollinate your flowers and vegetables.

Topic: Insects xylophages
Q: I just moved into a fully renovated apartment from the floor to the ceiling. in a part of the apartment we have installed laminate flooring.
Since now early May we observe a small pile of sawdust still in the same place. The sawdust is small. Thinking it was dirt, we obviously washed this place but nothing did. after 2-3 days the sawdust reappeared. after research on the internet I turn to a parasite... which doesn't really enchant me. Is there another explanation? If that's the case you advise me? Thank you for your help.

It's very likely that it's a xylophageal insect. small sawdusts are characteristic of the larvae of these insects that dig galleries into the wood.
What's amazing, what you're talking about is a completely remade apartment. especially on the floor with laminate parquet. These insects primarily attack old floors, furniture or carpenters, those whose woods are tender or sick with age.
June me is a period where adults come out of galleries to go reproduce.
If you find sawdust, look closely as it is not uncommon that its compaction in the very superficial galleries splits the residual wood film, hence a revealing flow. Note also that any wood stock, even very localized, is at least suspect, and a survey is required ( knife point, or small screwdriver blade for example).
I invite you to consult our back on insects xylophages. You will find a lot of information, you can also read the detailed sheets of the most common xylophages, but also the products we offer (margosa, insecticide).

Topic: Toxicity
Q: 3 weeks ago, people came to spray a powerful insecticide: basf fendona. it is alpha cypermethrin (insecticide remanent for 6-8 weeks). I'm bitten again by bed bugs and I'd like to spray insecticide on it. Do I risk a toxic chemical reaction? Or can I start my work ?

R: It is difficult to answer without knowing the complete composition of the fendona. cypermethrine is not a problem since it is a pyrethrinoid, synthetic cousin of the Pyrethra, but is there anything else? there is a risk of chemical reaction mainly when you mix a base with acid. It runs out and smokes !
In our 4j insecticide, there is potassium so a base, but we must not forget that even 10% there are 90% water ... so no problem !
In summary, there is no danger but reprocessing with 4j on a surface already treated will erase the product already deposited. It's okay. If you have stinged, it is that either the product that has been used has been ineffective, or the people who have performed the treatment did not properly control the application procedure. In both cases, it is necessary to start again at zero and in the "art rules.".

Topic: Repulsive collar
Q: I bought the anti chip necklace for my cat three months ago and since then, my cat has recovered a beautiful hair, taken short weight. I wondered if the action of the collar could have an effect on his health and not only on the infestation of chips. next to that, it's true that I've been groaning it, but the improvement has already taken place.
i live on a farm, my cat sleeps in the barns, so well infested.
I'm happy but curious to know more. Thank you for your opinion,

R: First, I'm glad the product gave you satisfaction.
I don't think the necklace can be responsible for the beautiful hair that your cat is now. géraniol impregnated on this collar gives a repulsive effect to insects but has no cosmetic property on the animal. As for us humans, the quality of a skin (hair in domestic animals) is very often linked to the diet of the latter.
I have 2 dogs myself, and I have observed a clear difference on the brilliance of their hair after changing their diet.
Just like the repulsive collar, the vermifuge normally has no effect on the quality of the animal's hair.

Topic: Precautions
Q: I have a 18-month-old child, what precautions do I take ?
R: It is best to get the child out of the pieces you treat. Then you have after treatment.

Topic: Disinfect
Q: I come to you because I am looking for a product to disinfect my dog's basket, and the house if one day it is necessary.
R: Concentrated or Vaporizer Disinfectant (see our product category)

Topic: Remanency
Q: How much time after spraying? Do you really need to touch the insect with the product or the fact that it moves into a treated surface is also effective ?
R: It is better that the insect is affected but on a non-absorbent surface such as tile, insecticide retains its properties a few hours.

Topic: Remanency
Q: I just received my insecticide bottle 4j 250 ml, and I did not find on it or on the technical sheet the effectiveness of the product. Could you tell me please (treatment for chips in a garage).
R: Unlike some chemical insecticides, naturals have very little remanence, it depends on the supports and the temperature. they remain active until they are completely evaporated.

Topic: Vacuum spray
Q: Your 1 l vacuum sprayer is currently not available. your new supply is scheduled for what date ?
R: This product is stopped, but you will find it in all gardens or even in large surface possibly .

Topic: Crop
Q: I look for one or more ways to fight pest insects! to replace all synthetic chemicals that are destructive for the biological balance of various artificial and natural ecosystems. But I have a small question: if we can prove that such an active substance has effects on insect populations in the laboratory, in the field, how can we achieve the treatment by these essential oils? is this by spraying or. so we need more of these active principles to achieve our goals (biological lens). therefore the cost of this treatment using aromatic and medicinal plants remains higher! with unreliable results.
R: The treatment of crops is hardly possible with essential oil products, at least for the moment, but there are many other ways to limit parasites in crops. organic farming is good, but biocides report so much to multinational corporations that research does not advance much in the ecological struggle!

Topic: Spot
Q: Does the organic insecticide 4j stain the windows ?
R: It will not leave more trace than water (which contains in a large proportion)

Topic: Repulsive
Q: Living in full wood, I would like to make a natural barrier against a maximum of insects wanting to enter the house in particular huge spiders, flies, ants. Is there a product that I could spread around the house or on the walls to get them away ?
R: In natural no, but in synthesis, you have the gates based on permithrine. otherwise, there are still physical barriers for flying insects, such as mosquito nets.

Topic: Gale
Q: Can you use your adhesive product in bunny to prevent earring? Idem in the dog ?
R: We have no manufacturer's document that allows us to answer yes. gale often causes irritation to see otitis. the adhoc product, by its concentration, may cause pain.

Topic: Bore
Q: Hello, I have for some time been very interested in your products and more generally for ecological products, unfortunately I have seen that you are proposing to the sale of sodium perborate out of this product releases boron, nocif, so I would like to have your point of view on this product, thank you, please accept the expression of my distinguished greetings.
R: Boron is naturally present in the environment: air, water and soil.(It is 0.001% of the earth's crust). It can also be found in very small quantities in groundwater. the concentration of boron introduced into the environment due to human activities is lower than that of boron naturally present. man can be exposed to boron by fruits and vegetables, water, air, consumer products. it can become toxic only in the case of large quantities.

Topic: Vermifuge
Q: Which product to use as "vermifuge".... my 6-month cat (which was wild before I adopted it) has flat worms that I saw in its stools and twice on its hair (round 1.5 cm long dishes).
R: We have vermicroc brand products for cats or dogs. they present themselves in the form of persistent balls to give in food supplement. they are composed of plant extracts (papaye, seed of squash, etc.) that will expel the intestinal parasites of your animals.

Topic: Remanency
Q: I would like to know the effectiveness of contact insecticide 4j
R: This will depend on various parameters such as support, temperature, light, but anyway, natural products are quickly bio-degraded. This insecticide acts immediately and within a few hours of treatment.

Topic: Eggs
Q: Does your insecticide 4j destroy insect eggs ?
R: Yes, if the egg is affected by the product. This product contains potassium soap that will act as an asphyxiant on affected larvae and eggs.

Topic: Tests
Q: I would like to have, if possible, additional information on your repulsive performance tests. I don't understand the name T.E.C., to which laboratory did you call for these tests ?
R: Tec is the name of the laboratory approved by the department to verify the effectiveness of biocides.

Topic: Eggs
Q: I would like to know if your insecticide all insects (4d to 5)% is effective in eradiating the eggs of bed chips, the nymph.
R: We found that all eggs affected by the 4j were destroyed (potassium soap). Attention, we're talking about parquet chips or bed bugs but no bed chips !

Topic: Stores
Q: Question about your insecticide "all insects". is what your products can be on sale in a betting shop? is foodstuffs to be protected?
R: No, the 4j insecticide, whether pure or diluted, is only available on the website. as well as the entire catalogue presented on our internet shop. food must be protected is a product that contains soap !

Topic: Painting
Q: There are insecticides to be incorporated in paint (this is for my ceiling) would you have such a product ?
R: We're not doing this type of product. We usually use bifenthrin. there are also paintings all made.

Topic: Repulsive
Q: I have a four-year-old son; it makes allergic reactions to many things and asthma. also I look for a natural and non-toxic product to vaporize in his room and in the camping tent to fight intrusion of insects
R: Our repulsive flying insects is natural and non-toxic but it is made from essential oils and it is possible that your son react to his composition.

Topic: Protection?
Q: Should a protective mask be put during the spraying of the insecticide for bugs and chips, etc.... thanks to the answer.
R: Regulatory precautions require us to report it, but it is not necessarily necessary. you can only have good air during and after treatment.

Topic: Painting
Q: Hello, I'm looking for an insecticide that I can put in the paint for the ceilings as well as for the woodwork because I'm overwhelmed with flies because there's a bunny farm near my house. I live in the country.
R: You need a long-term insecticide bifentrine or permithrine type. These are synthetic products that we do not.

Topic: Concentration
Q: To which concentration treat a parquet against worms with your insecticide and how ?
R: It depends on the target you want to deal with. The concentration used in general is 5%. This allows to cover the majority of insects. The easiest is to wash the parquet with insecticide. This will allow the product to return to the wood holes.

Topic: Stores
Q: I'd like to buy the 4j insecticide. Do you have a dealer on bets, if you can't give me your address so I can send you a check. Please give me your rates + how is this insecticide present ?
R: Currently our insecticides are only sold on our website. You will find all our rates. You can set your order either by cheque or by cb, or by bank transfer. our insecticide is either ready to use, or pure, to dilute yourself with water.

Topic: Bleach
Q: Can we add bleach as bactericidal in insecticide dilution ?
R: I don't think so. bleach is not only a bactericidal but also a solvent. it may dissolve the oils contained in the insecticide. Moreover, I have no document on the minimum concentration to be used to get this bactericidal function. Care must be taken, bleach is dangerous for health but also for the environment. in contact with organic matter, it turns into chlorinated organo .

Topic: Harmless
Q: I would like to know if your 4j insecticide is really harmless and if you can use it on children's clothing (in wardrobes). Wishing you good reception, thank you for answering me quickly.
R: It is totally harmless (confirmed by the many tests during safety tests) since this insecticide is also used in anti-poux shampoo and treatment of domestic animals.

Topic: Adhoc
Q: I am interested in your adhoc repulsive product for horses, dogs and cats. I have 10 horses, 2 dogs, 2 cats and I would like to know if this product is in larger quantity and at what price?
R: Currently, le manufacturer produces only 1 litre packaging. Do not hesitate to get closer to us so that we study a personalized request.

Topic: Canaris
Q: I would like to know if we can use the vegetal pyrethre for birds(canaris) well on and at what dose ?
R: It depends on the concentration, the pyre being an irritant of the skin and the respiratory tract, do not treat your head but only the plumage.

Q: Being satisfied with your 4j insecticide against green bugs, I am eager to know if you have a product fighting against cicadelles. produced with rapeseed oil and black soap, to be applied in winter or spring treatment.
R: We only sell domestic products and not for the garden.

Q: Product 4j also acts on the following days ?
R: Natural pyrethra has little remanence. For this, you need products containing piperonyl butoxide (pbo) that slows down the destruction by the light of the active material. However, this material is toxic to health! We have a special file on this. Do not hesitate to consult him.

Q: In the case of spraying your product 4j in the morning, can we sleep in the room in the evening without worry ?
R: yes, no worries

Q: Could you confirm that insecticide 4j is usable in the nest boxes? Is there a special precaution to take before the animal returns (cleaning, delays, ...)?
R: 4j is only dangerous for cold-blooded animals, so safe for mammals. the pyrethra is rapidly degraded by light. a few hours after application, it is already degraded.

Q: i'm looking for a dog repulsive, do you have this type of product to offer me ?
R: Yes, please consult our repulsive section. we released a few times different products to distance cats or dogs from indoor or outdoor spaces.

Q: I don't understand too much the interest of this product (insecticide 4j), in fact, if you have to spray directly on the flies it's no use!!!! the windows are in a lamentable state and the product is no longer effective after a few minutes!!!! I used the front insect dam and it was really effective for several months (fly every night at the bottom of the windows) or I didn’t understand the principle, or the product is worthless!
R: As indicated in our special fly-related file, our insecticide is intended to treat infested areas and not a fly. for that, you have the aerosol Ecodoo, it is also indicated that insecticides of natural origin are rapidly biodegradable which means that they have no remanence but that also means that they are not dangerous! our insecticide is mainly used to treat insect invasions in a house such as flea, bugs, etc. or outside with excellent results and especially safe for babies, children, cats. which is not the case of non-natural products! tell me about the insect dam that is probably based on synthetic pyrethroid (cypermethrine). If it lasts several months, there must be in addition to the pbo. we have a fairly detailed file on the piperonyl butoxide (pbo). to read and meditate!!!! if it is right continue to buy insect barrier but you will not find equivalent in natural. You have to choose !

Q: is the concentrated 4j insecticide powder or liquid? Can it be sprayed on plants?
R: Liquid yes, but in a low concentration. 1.5% maximum, otherwise you may burn the foliage of your plants.

Q: Hello, I’d like to know if you’re bringing ‘insecticide’ (against bugs) to the Mauritanian island. if so, can give me the address if possible.
R: We have no distributor of our products. they are on sale only on our website.

Q: Impossible to put adhoc spray in fog position... is there something? I would like to be able to use it on animals... that's why I bought it!
R: The setting is not the green thumbwheel the product being relatively thick I don't think you'll get a fog. margosa is a product that thickens with cold. heat your product, it should be more fluid but be careful not to exceed 40°C.

Q: I like your site a lot, but I would like to know if there is a possibility to pay in several monthly payments or to have a discount, because it would make me very expensive, because I have several products that I would like to buy you, for information I have a house of 250 m2, I have 13 horses, 1 donkey, 7 dogs, 2 cats, 1 goat, 1 rabbit, 1 squirrel ps: I have friends who are great international riders and who loves everything that is organic, so I could make pubs for you if you agree, they also are many animals.
R: Remember that you can benefit from 5% discount with our welcome offer. This will allow you to reduce the rating. for payment, what we propose is the settlement with several cheques that we put in bank on the dates desired by the customer.

Q: As you asked me, I'll send you this email. I phoned you to have your expert opinion on the 2 natural products to fight against creeping insects (providers and cockroaches) by the silica amorphe sio2 or the creeping insect powder amorphe amorphe thistom mn51 or other products, I used those sold in large surface, bombs, traps, kapo, baygon and raid (the last 2 drops in aerosol bomb) that you advise me to buy you, knowing that usually I use this tiled bathroom and worm so space suitable to be little or wet? I had until last Saturday, succeeded in refluencing them. but Sunday night my bathtub was filled with it and it continues and threatens the surrounding rooms where there is carpet.
R: As I told you on the phone, all crawling insects are sensitive to diatomy land (provided, cockroaches or other). but to be effective, it must be put in a place where you do not walk on it and where it is not wet (under a bathtub can be a solution if this place remains dry). you will find in our product category "insecticides and repellents." for ants, spinosad products are effective but they must be patient. at least 15 days with continuous product. You will find it easily on our site. but this product does not work on the cockroach. for cockroaches, traps and granules are a solution but in the long term also. in immediate destruction, our pestal product is radical. But it does not prevent them from coming back later.

Q: I'd like to know if your kieselghur can be seen oral to dogs? Some kinds of kieselghur are good for the skin and hair of dogs.
R: According to the manufacturer's technical data sheet, the earth of diatoma that we market is the cetom grade mn51 and not the afa mn51.
- one is for natural insecticide use (MN51) : kills insects and slugs by dehydration by damaging their skeletons by absorption of protective waxes. is used in gardens, houses, vegetable gardens, barns, stables, livestock boxes. use also in dry shampoo by sprinkling on the coat of animals to control chips and ticks. dosage 100%
- the other (AFA MN 51) can be used for feed animal grade food codex. recognized as technical additive e551c. naturally contains many nutrients such as iron, calcium, magnesium beneficial to animal health. embellishes the coat and improves the condition of the sabots. reduces overall animal stress , dosage 2.%.
It is probably the same product but the grade is different, for different use and dosage. We have several customers who use it without problems in the chicken nest boxes, especially against the red poultry.

Q: I spent a little while ago, an order of brand food anti-mite products Kapo. has the opening of the package; I am surprised that these two articles are perished as evidenced by the two photos attached. I doubt their full effectiveness. So I'm waiting for you to come back to fix this problem.
R: That is correct, on the tab, it is indicated the date of manufacture. but take a few seconds to read the back of the box in the paragraph "date of redemption" !

Q: Is there a product more concentrated than your 4j insecticide diluted to 10% ?
R: On loan to employment, no. on the other hand, nothing prevents you from taking pure 4j insecticide and diluting it yourself. This allows you to make your own concentration.

Q: I wish to order you but I can't find the reference of the natural pyrethra, but I need it in organic, please give me the reference, the pyrethre usable in organic farming, and the quantities you have.
R: We do not sell pure pyrethra and I am not sure that you find it in the trade in liquid form, can be in powder form. we only sell a pyrethre-based preparation and potassium soap that you find on our site under the name of 4j concentrated.

Q: My mattress is laid on the carpet, after 20 days of absence I found a multitude of "redish skulls" of the size of a grain of wheat some were full of whiteish juice, sticking, in others a worm formed. What is it? How to treat ?
R: If they are really crottes, given the size, they are not insects but rather mammals! Now, if they're eggs (towards) I don't see what insect. If you are in france, most insects lay eggs a few mm.

Q: I would like to order your concentrated 4j insecticide at 10% (special trip) I can't reach you by phone. If I send you a check when would I be delivered? on the other hand you say that you keep this product fresh and that it goes on hiking: will it be effective, sometimes hot?
R: For payment by cheque, we ship the goods from the moment we receive the cheque. the heat but mainly the sun degrades the pyrethra but over a few weeks it is not a problem. Keep it in a bag in the shade.

Q: Regularly, I find on the tiled floor or on the laminate of our rooms small animals of 1 cm long maximum with 2 antennae and about 12 legs (7 on each side) with a brown shell which animal is this? How do you end it? Beasts present more in the spring.
R: I don't know because by definition the insects have 3 pairs of legs apart from the scolopendre that has a lot of them (more than 12 ). It can be a caterpillar like that of the anthrene !

Topic: Towards
Q: I have just discovered worms of a brown colour fended (almost 5mm black) in the boards of my bed, knowing that these boards are made of untreated white wood I found 5 worms. on the boards there are holes of about 1mm diameters piercing the board from end to end there are also dug lines of a dark color. I looked on the net I found nothing on this species how to treat it should I worry? Please note: the rest of the bed in red wood is not touched-up to the bed.
R: Hole of 1mn and lines dug it resembles the vrillette that comes out of the wood in mid-June but the worm does not match since the vrillette makes larvae of whiteish color and not worms, on the other hand the vrillette only attacks the foliage and not the exotic wood.

Topic: Notonectes
Q: Is there a solution to eliminate notonects in the pools ?
R: No idea, but I know we have nothing in our products to offer.

Topic: Halictus rubicundus
Q: A colony of rubicundus or tumulorum halictus is invading the lauze pavement of my house and making considerable terraces. 1 - Is that what I can destroy them, knowing that bees are protected and that the halictus seems to be part of the "single bees"? 2 - if so, can I use your diluted insecticide to 1%? 3 - if not, is an insect barrier sufficient ?
R: It seems to me that the halictus is not part of the protected insects. I don't know if 1% is enough to kill that kind of bug. the barrier is hardly usable outside, it is quickly destroyed by the sun.

Q: Small, very small because they are difficult to see with the eyes but when they leave the fruit and fly, we see them well, as a black point with wings and looking at the fruit it is piqué and eaten by small end. What, call these insects, who are in our home ?
R: Many insects attack the fruits to take the sugar but small, which fly and in a house. You can think of the fruit fly. We have a special file dedicated to this insect, do not hesitate to consult it.

Q: I would like to have information if you please on an insect that is hard to see in the naked eye. it must measure almost 5mm and above all is drawn to the white color I have masses on the edges of my windows, a true infection and not to arrange my 2-year-old son is allergic to it. I would like to have the identity of these insects and if possible have a solution to eradicate them.
R: It is impossible to answer without more information, 5 mm it is already a big insect; If you had a picture it would be a plus.

Q: i saw that he had wings and he has 5 or 6 mm. by doing research I thought to trogoderm of the family seed of the dermestidae or beetles has an attagenus which products you have for this ?
R: All our insecticides kill all insects, the problem is to know how and where to treat. He needs to know where he lives, where he feeds, where he reproduces. If it's a dermeste, you have to treat your closets accordingly. We have a special file on this insect. Do not hesitate to consult him.

Q: I have heard of the earth of diatomy and I ask your opinion: this is an apartment of about 70m2; at this moment there are large beasts that resemble thousand paws; If that's it, they say it eats insects, but insects I don't see. Yet at home is clean; on the other hand, the walls and the ceiling are covered with burglars, which makes a lot of wood. I look for an effective product, only here I have two little pussy and I fear for their health. Is diatomy earth effective for my problem and especially safe for cats? Thank you for your answer; Your site seems serious.
R: I guess you're talking about scutigère. in france, it is small and not dangerous but in tropical countries, it can be much larger and poisonous. diatomy soil is effective for all crawling insects but it must be available in the right place, either to create a barrier or to kill them. She's safe for cats, we can sprinkle them with to kill chips. on our website you will find the technical sheet of the diatomy soil of our supplier.

Q: We would like to have the insect analyzed that invaded us by the outside, so it jumps so we think of the chip since it attacks our poor matou but it has antennae, it is rather long a lot of legs, it goes out at night, it seems to love the water of the cat but also its meal. We are intrigued because the chip as it is presented has no antenna.... Moreover these insects are very sensitive to light and movements. 2 years ago we deal with your products, there are calm periods and then new invasions. Every night I kill 50 with a device from our invention in addition to your products. these insects come from outside and pass through the mini spaces under the windows doors also we treat the outside with 10% 4j. This is really very expensive for us and I'm so panicked about this invasion while I'm a lodge fairy. Help me !
R: 1,000 insect species are currently listed in the world, and our small entomology guide describes 2000 when you want to be helped, you will need to be a little more explicit! I remind you, except for a few special cases all insects have 3 pairs of legs. in these particular cases, there are myriapods such as scutigère. the whole family of the cloports, the whole group of arachnides,. with antennae and a lot of legs, it can also be an insect larva but I don't think that a larva jumps!!! then it looks like what your little beasts?

Q: i've got psoques only on the black trash, put your product on the whole surface to be treated and i still have psoques.
R: The bomb Ecodoo is mainly intended to treat ambient air but not specially surfaces. its action is immediate by killing insects that are vaporized but without remanence; A bug that passes five minutes after will not be embarrassed. For surfaces it is better to use an insecticide such as our paraffine-based pistal product or potassium-based penntybio 4j insecticide. Now, if you have psoques only on the trash, you should find where they come from and treat the places where they live and reproduce. Of course, start with the garbage after you vehement, washed and disinfected.

Q: Hello, and thank you in advance if you can advise us before order on which product spray against the gale. Well cordially.
R: If it's for an animal, for the gale, I invite you to read our special file on this insect. for the product, the adhoc spray is very effective. You will find it easily on our site. if it is for man to see on the side of neem oil or essential as tea tree or clove

Q: Could you tell me the insecticide to use to eradicate scleroderm ?
R: As indicated in our special dossier on the sclerodem, we must find the origin of their presence. to treat, you can use as for bed bugs, insecticide 4j to 5 or 10. %.

Q: Ask: I think I have scleroderms in my bed. 1- what product to disinfect: mattresses, bedding, 2- at what temperature to wash clothes and what product to disinfect them, 3- what product to eradicate vrillettes in a waxed pine furniture 4-time delivery after sending cheque?
R: As for the bed bug, it is indicated ". wash at 60°C min everything that can be washed, for what can not be washed at 60°C, you have the solution either of the drying or of the well-tight trash bag where you will spray aerosol Ecodoo(lease act at least one 1/2h). a waxed furniture cannot be processed since the wax prevents the product from entering. or it is necessary to treat by the non-target interior (bombe Ecodoo), or treat to the syringe each bolt hole. departure the day after receipt of the cheque

Topic: Scolopendre
Q: I work in a company area in the middle of nature in the var (castellet plateau). our buildings are placed on the floor, and our whole company is on the ground floor. spring arrives, with its good... and bad surprises... the bad today was the presence of a scolopener in the office that I share with a colleague. has what I was told, there is a lot of this season. Also, I wish you to tell me what the exact product I have to choose in your shop window to avoid the presence of this kind of bebeast!! Of course, we have the visit of many other insects...provided, wasps, etc..
R: For this type of insect we have nothing to offer you, see rather the "barrière insect" coast which will be more suitable to eliminate the scolopener.

Q: What product to eliminate scolopendre without harming cats and dogs? we live in a tropical country where to find your products ?
R: I will not be able to help you, already because our products are only sold on our site and that we have never tested our products on scolopends that can be huge in tropical countries !

Q: Hello, I read that the earth of diatomy could fight the otters that pose many worries in the garden. We're getting stinged and it's worse for our dog. Do you have a return of experience? What would be the treatment method to treat about 600m2? (quantity, product to choose, vaporization mode etc. thanks

R: Hello, every year, warmth is the same thing. the Augustats are out and it is very difficult to escape. for outdoors, you can treat with our insecticide 4j by diluting it to 1.5% - 2.% make the dilution in a garden type sprayer and above all apply the solution to the less hot and less exposed hours of the day (only at the end of the day). the rapidly losing pyrethre of its properties under the action of uv or heat. Augustats are mainly found in shaded and humid areas, near water but you will only kill larvae that are not buried in the soil.

At the level of body protection, for the animal, I am not sure that the products intended for chips and ticks are effective. for you, products based on pmd (eucalyptus citriodora) are effective on sugar insects. our bodily lotion Penntybio contains this substance and will repel the augusta attacks.

As for the diatomy land you are citing, it is effective on all insects but its use in a garden is complicated. as soon as she humidifies her properties are no longer active (hot, morning dew, etc.). As soon as she gets dry again, she regains her properties.

Q: Hello. I think I've got the gale on my sheep. I would like to know if you can offer me a product to fight against ? in advance thank you.

R: For the treatment of the gale, our insect repellent adhoc will yield good results. Even if the product's visual shows a horse, it is a product that has been tested on flat fly, gale, tick and red pouch. We have a lot of customers who use it on their horse, pony, hen, sheep, pig, etc. this product contains margosa extract and a synergy of essential oils allowing a strong repulsivity and a removal of the insect sucker. this product exists either in form liquid and sprayable, either in gel form for application on more delicate parts of the animal (fourreau, anus, vulve, mammals, ear interior, lip and nasals)
To find the tests on this product, you can follow this link.