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What is Ecogarantie® ?

Ecogarantie® is an international trademark applicable to ecological products. If you choose items bearing the Ecogarantie® label, you opt for quality and durability. Ecogarantie® has developed guidelines for cosmetics, personal care products, cleaning products and salt. consumers may be certain that products bearing the Ecogarantie® label meet the strictest quality, safety and sustainability requirements.


While the Ecogarantie® label is used for many ecological products, whether or not their raw materials are derived from agriculture, the products bearing the biogarantie label are those whose raw materials come exclusively from agricultureorganic farming. raw materials such as minerals and gases are subject to strict requirements. products of animal origin are only allowed in limited quantities. processes that can be used to transform raw materials must be environmentally responsible.


Standards for the production of ecological articles have been set in collaboration with companies and consumer groups from different sectors. these standards are transcribed in the Ecogarantie® specifications. these standards are subject to change based on research and development progress. a wide range of products are already controlled by independent monitoring bodies.


How does it work ?

Fonctionnement du label EcogarantieA European regulatory base forms the basis on which the production of any product is based. in the non-food sector, each product category, i.e. cosmetics, cleaning and laundry products, painting, textiles, as well as mood refreshers, must, first of all, respond to the regulations in force for each product.

The non-food sector also offers ranges of products whose ingredients are derived from organic farming, and which have been controlled by one of the certification bodies approved by the public authorities.

Indeed, European regulation bio certifies the ingredients, of both plant and animal origin, derived from organic farming and used in the composition of these products. However, this regulation does not cover the certification of non-food finished products composed of these organic ingredients. If the organic regulation only covers the food, it is not, therefore, that one cannot find its principles in the non-food industry.

As a reminder, the ingredients derived from organic farming meet the requirements of the European regulations on the production and labelling of organic products (this 834/2007) and its terms of application (this 889/2008), and impose very specific rules, including:

- animal well-being (density, natural lighting, outdoor path,),
- cultural practices (use of mechanical methods, fertilization by ancestral mode, natural means of struggle) and
- processing of products (restricted positive list of additives and technological aids, use of processing processes that ensure the maintenance of the integrity and essential qualities of the product such as mechanical, physical processes).


According to the European organic regulation, “ organic production is a global system of agricultural management and food production that combines best environmental practices, a high degree of biodiversity, the preservation of natural resources, the application of high standards of animal well-being and a method of production that respects the preference of certain consumers for products obtained through natural substances and processes. »


Based on the same principles as the European organic regulation, i.e. to produce a variety of non-food products by the use of ingredients and processes that do not harm the environment, human health, plant health or animal health, and that rely on standards controlled by independent and accredited control bodies, private specifications can offer you guarantees on environmental commitments.

Thanks to these labels, including the Ecogarantie® label, you can have the certainty that your non-food products meet your expectations with respect to the environment as a whole, including your own well-being.


Ecogarantie® commitments ?

The specifications developed by Ecogarantie® are based on:

- the principles of sustainability,
- respect for the fragile balance between plants, animals and humans,
- consumer expectations.

As a result, Ecogarantie® ingredients and processing methods must meet a number of criteria.



Sustainability takes into account social, economic and ecological aspects. This is why, while producing ecologically, the company:
- must respect human rights and adopt ethical behaviour,
- apply a fair price policy,
- be attentive to the origin of the ingredients and the renewable nature of the raw materials.

Production must respect human rights or be linked to social justice. any company that employs more than 10 people must have a social justice policy. This will ensure equal rights and fair treatment for all employees, without discriminating them on the basis of age, sex, origin, religious convictions or sexual orientation.

Each company must be profitable. fair prices must be paid to suppliers and offered to consumers.


Environmental impacts must be as limited as possible.
- organically grown, if possible,
- no tests on the animals of the finished product,
- raw materials and renewable packaging materials to the maximum,
- origin of ingredients subject to processes used,
- no halogen chemistry,
- no ogm or ogm techniques in the production chain,
- no or a limited quantity of cov (volatile organic compounds,),
- low energy impact during production,
- a minimum of waste when supplying raw materials,
- high level of recycling,
- low emissions,
- reasoned transport.


Ecogarantie® products must observe Belgian and European legislation on product safety. This results, for example, in the obligation of each company to take a minimum of precautions regarding traceability.

Minimal environmental impact

Ecogarantie® products must have minimal environmental impact. This results in, for example, low aquatic life toxicity, good biodegradability both in anaerobic and aerobic and a limited amount of harmful minerals.


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